Auckland Languages Strategy – Feedback and information-gathering tool

The Auckland Languages Strategy Working Group (facilitated by COMET Auckland) has circulated a draft Auckland Languages Strategy. We would welcome your input, suggestions, comments and feedback. We would also love to hear about the things you are doing that support languages in Auckland, in any way, so we can include recognition of current actions within the next version of the strategy. To that end, we ask you to complete the survey below and send it to by May6th 2015 (or earlier if possible).

If you know of other individuals or organisations who are involved in any way with languages in Auckland, please send the draft strategy and survey on to them – we are keen to receive information and feedback from as many people as possible.

  1. Do you agree with the idea of an Auckland Languages Strategy?




  1. Do you agree with the Vision in the draft strategy?


No (please explain below)

  1. Do you agree with the principles in the draft strategy?


No (please explain below)

  1. Do you agree with the proposed goals and actions in the draft strategy?


Disagree with some (please list below and give reasons)

Propose additional goals and/or actions (please list below)

  1. Do you agree with the measures in the draft strategy?


Disagree with some (please list below and give reasons)

Propose additional goals and/or actions (please list below)

  1. Is your organisation prepared to officially endorse the draft strategy, as a proposed languages strategy for Auckland?

Yes, as it stands (and/or with minor amendments that others may propose, provided the overall direction remain the same)

Yes, provided specific changes are made (please describe below)

No (you are welcome to provide a reason below if you wish)

  1. Please tell us (in the table below) about the things your organisation is doing to support languages in Auckland. If you know of programmes that other organisations are doing, please also include information about those projects.

Goal / Current actions/programmes/events… / Name of organisation leading the action / Geographic scope, number and ages of people involved/reached per year
  1. All Auckland’s languages are promoted and celebrated

  1. Te reo Māori is widely used

  1. Everyone is able to communicate in English

  1. NZ Sign Language (NZSL) is supported, available and used

  1. Pacific languages flourish

  1. Community and heritage languages are maintained

  1. Languages are available for trade, tourism and international relations

  1. Stakeholders are brought together to develop and implement language action plans for specific sectors