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Houston Cole Library

Collection Assessment

Submitted by Laurie Charnigo

June 2004


Based on guidelines provided by the WLN Collection Assessment Services, which provide a framework within which to evaluate a library’s current holdings and the level of activity at which the collection is being developed, the Education Collection is rated an overall 3cP (Advanced Study or Instructional Support Level, predominantly English). Refer to the Education conspectus sheets and checklist analysis for a more detailed examination of the library’s holdings. The primary purpose of the Education Collection is to support coursework needed for the Bachelor, Master, and Education Specialist Degrees in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Special Education, Collaborative Education, and School Counseling and Psychology.


The Education Collection (which includes Juvenile and Textbook Locations) contains 53,238 titles. Education holdings account for approximately 8% of the entire library collection. This figure, however, does not include over 400,000 ERIC Microfiche publications or individual counts for approximately 5, 529 journal volumes. The Education Collection includes the following resources:

·  32,460 titles specifically in the Library of Congress Classification L (for Education). Holdings for Education have increased by 4,530 titles since the 1998 assessment total of 27,930 titles.

·  The Juvenile Collection contains 18, 193 children’s and young adult’s books. 2,585 titles have been added to this collection since the 1998 assessment.

·  The Textbook Collection contains 3, 213 K-12 curriculum titles. 2,707 titles were listed for this location in the 1998 assessment. The figure for the Textbook Collection total appears lower than it is in actuality because many supplemental items, such as workbooks and units, are counted as part of a set instead of individually.

·  The ERIC Document Microfiche Collection is complete. This Collection, to date, includes 477,470 full text education-related publications on microfiche. Many of the ERIC Documents (particularly those published after 1993) are also available electronically in full text through the library’s subscription to EBSCOhost’s ERIC Database.


A. Numbers of titles held for L (Education) classification:
See the WLN Conspectus sheets at the end of this document for a more detailed breakdown.

Classification Category Total

General Education / L / 1, 525
History of Education / LA / 2, 848
Theory & Practice of Education / LB 1-LB 1139.1 / 7, 941
Early Childhood, Preschool, Kindergarten & Primary / LB 1139.2-LB 1599 / 3, 569
Secondary and Middle School Evaluation / LB 1603-1696 / 807
Education and Training of Teachers / LB 1705-LB 2286 / 1, 136
Higher Education / LB 2300-LB 2799 / 2, 770
School Administration / LB 2801-LB 3640 / 4, 369
Special Aspects of Education / LC / 6, 302
Individual Institutions- United States / LD / 933
Individual Institutions- America (Except U.S.) / LE / 11
Individual Institutions- Europe / LF / 79
Individual Institutions- Asia, Africa, Oceania / LG / 16
College & School Magazines & Papers / LH / 102
Student Fraternities & Societies / LJ / 32

B. Numbers of titles held for Juvenile location:

Classification Category Total

General Works / A / 11
Philosophy, Psychology, Religion / B-BX / 321
Auxiliary Sciences / C / 94
History / D-DX / 596
History: American / E-F / 1284
Geography / G / 707
Social Sciences / H / 500
Political Science / J / 55
Law / K KZ / 31
Education / L / 56
Music / M / 195
Fine Arts / N / 175
Language & Literature / P-PZ / 11, 686
Science / Q / 1463
Medicine / R / 165
Agriculture / S / 173
Technology / T / 608
Military Science / U-V / 44
Bibliography, Library Science / Z / 27

C. Numbers of titles held for Textbook location:

Classification Category Total

General Works / A / 0
Philosophy, Psychology, Religions / B-BX / 34
Auxiliary Sciences / C / 83
History / D-DX / 153
History: American / E-F / 185
Geography / G / 91
Social Sciences / H / 404
Political Science / J / 103
Law / K- KZ / 22
Education / L / 98
Music / M / 36
Fine Arts / N / 82
Language & Literature / P-PZ / 801
Science / Q / 831
Medicine / R / 97
Agriculture / S / 28
Technology / T / 220
Military Science / U-V / 0
Bibliography, Library Science / Z / 84

Supplemental Support

Education research extends beyond the boundaries of the discipline. A wide range of subject areas such as psychology, school librarianship and media, social science, sociology, physical education, health, etc., are also important areas of research. Teaching fields for secondary education degrees require specialization in biology, business education, English language arts, French, general science, history, mathematics, social science, Spanish, and technology. Holdings in LC Classifications outside of the L classification are also central to the Education Collection. Although these call numbers fall outside the scope of this assessment it is important to note that they are a central part of the Collection. A “snapshot” of these call number ranges is represented below:

Numbers of titles held for various subdivisions outside the L Classification:

Classification Category Total

Psychological Tests and Testing / BF 176-176.5 / 50
Developmental Psychology / BF712-724.85 / 1,239
Children’s Games and Amusements / GV 1203-1218 / 81
Physical Education and Training / GV 201-555 / 1,580
Child Development / HQ 767.8 –HQ
792.3 / 1,699
Youth, Adolescents, Teenagers / HQ793-799.2 / 438
Young Adults, Teenagers / HV 1421-1441 / 337
People with Disabilities / HV 1551-3024 / 393
Destitute, Neglected, and Abandoned Children / HV 873-887 / 265
The Juvenile Offender / HV 9051-9230.7 / 603
Education Law / KF 4110- KF 4119 / 128
School Music / MT 918-948 / 80
Music Instruction / MT1- MT6 / 629
Art Education / N 350- N361 / 204
Juvenile Literature / PN 1008.2-1009.5 / 313
General Science (includes many books on science activities) / Q1- 390 / 3,215
Elementary Mathematics / QA 101- QA 141.8 / 592
Children’s Librarianship / Z 716.2-718.8 / 285
Children’s Literature Guides / Z1037 / 268
School Media Center / Z675.3 / 613

Monograph Acquisitions & Funding

The following tables provide information on the acquisition and funding for the Education Collection over a five-year period.

I. Number of Titles added to the Education Collection

Titles Added/Titles Published 1998/99 - 2002/03

Fiscal Year

/ Added to
Education Collection
L / Blackwell Approval Program Coverage and Cost Study / Percent
1998/99 / 726 / 1,002 / 72%
1999/00 / 787 / 1,112 / 71%
2000/01 / 743 / 1,332 / 56%
2001/02 / 587 / 1,301 / 45%
2002/03 / 771 / 1,510 / 51%
5 Year Totals / 3, 614 / 5,897 / 59%

Compiled from Blackwell Approval Program Coverage and Cost Study reports 1998-2003.

Juvenile Titles Added 1998/99 - 2002/03

Fiscal Year / Added to Juvenile Collection
1998/99 / 361
1999/00 / 307
2000/01 / 369
2001/02 / 144
2002/03 / 442
5 Year Totals / 1,623

Textbook Titles Added 1998/99 - 2002/03

Fiscal Year / Added to Textbook Collection
1998/99 / 2,252
1999/00 / 313
2000/01 / 387
2001/02 / 457
2002/03 / 285
5 Year Totals / 3,694

II. Expenditures

Monograph Expenditures for Fund Account = Education(Amounts for Juvenile included)

Fiscal Year


Education/including juvenile



1999/00 / $25,089 .13 / $2,887 .75
2000/01 / $22,209 .31 / $2,790 .10
2001/02 / $20,227 .80 / $1,443 .80
2002/03 / $25,508 .89 / $4,21 .42
Partial year at time of assessment / $23,266 .00 / $2,901 .00
Average / $23,260 .23 / $2,848 .81


The Library’s Collection Policy states that the criteria used for removing titles from the collection should be based on obsolescence of information, missing materials, physical condition, multiple copies, later editions, and superseded works.[1] The following tables display titles withdrawn from the Education Collection over a five-year period. Particularly prominent are withdrawals from the collection during Fiscal Year 1999-2000.


Fiscal Year





1998/99 / 93 / 128
1999/00 / 885 / 1,468
2000/01 / 162 / 231
2001/02 / 4 / 29
2002/03 / 11 / 41
2003/ 04
Partial year at time of assessment / 39 / 69
Totals / 1,194 / 1,966


Fiscal Year





1998/99 / 7 / 61
1999/00 / 530 / 2863
2000/01 / 39 / 106
2001/02 / 17 / 26
2002/03 / 10 / 82
Partial year at time of assessment / 0 / 1
Totals / 603 / 3,139







1998/99 / 7 / 13
1999/00 / 18 / 18
2000/01 / 50 / 57
2001/02 / 2 / 2
2002/03 / 19 / 23
Partial year at time of assessment / 9 / 10
Totals / 105 / 123

Bibliographies for Monographs in Education

Bibliographies examined in current and previous assessments revealed the following percentages. See attached checklists for more detailed data about the library’s holdings in specific subject areas within the Education Collection. Please note that, prior to the 2003-2004 Collection Assessment, Physical Education was included in the Education Assessment. Physical Education is now assessed separately.

1991-92 Assessment

Title Held

Guide to Reference Books (10th ed.)
Education, Physical Education, & Recreation / 61%
American Education History
/ 80%
American Education
/ 66%

1998 Assessment

Title Held

Guide to Reference Books (11th ed.) / 53%
American Reference Books Annual, 1997 / 35%
A Bibliographic Guide to Educational Research
/ 49%

2003-2004 Assessment: Education

Title Held

Best Books for Academic Libraries- Social Sciences 2003 / 64%
Choice’s Outstanding Academic Titles 1998-2002 / 89%
Education: A Guide to Reference and Information Sources, 2000 / 49%
The Social Sciences: a Cross-Disciplinary Guide to Selected Sources, 2002 / 53%
Social Science Reference Sources, 2000 / 72%
American Reference Books Annual, 2004 / 87%
American Reference Books Annual, 2003 / 49%
American Reference Books Annual, 2002 / 37%
American Reference Book s Annual, 2001 / 29%
American Reference Books Annual, 2000 / 28%
ALA Notable Books for Children, 2004 / 79%
2003-2004 Assessment: Juvenile
Title / Held
ALA Notable Books for Children, 2003 / 59%
ALA Notable Books for Children, 2002 / 43%
ALA Notable Books for Children, 2001 / 18 %
ALA Notable Books for Children, 2000 / 57%
Young Adult Library Services Association Best Books for
Young Adults, 2004 / 34%
Young Adult Library Services Association Best Books for
Young Adults, 2003 / 42%
Young Adult Library Services Association Best Books for
Young Adults, 2002 / 15%
Young Adult Library Services Association Best Books for
Young Adults, 2001 / 17%
Young Adult Library Services Association Best Books for
Young Adults, 2000 / 27%
The Read-Aloud Handbook, 2001 / 54%
Best Books for Children: Preschool Through Grade 6 (alphabet books,
concept books, counting book, picture books without words) / 25%
How to Get Your Child to Love Reading, 2003
(bibliography of over 4, 258 children’s books) / 28%
Informational Picture Books for Children, 2000 / 13%
Booktalks, Bookwalks, and Read-alouds: Promoting the Best New Children’s
Books Across the Elementary Curriculum, 2002 / 27%
Sensitive Issues: an Annotated Guide to Children’s Literature, K-12, 1992
(bibliography for contemporary realistic & social issues) / 36%
Picture Books by Latino Writers
/ 20%
The World through Picture Books, 2002
(bibliography for Multicultural Books) / 14%

Periodicals and Serials Assessment

The Education Collection contains 143 print periodical titles. The back issues of 140 journals no longer subscribed to or which have ceased publication are also available. Approximately 593 education-related journals are available in varying format and coverage. Electronic access has extended the collection by approximately 315 education-related journals. Access to these journals is available through online indexes and full text databases (see electronic resources below). Please see the appendix for a list of education-related journal titles. The format and location of these journals is also listed in the appendix.

Serial Expenditures for Fund Account = Education





Standing Orders





1999/00 / $13,539.15 / $6,687.75 / $6,687.75 / $22,713. 38
2000/01 / $14,738.25 / $2,344.64 / $8,145.00 / $25,227. 89
2001/02 / $14,940.32 / $2,125.91 / $9,277.00 / $26,343. 23
2002/03 / $16,396.58 / $2, 304.88 / $13,464.00 / $32,165. 25
Subscription renewals not yet paid for 2003/ 04 / $994. 75 / $4,100.00 / $5,080. 25
Average (2003/2004 Fiscal Year not included) / $14,903. 57 / $3,365. 79 / $9,393. 44 / $26,612. 44

Supplemental Support for Journals

A wide range of journals in areas other than L Classification provides supplemental support to the education journals. Of particular note are psychology and counseling, technology, social science, and sociology journals.

Serials Bibliographies

Title Held

ERIC (journal listing for the online index) / 55%
Education Abstracts Full Text (journal listing for the online index) / 82%
Education: a Guide to Reference and Information Sources, 2000 (journal listing) / 60%
Magazines for Libraries, 2002 / 85%

* 289 journal titles are indexed in both ERIC and Education Abstracts Full Text.

Access to Electronic Resources (Defined Access)

The library’s defined access is rated a 3cP (Advanced Study or Instructional Support Level, predominantly English). Access is provided to an extensive collection of remotely accessible electronic resources, including bibliographic tools, texts, indexes, journals, etc. The library’s catalog is web-based. Full text books from NetLibrary, an online multidisciplinary database, have been completely integrated into Voyager, the Library’s online catalog. There are currently 273 education-specific titles available through the Library’s access to NetLibrary.

As evident from the list of journals in the appendix, the databases have significantly enhanced the journal collection. Users can easily determine whether and in which database a journal is available full-text through the library’s ejournal management and linking service.