LATIN 4: QUARTER 1:2015-2016


Q1 / Homework Due / Lesson / Homework / All Roads Lead to Rome
Day 1
Sept 1 / -Objectives/Class Intro
--Seating Chart/Attendance
--Student Questionnaires
--Distribution of Textbooks
--Grammar Review: Nouns: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5
--Reading Exercise: Tychicus pp. 257-258 (stage 33)
--Wrap-Up / --Gather class materials: 3 ring binder, highlighters, index cards; RED correction pen
--Prepare D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5 endings.
--Finish translation: Tychicus pp. 257-258
Day 2
Sept 3 / translation: Tychicus pp. 257-258 (30) / --Objectives/Class Intro
--Cotidianum: Nouns: D1, D2, D3, D4 and/or D5
--Course Guidelines/Syllabus
--Grammar review: Verbs: C2+C3 samples
--Distribute Vocabulary Lists
--Correct translation: Tychicus pp. 257-258
--Class Parsing review: Tychicus pp. 257-258
--Wrap-Up/Quomodo: verb synopsis chart / Read/sign course guidelines/syllabus
Gather class materials: 3 ring binder, highlighters; index cards; RED correction pen
Study for quiz stages 21, 22, 23 with declension endings
Review verbs by completing C1, C3io, and C4 verb charts

LATIN 4: QUARTER 1: 2015-2016


Q1 / Homework Due / Lesson / Homework / All Roads Lead to Rome
Day 3
Tuesday Sept 8 / All verb charts completed (50 points)
Syllabus Signatures (10)
Class materials check (10) / --Objectives/Class Intro
--Cotidianum: Vocabulary quiz stages 21, 22, 23 with declension endings
--Verb chart corrections
--Subjunctive Uses Review: Purpose; Result; Indirect Question; Cum Clause, Indirect Command.
--Activity Master 27.4: Uses of the Subjunctive
--Sermones: Review the cue words for subjunctive uses
--Review Ablative Absolutes
--Activity Master 31.6 The Abl. Absolute
--Wrap-Up/Quomodo: identify subjunctive uses in sentences / Study for quiz: stages 24, 25, 26 +review words and 2 nouns from D1-D5
Day 4
Thursday Sept 10 / --Objectives/Class Intro
--Cotidianum: Vocab quiz stages 24, 25, 26 + review words and 2 nouns from D1-D5
--Review Participles
--Review Gerunds/Gerundives
Sermones: Describe how to form and translate the participle tenses
--Activity Master 32.6 Participle or Gerundive?
--Wrap-Up/Quomodo: verb synopsis chart / Study for quiz: Stages 27, 28, 29+review words and 2 nouns from D1-D5

LATIN 4: QUARTER 1: 2015-2016


Q1 / Homework Due / Lesson / Homework / All Roads Lead to Rome
Day 5
Monday Sept 14 / --Cotidianum: Vocabulary Quiz Stages 27, 28, 29 and 2 nouns from D1-D5
--Reading Stations Round 1 parsing:
34.1 aedificiumnovumi;
34.1 aedificiumnovum ii;
34.2 consiliumpumilionisi;
34.2 consiliumpumilionis ii;
34.3 libertasi;
34.3 libertas ii
(fromfabulaeancillantes) / Study for quiz: Stages 30, 31, 32+review words and 2 nouns from D1-D5
Day 6
Wednesday Sept 16 / --Cotidianum: Vocabulary Quiz Stages 30, 31, 32 and 2 nouns from D1-D5
Reading Stations Round 2 translation:
34.1 aedificiumnovumi;
34.1 aedificiumnovum ii;
34.2 consiliumpumilionisi;
34.2 consiliumpumilionis ii;
34.3 libertasi;
34.3 libertas ii
( fromfabulaeancillantes)
Latin III Final Recap / Prepare for Translation test
Day 7
Friday Sept 18 / Review Unit Translation Test

LATIN 4: QUARTER 1: 2015-2016


Q1 / Homework Due / Lesson / Homework / All Roads Lead to Rome
Day 8
Tuesday Sept 22 / --Class Intro/Objectives
--Grammar: Supines
--Grammar: Infinitives (present active, present passive, perfect active, perfect passive, future active, future passive)
--Wrap-Up/Quomodo: complete an infinitive chart / Translation+parsing: ex urbe pp.2-4 (40)
Make vocab cards 35A (15)
study for 35A mini quiz with verb synopsis+ infinitive chart
Day 9
Thursday Sept 24 / Translation+parsing: ex urbe pp.2-4 (40)
Vocab cards 35A (15) / --Class Intro/Objectives
--Cotidianum: 35A mini vocabulary quiz with verb synopsis+ infinitive chart
--Translation Check: ex urbe (use red pen!!!!)
--exurbe grammar questions handout
--Wrap-up / Read Country Villas pp.9-11; Read Roman Letters pp. 16-18;
Complete Omnibus Workbook 35.7 Roman Letters(10)
Make 35B vocabulary cards (15)
study for 35B mini quiz with verb synopsis+infinitivechart+review words
Translation Analysis Sheet:
Ex urbe pp. 2-4

LATIN 4: QUARTER 1: 2015-2016


Q1 / Homework Due / Lesson / Homework / All Roads Lead to Rome
Day 10
Monday Sept 28 / 35B vocabulary cards (15)
Omnibus Workbook 35.7 Roman Letters (10)
Translation Analysis Sheet:
Ex urbe pp. 2-4 / --Class Intro/Objectives
--Cotidianum: 35B Mini vocabulary quiz with verb synopsis+ infinitive chart
--Review Indirect Question and Indirect Command
--Grammar Indirect Statement: verb of the head; accusative subjects; infinitives translated as regular verbs; time/tense relationships
--Discuss Culture: Roman Letters pp. 16-18 and OW 35.7
--Sermones: Discuss how communication forums differ from today.
--Wrap-Up/Quomodo: translate infinitives in a Latin sentence / Activity Master 35.5 Indirect Statement; (15)
Study for 35A Full Vocabulary Quiz with verb synopsis+ infinitive chart+review words
Day 11
Wednesday Sept 30 / Activity Master 35.5 Indirect Statement (15) / --Class Intro/Objectives
--Cotidianum: 35A Full vocabulary quiz with verb synopsis + infinitive chart+review words
--Check Activity Master 35.5 Indirect Statement
Sermones: Explain how to recognize the Indirect Statement Construction
--Translation+parsing: vita rustica (sentences #1-18)
--Check vita rustica (#1-18)
--Wrap-Up/Quomodo: translate an Indirect Statement / Translation+parsing: vita rustica (sentences #19-end)
Study for 35B Full Vocabulary Quiz with verb synopsis +infinitive chart+review words

LATIN 4: QUARTER 1: 2015-2016


Q1 / Homework Due / Lesson / Homework / All Roads Lead to Rome
Day 12
Oct 2 / Translation+parsing: vita rustica (sentences #19-end) (35) / --Class Intro/Objectives
--Cotidianum: 35B Full Vocabulary Quiz with verb synopsis+ infinitive chart+review words
--Hot Potato Game
--Translation+parsing check: vita rustica sentences 19-end
--Activity Master 35.7 vita rustica (reading comp questions)
--Wrap-Up/Quomodo: translate infinitives in Indirect Statement chart / Practicing the Language Stage 35 Indirect Statement Review R.T. Handout (20)
Translation Analysis Sheet: vita rustica #19-end / Vocab: ______
Grammar: ______
Translation: ______
Day 13
Tuesday Oct 6 / Practicing the Language Stage 35 Indirect Statement Review R.T. Handout (20)
Translation Analysis Sheet: vita rustica #19-end / --Class Intro/Objectives
--Stage 35 Group Review Activity
--Review Stage 35/Exam Format
--Review Indirect Statement Packet
--Sermones: Review how to identify and translate Indirect Statement
--Correct Practicing the Language Stage 35 Indirect Statement Review R.T. Handout
--Wrap-Up/Quomodo: translate infinitives in Indirect Statement chart / Study for Stage 35 Test / Vocab: ______
Grammar: ______
Translation: ______
Day 14
Thursday Oct 8 / Stage 35 Objective Test
Stage 35 Translation Test

LATIN 4: QUARTER 1: 2015-2016


Q1 / Homework due / Lesson / Homework / All Roads Lead to Rome
Day 15
Tuesday Oct 13 / --Class Intro/Objectives
--Stage 35 Test Corrections
--Subjunctive: Review Imperfect and Pluperfect (active and passive)
--Subjunctive: Introduce Present Subjunctive (active and passive)
--Activity Master 36.3 Finding the Present Subjunctive
--Activity Master 36.4: Forming the Present Subjunctive
--Activity Master 36.5 Sort Indicative, Subjunctive, Active and Passive / Make vocab cards 36A (13)
study for 36A mini quiz + verb synopses with new subjunctive forms+review words / Vocab: ______
Grammar: ______
Translation: ______
Day 16
Thursday Oct 15 / vocab cards 36A (13) / --Class Intro/Objectives
--Cotidianum: 36A mini vocabulary quiz with verb synopsis+ infinitive chart
--About the Language II: Word order in poetry pp. 30-31
--Class Translation+parsing: epigrammataMartiālis pp. 28-31
--Wrap-Up/Quomodo: Explain the emphasis of word order in Latin poetry / Make vocab cards 35B (13)
study for 36B mini quiz with verb synopsis with new subjunctive forms. / Vocab: ______
Grammar: ______
Translation: ______

LATIN 4: QUARTER 1: 2015-2016


Q1 / Homework due / Lesson / Homework / All Roads Lead to Rome
Day 17
Oct 19 / vocab cards 35B (13) / --Class Intro/Objectives
--Cotidianum: 36B mini vocabulary quiz with verb synopsis with new subj. forms
--Perfect Active and Passive Subjunctive Forms
--Present Subjunctive Forms: sum, possum and volo
--Sermones: recite the present tense subjunctive forms of sum, possum and/or volo
--Stage 36 Subjunctive Review Handout
--Wrap-Up / Read “recitationes” pp. 34-36
Complete Omnibus Workbook 36.8 “recitationes” (10)
study for 36A Full quiz with verb synopsis / Vocab: ______
Grammar: ______
Translation: ______
Day 18
Wednesday Oct 21 / Omnibus Workbook 36.8 “recitationes” (15) / --Class Intro/Objectives
--Cotidianum: 36A Full vocabulary quiz with verb synopsis
--Discuss Culture/Omnibus Workbook 36.8 recitationes
--Review Stage 36/Test Format
--Hail Caesar 1: Julius Caesar
--Wrap-Up / Prepare for Stage 36 Test / Vocab: ______
Grammar: ______
Translation: ______
Day 19
Friday Oct 23 / --Stage 36 Translation Test
--Stage 36 Objective Test
--Sign up for retakes/makeups / Study for retakes/makeups
Prepare Retake Packets
Study for Q1 Vocab Test (Stages 21-35) 

LATIN 4: QUARTER 1: 2015-2016


Q1 / Homework due / Lesson / Homework / All Roads Lead to Rome
Day 20
Tuesday Oct 27 / Retake Corrections Packets / --Retakes/makeups
--Q1 Vocab Test (Stages 21-36)
Day 21
Thursday Oct 29 / --Hail Caesar 1: Julius Caesar
--Hail Caesar 2: Augustus
Q2 / --Sight Translation: Captions pp. 40-41
--Stage 36 Test Corrections
--Translate +parse: epistula pp. 41-42