1.Purpose and Policy Context

1.1To consider a petition from the Poole and District Pensioners’ Association requesting the reinstatement of bus services withdrawn by the operators last summer.

1.2It is the Council’s policy to secure the provision of non-commercial bus services which contribute to meeting social need and are considered to give best value for money within available resources.

2. recommendation

2.1It is recommended that the concerns of the petitioners be noted and that they be advised that:

(i)these concerns have been forwarded to the Wilts & Dorset Bus Company;

(ii)the Council has taken considerable action to mitigate the effects of the service reductions and withdrawals;

(iii)the Route & Branch Review Group will continue to monitor bus service provision in the Borough; and,

(iv)through the Quality Bus Partnership the Council will continue to work with the bus companies to improve services for bus passengers.

3. Information

3.1A petition with more than 3,400 signatures has been received from the Poole and District Pensioners’ Association. The petition is headed: "We, the undersigned, deplore the slashing of our local bus services and demand that the Council holds urgent talks with the bus companies involved to ensure that the bus services which have been withdrawn are reinstated IMMEDIATELY"

3.2Wilts & Dorset Bus company introduced major changes to their local bus service network in the Poole area on 4 June 2006. As well as the withdrawal of a number of routes, the revision included the rerouting and renumbering of several services. Whilst many passengers benefited from improved services, others, and in particular those not residing close to the main corridors, suffered a reduction or loss of service.

3.3Bournemouth Transport (Transdev Yellow Buses) also made major changes to their network from 2 July 2006. Whilst overall these were less significant for the Borough than the Wilts & Dorset revisions, they did impact on certain areas including Alderney and Branksome.

3.4In an attempt to mitigate the adverse effects of the bus service revisions, the Council took immediate action. This included the introduction of a number of new off-peak services (initially on a temporary basis) and the rerouting of some existing supported routes to cover unserved bus stops. The result has been a partial replacement of the lost services providing relatively low frequency journeys during the day-time. Most areas of the Borough have this basic level of service during the day-time although it is acknowledged that some people now have to change buses where they previously had a direct service. It has also been necessary for some people to alter their travel destinations, for example, changing to an alternative supermarket for their weekly groceries.

3.5The financial pressures relating to public transport are :

(a)As a result of the requirement for additional tendered services and extra costs resultant from the recent re-tendering of most of the supported bus network, the Council has increased its spending on supported bus services this year by approximately £110,000.

(b)At least a further £471,000 is required for the concessionary fares scheme this year, an increase from the £430,000 when reported in December.

These (& other) pressures have been partly funded by a combination of Council reserves and considerable cut backs elsewhere within Transportation’s budgets and the wider local economy portfolio. December’s Corporate Financial Monitoring report identified a shortfall of £95,000. The Portfolio Holder is working initially with the Acting Head of Transportation to identify further Unit savings, and then with Service Unit Heads from the wider portfolio, to address the remaining shortfall.Similar, if not larger pressures, are anticipated in 2007/08 in these areas which have been dealt with as part of the budget build for 2007/08.

3.6Officers will continue to look for ways to improve the coverage of bus services in the Borough. As an example, Service 128 has recently been rerouted and now calls at the previously unserved stops in Sopers Lane and serves Tesco at Fleetsbridge. The 128 has also been extended to Dacombe Drive in Upton at the request of Dorset County Council.

3.7The Council’s Route & Branch Review Group has been established to monitor the performance of tendered services against a number of factors including cost per journey, number of passengers, availability of alternative transport, areas of deprivation, percentage of population served that are elderly, and primary journey purpose. This Group also considers requests for new routes, assessing by means of the above the benefit that any service might provide.

3.8It would not be possible, even if the Council had unlimited funding, to replace the bus network as it was before last summer’s changes. The pattern of services has changed and it is not a question of simply filling gaps in provision with tendered services. Reintroduced services withdrawn in the summer would overlap with the new commercially operated services and this would be in contravention of the Transport Act 1985.

3.9There have been a number of meetings and discussions with the two principal bus operators in recent months. They have made it clear that, as commercial businesses operating in a deregulated environment, they are required to operate bus services where this can be done profitably. They are neither prepared or able to reintroduce loss-making services.

3.10Wilts & Dorset Bus Company is aware of the petition. Their information is that the new network has actually resulted in a small increase in travel by people of pensionable age. They have also confirmed that they are not anticipating any significant service changes in Poole in the foreseeable future.

3.11The Council’s policy to is continue to provide support for non-commercial bus services but there is a financial limit in being asked to do this. In addition, support is provided for Borough residents unable to access local bus services through the Poole Community Transport Scheme including Dial-a-Bus.

3.12While the bus operators’ changes have inevitably disadvantages some sectors of the community, overall bus patronage has increased by some 34% over the last year to approx. 7.2 million journeys, and every indication is that this growth will continue in 2007.


Acting Head of Transportation Services

Background Information


Name and Telephone Number of Officer Contact

John McVey (01202) 262221

03 January 2007
