25th September2017
In Nursery this week we are thinking about:
In Nursery we will: / This will help your child to:Listen to the story of the Wise and Foolish Man / Listen to stories with increasing attention and recall; hear a simple Bible story
Look at different sorts of houses / Notice detailed features of objects; show interest in different occupations and ways of life
Join in Write Dance pre-writing movement and music with ribbons / Draw lines and circles using gross motor movements; imitate movement to music
Build a den / build houses using different resources / Use various construction materials
Walk around Kings Heath to look at the different buildings and talk about places in our community / Comment and ask questions about aspects of their familiar world
Make a house picture using shapes / Use shapes appropriately for a task; show awareness of similarities of shapes in the environment
Move to different music / Move freely and with pleasure and confidence in a range of ways
Match letters to the correct house number; write and decorate their own house number / Show interest in representing numbers; match numerals; show an interest in numbers in the environment
At home you could…
Teach your child their address.Talk to your child about where they live. What sort of building is it? A block of flats? A detached house / semi-detached / terraced house? Notice similarities and differences between your home and your neighbours’.
Notice different buildings in the local environment – houses, shops, offices, churches. Notice any special features the buildings have e.g. church spire, shop windows etc.
Look for different shapes in the buildings you observe, e.g. rectangles and squares will be most obvious. Do any of the buildings have other shapes – circles, ovals, triangles?What shapes do you find when you look at your own home?
Draw or collage a picture of your own home together. Talk about the shapes you need. Remember to add your house or flat number to the front door.
Talk about where other members of your family live. Do they have similar homes to yours, or something different? Do you know anyone who lives in a special type of home, e.g. a caravan / mobile home or on a houseboat?
Use blankets, duvets and other household items to build a den. Sit in the den together to share a picnic or a story.