Professional Growth and Evaluation Cycle Steps

Self-Assessment & Professional Growth Plan (October 15th Deadline)

·  Administrator completes self-assessment, identifying at least two areas for growth.

·  Meets with Superintendent or Designee to review self-assessment and professional growth plan for individual professional performance and school improvement based upon a review of student achievement.

Observations, Portfolio of Artifacts & 360º Review (May 15th Deadline)

·  Superintendent conducts 2-3 announced and 2-3 unannounced observations with timely feedback (verbal or written) to administrator.

Announced Observations / Unannounced Observations
a.  Back-to-School
b.  Parent Group Meeting
c.  School Visits
d.  Graduation or other planned event / a.  Inservice/Prof’l Dev. Days
b.  Faculty Meetings
c.  Periodic visits to schools
d.  Inservice/Prof’l Dev. Days
e.  Periodic visits to schools
e.  Back-to-School
f.  Parent Group Meeting
g.  Joint observation of
h.  classrooms and instructional conferencing
i.  Graduation or other planned event
j.  Kindergarten Round-up
k.  Back-to-School
l.  Parent Group Meeting
m.  Visits to school
n.  Graduation or other planned event
o.  IEP Meetings / f.  Faculty Meetings
g.  Periodic visits to schools
h.  PLC
i.  Inservice/Prof’l Dev. Days
j.  Faculty Meetings
k.  Periodic visits to schools
l.  Principals facilitating data teams, PLCs, teaching adults
m.  Inservice/Prof’l Dev. Days
n.  Faculty Meetings

·  Administrator gathers artifacts related to growth plan. Artifacts may include:

1.  Survey feedback from staff

2.  Survey feedback from parents by year 2 or 3 of probationary period

3.  School newsletters/websites

4.  School achievement data

5.  School behavioral data

6.  Agendas from Back-to-School Night, faculty meetings, inservices, and professional development activities

7.  Written licensed/classified staff evaluations

8.  Budgets

·  360º review administered to staff. Staff will be surveyed during February-May based upon a district bank of questions that are in this handbook. The administrator will receive feedback by May 1st. The purpose of the feedback is to inform the goal setting process for continuous improvement.

Self-Reflection & Summative Evaluation (June 30th Deadline)

·  Administrator completes self-assessment prior to evaluation meeting.

·  Prepares artifacts to demonstrate growth towards professional goals.

·  Superintendent or Designee meets with administrator to review self-assessments and professional artifacts.

·  Summative evaluation completed in discussion with administrator.

Oregon City School District Administrative PG&E 2012-13 5

Oregon City School District Differentiated Supervision Cycle - Administrator

Supervision Plan
(Probationary and Temporary) / Supported Supervision Plan
(Contract Status) / Independent Supervision Plan
(Contract Status)
Definition / Administrators who are new to the profession and/or new to the OCSD are on a three-year probationary period. This initial supervision plan is also for Administrators on a temporary contract with the district. The primary goal for this supervision plan is to offer the Administrator more support during the probationary time. / Administrators on this supervision plan are contract status Administrators who haven’t reached the proficient level in all domains. Administrator’s performance is progressing. Additional growth is targeted for some or a few of the elements in the domains and the supervisor is ready to identify one area for self-directed professional growth. / Administrator performance in all domains is proficient. With support from supervisors, administrator designs and executes an independent program for professional growth that aligns with their self-assessment, goals and provides opportunities for analysis and reflection.
Cycle / One year / One year / Two year
Self-Assessment Using the Standards for Teaching Rubric / Annually at beginning of cycle. Completed using the district’s Standards for Administrators Rubric. / Annually at beginning of cycle. Completed using the district’s Standards for Administrators Rubric. / Completed at beginning of cycle using the district’s Standards for Administrator Rubric.
Developed by Oct. 15 of each year / Selected and guided by supervisor. Write at least two student learning and growth goals following the SMART format. / Mutually developed by Administrator and supervisor. Write at least two student learning and growth goals following the SMART format. / Selected by Administrator and approved by supervisor. Write at least two student learning and growth goals following the SMART format.
Professional Growth Plan
Developed by Oct. 15 of each cycle / Written every year based on at least one professional growth goal to address individual professional practice and school improvement goals based upon a review of student achievement. / Written every year based on at least one professional growth goal to address individual professional practice or an area of improvement based upon the domains that are not yet proficient. / Written the first year and reviewed the second year of the cycle, at least one professional growth goal to address individual professional practice and school improvement goals based upon a review of student achievement.
Self-Reflection on PGP & Goals
Due 5/15 / Annually in the spring as a way to reflect on progress and/or achievement of PGP and goals. / Annually in the spring as a way to reflect on progress and/or achievement of PGP and goals. / Annually in the spring as a way to reflect on progress and/or achievement of PGP and goals.
Observations / A minimum of 6 mini-observations over the year.
2 by December 15
2 by March 1
2 by May 15
Formal observation as requested by supervisor and /or Administrator in addition to mini-observations.
*Dates are guidelines to ensure observations are spread throughout the school year. / Minimum of 6 mini-observations over the year.
2 by December 15
2 by March 1
2 by May 15
Formal observation as requested by supervisor and /or Administrator in addition to mini-observations.
*Dates are guidelines to ensure observations are spread throughout the school year. / A minimum of 3 mini-observations to be completed each year. A peer may complete one of those observations each year of the cycle. A supervisor will complete all other observations.
1 by December 15
1 by March 15
1 by May 15
Formal observation as requested by supervisor and /or administrator in addition to mini-observations.
*Dates are guidelines to ensure observations are spread throughout the school year.

Oregon City School District Administrative PG&E 2012-13 5

Checkpoints / October 15
·  Administrator submits Self-Assessment Form
·  Administrator submits PGP
November 1
·  Administrator meets with supervisor to discuss Self-Assessment and PGP
February 15
·  Mid-Year formative assessment
·  Supervisor completes mini-observations
·  Administrator receives feedback from mini-observations
·  Feedback from at least two of the mini-observations will be face to face
May 15
·  Administrator submits Self-Reflection on PGP
June 15
·  Administrator receives Summative Evaluation from administrator / October 15
·  Administrator submits Self-Assessment Form
·  Administrator submits PGP
November 1
·  Administrator meets with supervisor to discuss Self-Assessment and PGP
February 15
·  Mid-Year formative assessment
·  Supervisor completes mini-observations
·  Administrator receives feedback from mini-observations
·  Feedback from at least two of the mini-observations will be face to face
May 15
·  Administrator submits Self-Reflection on PGP
June 15
·  Administrator receives Summative Evaluation from supervisor / October 15
·  administrator submits Self-Assessment Form
(Only first year of cycle)
·  administrator submits PGP (Annually)
November 1
·  Administrator meets with supervisor to discuss Self-Assessment and PGP
February 15
·  Mid-Year formative assessment
·  Supervisor completes mini-observations
·  Supervisor receives feedback from mini-observations
·  Feedback from at least two of the mini-observations will be face to face
May 15
·  Administrator submits Self-Reflection on PGP
June 15
·  Administrator receives Summative Evaluation from supervisor

Oregon City School District Administrative PG&E 2012-13 5

Oregon City School District Administrative PG&E 2012-13 5

Oregon City School District Administrative PG&E 2012-13 5