Senator Barbara BoxerMr. Robin J. Rustan

H. O. B #112PO Box 668

WashingtonD.C.20510-0505Sunset Beach, Cal90742

Voice for Veterans Services

The Honorable Senator Boxer,October 9, 2003

I appreciate all that you have done in regards to making this recent inquiry complete as far as getting a response from Darnell Army Hospital September 17th 2003 This letter shows the Abuse of Powers to cover up all wrong doing with false statements regarding real proof submitted.

No surprise as malpractice is still on-going and will always continue in military hospitals unless we have your total support on changing what is wrong. I will prepare an electronic petition on behalf of disabled soldiers everywhere that have to live with the pain of malpractice for life because Duty of Care was never there and this is why I bring your attention to the Golden Rule Sign. Here is a promise in writing to each and every soldier. Lets make them Walk the Walk and be accountable for all malpractice as each and every soldier was in fact promised the best possible medical care in there time of need.

Presently there are 2 types of medical care in the Armed Services. Those that are Officers and their dependents have Perfect Medical Care. Everyone else has none.

Those that are enlisted receive NO medical care as we are sent to war too often with radical injuries as I personally was a victim of malpractice. I want you to look at the reality of this problem soldiers have with military hospitals. I was not neurologically intact. I am 100% disabled today because of my injuries mentally and physically.

When I was a civilian I had all of these medical rights because that what our society does but when you’re drafted into the military the Federal Torts Claims Act bans soldiers other than Officers and their dependents from the right to sue Government Hospitals in the case of military malpractice and negligence.

I would like you to Sponsor a Bill that would guarantee soldiers the same medical care that Officers and their dependents receive. Modify the Federal Claims Torts Act to Include All that Serve will have the same rights to sue Government Hospitals for military malpractice and negligence. No soldier will be bared from his medical rights especially when Duty of Care is promised to each and every soldier on the first day of induction.

I appreciate a phone interview as soon as possible so we can discuss this direction of legislation. I would like you to reply to the questions in this letter. Will there be support for our disabled soldiers in regards to medical malpractice problems that occur on a day to day basis while serving our Country. When it comes to medical care we expect the best nothing less and because of this we really need your ultimate support.

A second medical advice from any civilian doctors should also be allowed to each and every soldier as input before surgery. Their advice should stand strong in the medical reports and not be ignored such in my case in 1969.

I await your response on which direction you will consider in regards to medical care for our soldiers. Will you sponsor a bill that will protect our solders from military malpractice and negligence?

Mr. Robin J. Rustan

(562) 592-9909