The Scholastic Division of

STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc.




2008 350 Series Exam Sheet 1a

Name: / Rank:
SCC Number: / Chapter:
Email Address: / Age:
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Exam Version: / FOS - 351 Chapter PresidentFOS - 352 Regional CoordinatorFOS - 353 Judge Advocate General, STARFLEETFOS - 354 Inspector General, STARFLEETFOS - 355 SFMC Commandant/General StaffFOS - 356 Chief Financial Officer, STARFLEETFOS - 357 Chief of Computer Operations, STARFLEETFOS - 358 Chief of Shakedown Operations, STARFLEETFOS - 359 Commandant, STARFLEET AcademyFOS - 360 Chief of Communications, STARFLEETFOS - 361 Chief of Operations, STARFLEETFOS - 362 Vice Commander, STARFLEETFOS - 363 Commander, STARFLEET / Date Completed:
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This section is for the instructors use only
Date Graded: / Score: / Instructor’s Name:

This document is a publication of STARFLEET Academy - A department of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. It is intended for the private use of our members. STARFLEET holds no claims to any trademarks, copyrights, or properties held by CBS Paramount Television, any of its subsidiaries, or on any other company's or person's intellectual properties which may or may not be contained within.

The contents of this publication are copyright (c) 2008 STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. and the original authors. All rights reserved. No portion of this document may be copied or republished in any or form without the written consent of the Commandant, STARFLEET Academy or the original author(s). All materials drawn in from sources outside of STARFLEET are used per Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair Use, of the United States code. The material as used is for educational purposes only and no profit is made from the use of the material. STARFLEET and STARFLEET Academy are granted irrevocable rights of usage of this material by the original author.


The course is designed to compliment STARFLEET’s other courses in the Institute of Leadership Studies:

·  Officer Training School, which introduces the basic structure and organization of STARFLEET

·  Officer Command College, which introduces the structure, prerequisites, and skills necessary for chapter command and is designed for those individuals seeking to start or command their own chapters

·  Flag Officer’s School 101 – Combined Course Curriculum & the Flag Officer’s School 200 Series Essays

Course Prerequisites

·  Officer Training School, Officer Command College and Flag Officer’s School 101 and any 1 of the FOS 200 series are prerequisites for this course. You will be notified if your OTS/OCC/FOS graduation is not recorded in the SFI database. In such a case, you will be asked to provide a scanned copy of your diploma or a PDF.

·  Individuals taking this course must be members in good standing of STARFLEET: The International STAR TREK Fan Association, Inc.

Course Materials

Sources of material required for this course:

·  FOS Manual -

Contact Information

The course director is COMM Debbie French


Address: Debbie French

1742 Broadway Ave.

Pittsburgh, PA 15216-3243


·  100 ------Distinction

·  90 - 99 - Honors

·  70 - 89 - Pass

·  5 points for each of 3 concepts [Starfleet Configuration, Problem Solving and Leadership Technique, and Command/Decision-Making OR Situational Leadership concepts] introduced in the question for each essay

·  40 points for overall critical thinking

Submission Guidelines:

Please when turning in via electronic methods use MS Word or a txt file. I can also accept documents created using the free office suite Open Office from

If turning in via postal mail I prefer typed papers but if you hand write, please be as neat as possible.

You can pick from any of the “Positions of Notable Responsibility” within Fleet. You will then submit a secondary topic to the Director for approval, this topic would be a problem, real or fictional, that would need to be solved within the Position of Responsibility chosen. You will use all of the available resources in SFI to help you solve this problem and where no references exist, you will use logic and common sense to solve the problem. You will reference what sources you used in solving the problem or in the case where no reference exists, you will show how you came to that solution by describing your thinking process.

This series of exams will be written from the perspective of any character from the Star Trek Universe (see restriction below), that character will exist in this world and be a member of SFI and will assume the role of Notable Responsibility chosen by the student. There are no major restrictions on the selection of a character, although referencing their appearance in trekdom would be helpful, the only condition is that the being must have played out a role in a Star Trek TV show, movie or even The Animated Series. Please no characters from books, magazines (including comic books) or other role play sources..

This series of exams will be a minimum of one (1) full page (300 words) covering your problem and the solution. Each page will be no more than one (1) inch (2.5 cm) on the top/bottom and the left/right for the margins, you may use no more than double spaced lines and the font will be the Times New Roman with a point setting no larger than 12. There are no time limits on any exam in this series or in the Flag Officers School as a whole. Students may submit exams in typed pages when using regular postal mail or may submit electronically in Microsoft Word or PDF format.

Begin exam on next page…