CCHS Family Conference, OrlandoFlorida, June 19 – 21, 2008
Caribe Royal All Suites Resort and ConferenceCenter
8101 World Center Drive, OrlandoFlorida 32821
We’re really anxious to see you all at the conference!! It will be an exciting event!
Conference programs will begin 3 pm Thursday, June 19 and run through Saturday noon, the 21rst.
Note that room rates are in effect 3 days before and after conference dates. As in the past, we have invited speakers and planned family meetings around a wide range of medical, home-care and life issues in CCHS. Nursing childcare will be available for our CCHS children and their young siblingsduring meeting times, with crafts and games for the young children. Your entire family will enjoy the resort facilities and our seminar and social meetings! These events have been memorable and give real support to our CCHS children/family members!
Program to date: Speakers on achievement in CCHS; Workshops for siblings of CCHS children; MRI Research in CCHS and what it tells us; Pacing in CCHS; Genetics in CCHS; CCHS teens & young adult views; Socializing among families and around family dinners/entertainment; family sharing on homecare issues; and more….
Come and have your questions answered. Share ideas. Introduce your children to others with CCHS.
Resort Rooms: Regular suites are 2-room, with 2 queen beds in one room and a couch pull-out bed in the sitting room. Each room has a small fridge, coffee maker and a microwave so that families who want to can fix breakfast in their rooms. There are also several restaurants onsite.
Meals Provided: Evening supper buffets will be provided on Thursday and Friday in an all-family setting.
Continental breakfasts and boxed lunches will also be provided on Friday and Saturday.
Making Reservations: In order to be assured of the conference rates listed below, you must reserve yourroom(s) by March 28, 2008. We have contracted for a block of 70 rooms total (at this conference price) and so we recommend that you reserve by the March date to ensure this price. After that date, rooms will be available at this rate on a first come/first served basis.
For more information on the Resort and its facilities, go to
** Reservations Phone # 1-800-823-8300 Ask for the CCHS Family Conference Rates **
♦ Guarantee of first night’s room and tax due at time of reservation, via credit card or check.
Queen Double: $149.00 Standard King: $149.00 King Deluxe: $169.00 (These are the same rates we paid in 2003.)
Executive Suite: $349.00 Villas: $274.00
♦ Suite rates are effective, under conditions above, until cutoff date of May 20, 2008 or until the block of 70 rooms is full.
♦ Suite rates effective three (3) days before and after conference dates based on space and rate availability.
♦ All rates are net, non-commissionable and subject to state and local taxes.
♦ Reservations cancelled within (72) hours of arrival will be charged one night’s room & tax, including no-shows.
All reservations should be received on or before March 28, 2008. Reservations received after this datewill be accepted on a space available basis only, at the Group rate if available. But, we need to know in March approximately how many people to expect. Please fill out and return the form in this mailing.
Families are responsible for arranging homecare supplies they’ll need, for example, oxygen and other items. Your own homecare company may have a local office in the Orlando area. If not, your supplies can be ordered by your company from another local service like Apria – Orlando. O2 or other supplies can be delivered to the Resort and held for you.
Limited financial aid is available to those with special need and who otherwise could not attend the conference. We do encourage you to also seek local support. Please note your need on the enclosed conference registration form. And,
Make your reservations early!! Call the Resort directly, mentioning the CCHS Family Conference, and reserve today!!
Check the Network website for information updates–