Topic: Mitosis[1] (The following is a mix of “objectives” and “learning activities”. I do NOT use all of these but I want the aarows in my quiver. I do try to use these to write exam questions.
Bloom’s Taxonomy / Deeper Learning Principles
Factual / Conceptual / Procedural / Metacognitive
Remember / Steps of mitosis / Processes that are unique to mitosis / Identification of generic steps of mitosis / Record steps in the way that you can best remember mitosis / Active / Develop a mitosis pathway for a new species (?)
Understand / steps / Compare process to binary fission
Compare process to cancer / Draw flow chart of steps / Identify another processes that you have used similar to this one / Social / Design a new drug that will regulate mitosis
Apply / Apply the mitotic pathway to cancer cells / Apply mitotic pathway to binary fission / Test flow chart of steps by appliying it to xxxx. / Decide whether following steps is helpful to you during x assignment / Contextual / Identify the processes and key steps upon which a regulatory drug can work
Analyze / Compare regular mitosis to cancer mitosis / Compare cancer mitosis to mitosis of new species / Identify major steps and sub-steps and illustrate / Identify how your steps broke down or where they helped / Engaged
Evaluate / Explain what would happened if there was an error in mitosis / Identify other cell divisions that are a product of mitosis / Evaluate the helpfulness of the your steps / Ownership
Create / Create a new type of mitosis (?) / Create a new set of steps that you can use to

Learning outcomes

Remember steps of mitosis

Compare mitosis in eukaryotes to bacterial cell division

Predict which steps in mitosis are most likely to be regulated

Place mitosis in context of the cell cycle

Compare normally functioning mitosis and cancer mitosis.

Design a “drug” that would affect uncontrolled mitosis (cancer).

Desing a pneumonic for mitosis

Draw flowchart of mitosis and flowchart of uncontrolled mitosis (cancer)

Related mitosis to natural selection

Criteria for demonstrating understanding:

Students can list the phases of mitosis

Students can follow the chromosomes during mitosis

Students can tell how many sets of chromosomes are present in each phase of mitosis

Students can draw a ven diagram of eukaryotic and binary fission

Students can predict where particular drugs will affect the cell cycle/mitosis

Students can predict how errors in mitosis will affect the outcome

Known misconceptions

Deep approach: How many people have been touched by cancer in their lives?

Wonder why it is so difficult to treat? Why isn’t there a magic drug? Why is chemo and radiation so hard on people.

We need to go back a bit- to the firs protists to understand what is happening.

Activities: Compare Contrast Mitosis and binary fission- link to phylogeny thru convergent/descent with modification (homologous/analogous traits).

Activites: How does chemotherapy work

Activities: Unit_Two_PracticingBio_IG
