Annenberg Learner: Plate Tectonics Web Quest Name: Blk:

*) Please Google: Annenberg Learner

*) CLICK: Annenberg Learner - Teacher Professional Development

*) In Search bar, please type - Plate Tectonics

*) CLICK: 1) Interactives. Dynamic Earth. Plate Tectonics

*) CLICK: Introduction & Read the introduction

*) CLICK: Start Your Exploration with Earth's Structure

*) Earth's Structure - What's inside the Earth?

Roll your mouse over the DIAGRAM to learn about the interior of the Earth

1) Please BULLET at least 3 Facts about EACH of the following:

A) Crust

B) Lithosphere

C) Mantle

D) Asthenosphere

E) Inner Core

F) Outer Core

*) CLICK: Next Chapter ~ Plate Tectonics

*) Plate Tectonics ~ Follow the directions & CLICK choice of Continents

*) CLICK: How Do We Know This?

2) Please read information on PLATE TECTONICS

A) Who was Alfred Wegener?

B) His theory was based upon what 3 pieces of evidence?

C) What were 3 pieces of information that were published in Wegener's book?

3) "Continents On the Move" ~ please make a CHART & BULLET 2 FACTSfor each time period noted.


*) CLICK: Continents over Time

5) CLICK: Begin and Place Images on Timeline ~ Check Your Answers! :)

Please do BONUS QUESTION and tell me what is "PANGAEA ULTIMA"?

*) CLICK: Next Chapter ~ Plate Boundaries


7) How many MAJOR tectonic plates make up the world?

8) Make a CHART describing the 3 Types of Boundaries & Draw Arrows showing the movement of the plates at each boundary

*) Follow directions and use your mouse to HIGHLIGHT and SEE the 3 Types of Plate Boundaries found throughout the world.

*) CLICK: Plates & Boundaries Challenge

Read Introduction and CLICK "How to Play" and "Begin"

When done, you can REVIEW and play again or MOVE to the next chapter

9) Slip, Slide, Collide~ Please read information and IDENTIFY 3 GEOLOGICAL EVENTS that happen due to slipping, sliding, or colliding, and WHERE do most of these events occur?

*) CLICK: "See What Happens at Different Plate Boundaries


10) Convergent Boundaries - ______


A) What is a SUBDUCTION ZONE and HOW is it FORMED?

B) Describe or diagram the two different TYPES OF SUBDUCTION ZONES.

What LANDFORM is created at each type of subduction zone?

Give a REAL WORLD EXAMPLE of each type of landform.

Roll your mouse over EACH part in the diagram and READ information of each of the following:

  • Volcanic Arc
  • Trench
  • Oceanic Crust
  • Subduction Zone
  • Volcano
  • Continental Crust
  • Asthenosphere (noted above)
  • Magma

C) Please read and DESCRIBE how EACH of the following are formed

  • Volcanoes
  • Island Arcs
  • Tsunami

D) Collision Zones and Mountains

  • Describe or diagram what happens at a COLLISION ZONE involving 2 CONTINENTAL PLATES?
  • Observe the diagram & Roll your mouse over the diagram to learn more
  • What LANDFORM is created at this boundary?
  • Give a REAL WORLD EXAMPLE of a landform created at this boundary

*)CLICK: Next

Please read and complete

11) Divergent Boundaries - ______

Please describe each of the following:

B) Seafloor Spreading

C) Mid-Ocean Ridge

D) Rift

*)CLICK start to see the Animation of Divergent Boundary

12) Transform Boundary…read and define

Describe the following

A) Fault

B) Earthquake

*)Please observe the Animation of a Transform Boundary

B) Name the BEST STUDIED Transform Boundary and give 2 FACTS about it

*) CLICK: Plate Interactions Challenge

Slip, Slide, Collide - CLICK :How to Play" Read all the info and facts and ANSWER the questions

PLAY game for Boundaries & PLAY Word Jumble

When done, play AGAIN or MOVE to FINAL CHAPTER


Please type in FIRST & LAST NAME

A) CLICK: Next & Begin (Please DO YOUR BEST!!)

NOTE: If you DO NOT have a working printer, please label your paper in your notebook and WRITE DOWN your answer choices; then make CORRECTIONS if needed at the end of the test when your REVIEW your score. Please write down the CORRECT ANSWER...NOT JUST THE CORRECT LETTER!

B) PRINT your RESULTS for a Completion Grade :)