APPROVED minutes of the Section, Geneva, Switzerland, 12 October 2007



APPROVEDminutes of the UEMS[1]Section of Psychiatrymeeting held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 12thOctober 2007


1.Prof Jacek Bomba – Poland– Polish Psychiatric Association

2.Dr Michel Botbol – France– WPA Zonal Representative for Western Europe(invited guest)

3.Dr Brendan Cassidy – Ireland – Irish Medical Organisation

4.Dr Homayon Chaudhry – Switzerland – PWG[2]

5.Prof Can Cimilli – Turkey– Psychiatric Association of Turkey

6.Dr Elisabete Fradique – Portugal- Portuguese Medical Association

7.Prof George Garyfallos – Greece – Hellenic Psychiatric Association

8.Dr Dan Georgescu – Switzerland– Swiss Society of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

9.Prof Manuel Gómez-Beneyto – Spain– Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry

10.Prof Edvard Hauff – Norway - Norwegian Medical Association

11.Prof Paul Hodiamont – Netherlands– Dutch Psychiatric Association;Vice-President, European Board of Psychiatry

12.Prof Fritz Hohagen – Germany - German Society of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy & Neurology

13.Prof Lars Jacobsson – Sweden – Swedish Psychiatric Association

14.Prof Matti Joukamaa – Finland- Finnish Psychiatric Association

15.Dr Astrid Kubli Bauer – Switzerland – Swiss Society of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

16.Dr Andreas Landsnes – Norway- Norwegian Psychiatric Association

17.Prof Gerhard Lenz – Austria– Austrian Association for Psychiatry & Psychotherapy

18.Prof Nils Lindefors – Sweden – Swedish Psychiatric Association

19.Dr Anne Lindhardt – Denmark – Danish Psychiatric Association

20.Dr Lucien Manuceau – France– French Association of Psychiatrists

21.Dr Françoise Matthys – Belgium– Belgian Association of Neurologists and Psychiatrists

22.Dr Brigitte Mauthner – Austria– Austrian Medical Chamber

23.Dr Marco Merlo – Switzerland– Swiss Society of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (invited guest)

24.Dr Lucie Motlova – Czech Republic- Czech Psychiatric Association

25.Dr Kajsa B Norström –Sweden- EFPT[3]; President

26.Dr Eva Pálová – Slovakia – Slovak Psychiatric Association;Vice-President, Section of Psychiatry

27.Dr Kari Pylkkänen – Finland – Finnish Psychiatric Association; Vice-President, Section of Psychiatry

28.Dr Joseph Saliba – Malta- Medical Association of Malta / Maltese Association of Specialists in Psychiatry; Honorary Secretary, Section and Board of Psychiatry

29.Dr Christa Schaff – Germany– UEMS Section of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (invited guest)

30.Dr Zribi Sofiane – Tunisia– ALFAPSY[4](invited guest)

31.Dr James Strachan – UK– RoyalCollege of Psychiatrists; President, European Board of Psychiatry

32.Dr Roelof ten Doesschate –Netherlands – Dutch Psychiatric Association; Treasurer

33.Dr Andreas Zachariadis – Greece– EFPT;Past President

34.Prof Slavko Ziherl – Slovenia- Psychiatric Association of Slovenia, Medical Chamber of Slovenia; Vice-President, European Board of Psychiatry

35.Mrs Joanna Carroll – UK – RoyalCollege Psychiatrists; Administrative Secretary


1.Prof Dinesh Bhugra – United Kingdom– RoyalCollege of Psychiatrists

2.Prof Pier-Maria Furlan – Italy – Italian Psychiatric Association

3.Dr Slaðana Iveziæ – Croatia - Croatian Medical Association, Society for Clinical Psychiatry

4.Dr Luboš Janu – Czech Republic- Czech Psychiatric Association

5.Dr Anne Kleinberg – Estonia- Estonian Psychiatric Association

6.Prof Blanka Kores-Plesnicar – Slovenia- Psychiatric Association of Slovenia

7.Dr Andres Lehtmets - Estonia – Estonian Psychiatric Association

8.Prof Michael Musalek – Austria- Association of European Psychiatrists

9.Dr James O'Boyle – Ireland– Irish Psychiatric Training Committee

10.Dr Miquel Roca Bennasar – Spain - Spanish Society Of Psychiatry

11.Dr Harald Sontag – France – French Association of Psychiatrists

12.Prof László Tringer – Hungary - Hungarian Psychiatric Association

13.Dr Roland Urban – Germany – Professional Association of German Psychiatrists

Dr Kari Pylkkänen, Vice-President of the Section, announced that Dr Torben Lindskov Hansen had retired from the post of President of the Section on the grounds of ill health, and that he would chair the meeting until the new President was elected later that day.

He extended a special welcome to new delegates to the Section and Board: Dr Lucie Motlova, appointed in May 2007 – a new representative of the Czech Psychiatric Association replacing Dr Ivan Tuma; Prof George Garyffalos, appointed in February 2007, representing the Hellenic Psychiatric Association, replacing Prof Parashos; Dr AndreasLandsnes, appointed in March 2007 as the representative of the NorwegianPsychiatric Association replacing Prof Opjordsmoen. Dr. Marco Merlo, President of the Standing Committee on Training and Education of the Swiss Society of Psychiatry and Psychotherapyjoined the meeting after the coffee break.

3.To receive and approve the minutes of the last meeting

The minutes were approved as the correct record of the proceedings at the meeting in Izmiron 27April2007.

4.Matters arising from the minutes not covered by this agenda

  1. Medical act

The delegates were reminded that this issue was first raised at the UEMS Council meeting by the Section of Ophthalmology to clarify the roles of optometrists. The Officers agreed that to define a medical act was not a priority in a specialty like psychiatry which required medical and non-medical mental health professionals to work closely together in a multidisciplinary setting.

  1. EACIC response

Following the decision to maintain the dialogue with the EACIC Dr Saliba wrote to Prof. Zohar requesting their approval criteria. In response an audit report on conferences approved by the EACIC was received instead.

The delegates agreed that it would be counterproductive to ignore the EACIC’s high profile. It was noted however that for the EACCME to raise its own profile and attract attention of CME providers in Europe it was vital for the delegates to promote the EACCME to their national authorities. The UEMS Council might also need to consider whether the EACCME approval criteria should be revised, particularly with reference to relations with the pharmaceutical industry.

It was agreed to write Prof. Zohar again requesting their approval criteria and clarifying our own position on the kind of events acceptable to the EACCME. The CME evaluation committee would try to establish if the EACIC was recognised by other professional bodies.

Action: J Saliba and P Hodiamont to write to Prof. Zohar

5.Financial matters

  1. Subscriptions update

The Treasurer tabled the latest subscription list to clarify voting rights for the forthcoming elections. Spain had not paid its subscription and was not entitled to vote. The subscription of the CzechRepublic was paid but fell short of the full amount due, possibly due to calculation errorin exchange rate. It was agreed to allow the delegates of the CzechRepublic to vote.

  1. Accounts 2006

The accounts for 2006 presented by the Treasurer showed a profit of about €8,000, mainly due to Francepaying its outstanding subscriptions which was not budgeted for. The accounts for 2006 were approved.

  1. Budget 2008

Except for inflation allowances, the budget remained the same as in the previous year. The budget for 2008 was approved.

  1. Income from the EACCME

The Treasurer informed the delegates that to date the Section received €1,500 for CME events assessed by the Section’s Evaluation Committee. According to the EACCME notification sent to the Section in October2006 the Section would receive 50% of the assessment fee paid for each event:

UEMS-EACCME (€) / Section (€) / Invoice (€)
up till 250 participants / 100 / 100 / 200
251 – 500 participants / 200 / 200 / 400
501 – 1,000 participants / 300 / 300 / 600
1,001 – 2,000 participants / 400 / 400 / 800
2,001 – 5,000 participants / 500 / 500 / 1,000
more than 5,000 participants / 1,000 / 1,000 / 2,000

6.Nomination of the Electoral Committee

The following offices were due for election:

  • President of the Section, (post held by Dr Torben L Hansen vacated through retirement)
  • Vice-President of the Section, (post currently held by Dr Kari Pylkkänen, elected to his first term of office in October 2003)
  • Hon. Secretary of the Section and Board,(post currently held by Dr Joseph Saliba who is eligible for election to the third and final term of office)
  • Hon. Treasurer of the Section and Board, (post currently held by Dr Roelof ten Doesschate whose third and final term of office would come to an end in October 2007)

The following nominations were received and were valid:

  • Dr Kari Pylkkänenfor the President of the Section
  • Dr Brendan Cassidy for the Treasurer
  • Dr Françoise Matthys and Dr Brigitte Mauthner for the Vice President of the Section

Prof. ManuelGómez-Beneyto, Prof. Fritz Hohagen and Dr Astrid Kubli Bauer formed an election committee.

In the time remaining before the coffee break Dr Pylkkänen invited the guests present to say a few words to introduce themselves and their organisations.

Dr Zribithanked the Section and the host association for inviting him to the meeting and gave a brief outline of his association’s activities. The ALFAPSY promotedCME trying to run their CME events independently of pharmaceutical industry. Tunisia had a lot of links with Europe and they would like to participate in UEMS as observers.

Dr Schaff thanked the Section of Psychiatry for inviting the Section of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry to participate in their meetings. She briefly outlined the CAP Section’s work highlighting areas of mutual interest, such as quality assurance of training and service delivery, treatment of families and providing care throughout the patient’s lifespan. Joint working groups might be a way forward to develop cohesive statements. The next meeting of the CAP Section would be held in September 2008 in Greece.Dr Schaff extended an invitation to the Section of Psychiatry to attend that meeting.

Dr Botbol thanked the Section of Psychiatry for inviting the WPA to the meeting and welcomed the UEMS to the WPA zone for Western Europe. At its 2005 World Congress in Cairo the WPA agreed that member societies in each zone should have closer collaborative links with each other. In Europe, this led to setting up of the UEMS/WPA/AEP/WHO Taskforce. The WPA was also developing an electronic bulletin for WPA Europe. The WPA European congress would be held in Paris in February2008 with the aim to promote the diversity of European psychiatry and the diversity of psychiatric institutions in Europe.

7.Election of the Officers

Prof. Gómez-Beneyto took the chair.

As Dr Pylkkänen’s and Dr Cassidy’s nominations were unopposed they were both declared duly elected to the posts of President of the Section and Treasurer, respectively. There were no nominations for the post of Hon. Secretary and Dr Saliba was declared duly elected for the third term in office. The Chair congratulated the candidates.

The Chair announced that the Vice President of the Section would be elected by secret ballot and asked the two candidates to give brief statements.

Dr Matthys said she would do her best to assist the President in promoting psychiatry as a profession. She would advocate for high quality training and lobby to increase the Section’s influence on a political arena.

Dr Mauthnersaid she would like to focus on defining the roles of psychotherapy and psychiatry. She would like to raise the profile of psychosomatic issues, liaison psychiatry and gender aspects. In terms of training Dr Mauthner would like to see the quality assessment systems developed and harmonised across Europe. She would also like to see closer collaboration between the Sections of Adult and Child Psychiatry.

The election committee counted the ballots received and announced that 21 votes were cast in total – 15 for Dr Mauthner and 6 for Dr Matthys. The Chair asked to bring back the two candidates and declared Dr Mauthner duly elected to the post of Vice-President of the Section. He congratulated Dr Mauthner on her appointment.

Dr Pylkkänen took the chair and thanked the delegates for electing him to the office of President. He promised to do his best to continue the work carried out by his predecessors and to focus on the issues the Section was currently working on.

Action: J Carroll to inform the UEMS Secretariat and all the delegates of the results of the election and amend the website accordingly.

8.New EU member states – an update

The delegates were informed that the new EU states – Romania and Bulgaria – were not as yet represented in the Section. It was agreed in Izmir to approach the UEMS Council to nominate delegates from the relevant psychiatric associations in those countries. Joanna Carroll reported that she was in contact with the UEMS Secretariat and was hoping to receive the relevant contacts in due course.

Action: Prof Lenz and Dr Georgescu agreed to provide details of Romanian associations

9.UEMS Council Matters

a.Minutes of the Sections and Boards meeting with Council – 20.05.06

Dr Pylkkänen informed the meeting that the Council meeting this year was clashing with the Section meeting so he would be leaving early to attend it.

The Council was currently developing its new mid term strategy. The meeting would also discussthe European Commission’s reports, the new EEC Directive coming into force at the end of October, e-health and the sports medicine multidisciplinary joint committee.

Under the new rules of procedure any member of the UEMS Councilcould be invited to attend sections’ meetings as and when appropriate.

b.White Book on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) in Europe

Delegates raised concerns about the term “physiatrists” used in the White Book to refer to physical and rehabilitation medicine specialists. It seemed to be a new word coined for the purposes of the White Book which could, however, be construed as a spelling mistake and confused with the term “psychiatrists”. It was agreed that some action was required to clarify this despite the White Book having been already adopted and published.

Action: President and Hon. Secretary to write to UEMS Council about this issue.

10.Task force – UEMS/AEP/WHO/WPA

Delegates were informed that due to the past President’s ill health there was no UEMS representation at the last meeting of the Task Force held in March during the AEP congress in Madrid.

Dr Strachaninformed the delegates that he had been invited to join the organising committee of the WPA Paris conference on behalf of the UEMS. The Section was also invited to organise a symposium as part of the academic programme. This had clearfinancial implications for the Section. It would be up to the delegates to decide whether this kind of activity would be the best way to use the Section’s resources. Some argued that the national associations would find it hard to justify this expense while others saw this as an opportunity to raise the UEMS profile in Europe. Holding the symposium on the day following the Taskforce meeting would keep the costs down. It was pointed out that the benefits of having a session in the academic programme extended beyond the immediate audience attending it.

Dr Botbol clarified that presidents of national associations would have their registration fees waived. If any of the UEMS delegates were presidents of their associations they might be able to represent both.

The delegates agreed that the Section should continue to maintain its presence in the Taskforce covering the expenses of both the Presidents of the Section and Board to attend the annual meetings of the Taskforce. The symposium could be organised ifthe Section incurred no extra cost. Prof. Hodiamont, Prof. Gómez-Beneyto and Prof. Hohagenwould be attending the conference in other capacities and could participate in the UEMS session if one was organised.


This matter discussed under item 5d above.

12.Quality Assurance in Specialist Psychiatric Care – final document for approval

Dr Saliba reminded the delegates that the proposed draft of the paper on quality assurance was a consolidating document summarising the Section’s and Board’s previous reports on this subject and was largely a cut-and-paste exercise. The Officers had discussed this and would like to suggest that the paper be archived as a summary of archived reports for those interested. The CAPSection was currentlydrafting a report on quality assurance and Dr Schaff suggested both Sections might wish to collaborate.

Action: J Carroll to archive the report on the website

13.Relations with patients, carers and allied professional groups in Europe

Prof. Gómez-Beneyto put this item on the agenda to discuss the possibility of collaboration with organisations representing mental health professionals other than psychiatrists as well as with patients and carers organisations. To improve patient care and service provision psychiatry could not afford to ignore allied professions in Europe and every effort should be made to resolve the differences between them. The Section should also try to find a link with patients and families associations. The WHO website listed a number of relevant organisations that could be contacted. The EFPT had recently started collaboration with EUFAMI[5].

The delegates supported the proposal to collaborate in principle but were concerned about practical arrangements. It was suggested that once the relevant organisations were identified they could be invited to comment on the Section’s and Board’s reports before they are approved.

14.Green/white paper – an update

Dr Pálová informed the delegates that the European Commission had no plans to progress the green paper on mental health (green papers were discussion papers published by the Commission on a specific policy area) to the status of a white paper (white papers were documents containing proposals for Community action in a specific area). The European Commission’s Communication on the proposedEU Actionson Mental Health would be published in the autumn 2007.

15.Rules of Procedures (RoP) – Honorary Membership

This item was put on the agenda by Dr Pylkkänen to open discussion about the possibility of establishing a post of an Honorary Member of the Section. Views were polarised with some delegates raising concerns about the selection criteria for such an honour as well as thegrowing numbers of delegates rendering the group unmanageable.

No final decision was reached and the issue was left open.

16.Prioritisation of mental health

This item was put on the agenda by Dr ten Doesschate to discuss the possibility of the Section’s involvement in Europe wide efforts to secure a greater proportion of national health budgets for mental health. The evidence showed that the current burden of psychiatric illness in Europe was in the region of 20-30% whereas the average national spending was about 6% of health budgets. The Netherlands had initiated a campaign called “20% in 2020” to redress this imbalance. Dr ten Doesschate suggested that each country should start a similar movement. This could be initiated by writing to national associations to support this movement anddelegates were asked to discuss this issue with their national associations.