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This work enables communicators of all kinds to think quickly, even in pressurised situations. It introduces communication techniques first used in the world of improvisational theatre, and presents the basic skills needed to incorporate improvisational thinking and speaking into presentations. / Online Price:$32.95
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ISBN: 0787951420
Format: Paperback
Number of pages: 208
Author: Lowe, Robert
Imprint: Jossey Bass Wiley
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Date Published:15/10/2000

Available Angus & Robertson

ISBN / 1877260754
Format / Paperback
Category / Education - Teachers' Reference

Available Dymocks

Improvisation for the Theatre
Edition : 3rd ed
Format : Paperback
ISBN : 081014008X
Publisher : Northwestern University Press
Publication Date (AUS):August1999
Pages : 416
Imprint : Northwestern University
Usually ships within 24 hours / Web Price AUD$38.00
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This work has inspired the work of countless actors, directors, and writers in theatre, television and film. Spolin's improvisational techniques have changed the very nature and practice of modern theatre. This third edition updates the more than 200 now-classic exercises and adds 30 new ones. It adds 30 traditional theatre games that are frequently used as warm-ups. It includes Spolin's explanations of key concepts crucial to her programme, and collects "The Sayings of Viola Spolin" and adds a glossary of phrases for teachers and directors, with Spolin's definitions of their meaning and value. Most significantly, though, this edition makes available "The Lone Actor". In this section, Spolin offers games for individuals to play when they are alone. It is an important piece that should expand Spolin's teachings and influence to an entirely new audience.

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