Tri-Valley Board of Education

Minutes from

April 14, 2011

Board Members:

Eddie Brock

Cindy Cameron

Terry Hutchison, President

Eva Sieber

Scott Welker

Public Participation:

Tri-Valley Students, Laney Wilson and Rusty Archibald,who attendMid-East Career andTechnology Center, along withRick Lawyer, Dean of Students, gave a presentation on their

respective programs.

Treasurer’s Report:

  • Approvedthe minutes from the regular meeting of March10, 2011, and

the special meetings of March 16, 2011, and March 23, 2011, as presented.

  • Approved the FinancialReport for February, 2011, as presented.
  • Approved the five-year forecast as presented.
  • Approved payment to Dresden Feed for amount due.

Personnel Items:


  • Issued a two-year limited contract to Anne Slaboden as T.V.DistrictSchool Nurse

for the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 school years.

Certified :

  • Approved the extension of the current unpaid leave of absence for the

2011-2012 school year to Carolyn Hopkins, Nashport second grade teacher.

  • Approvedone yearlimited contracts to the following for the 2011-2012

school year:

Adamsville:Middle School:

Stephani ShirerElizabeth Prouty

(one year contracts con’t):

Dresden:High School:

Heather StaffordBrad Blair

Nathan Brownrigg

Chad Lahna

  • Approvedtwo year limited contracts to the following for the 2011-12 and 2012-2013

school years to:

High School:

Jared Hindel

Lori McLoughlin

  • Approvedthree year limited contracts for the 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2013-2014

school years for the following certified personnel:

Adamsville: Dresden:

Amy Baughman Cheryl Antill

Mark Baughman Renee Rahn

Eryn Fawcett Marissa Seyerle

Sara McCurdy

Tiffany Wilson

Frazeysburg: High School:

Teresa Oakley Todd McLoughlin

Sarah Whitford

Middle School:

Jason Braddock

Ben Kennedy

Tim Shumaker

  • Approvedfive year limited contracts beginning with the 2011-2012 school year and

continuing through the 2015-2016 school years to the following:

Adamsville: Dresden:

Rise Bolen Nancy Shupert

High School:

F. Eric Helms

Kelly Maddox

  • Issuedcontinuing contracts beginning with the 2011-2012 school year to the following certified personnel:

Adamsville: Dresden:

Chris Garber Renee Bright

Brenda Heil Kari Shumate

Michelle Hill

Jonathan Kelsey Nashport:

Renee RamseyLori Searls

Erin Tracy

Frazeysburg: High School:

Jennifer Archer Amanda Blevins

Cathy Journey Michael Rauch

Michael Sheridan


  • Accepted the retirement request of David Summers, bus driver,

effective June 1, 2011. Mr. Summers has been with TV Schools for

nine years.

  • Approved the FMLA request of Kirk McCloud, head custodian at

Jefferson Elementary, from March 11, 2011 thru June 30, 2011.


  • Approved the following coaches for the 2011-2012 school year:

Cross Country:Football:

Chris Garber – Head CoachJustin Buttermore – Head Coach

Golf:Girls Soccer:

RJ Jarrett – Head CoachEmily Reilly – Head Coach


Leigh Ann Longaberger – Head Coach

Boys Basketball:Wrestling:

Todd McLoughlin – Head CoachJared Hindel – Head Coach

Superintendent’s Report:

  • Approved all Professional Leave as presented.
  • Approved the T.V. Instrumental Handbook for 2011-2012.
  • Approved the request for approximately 100 TV Middle School and High

School band members and advisors to travel to Kings Island on Saturday,

May 7, 2011. Cost will be covered by the individual; travel will be by

T.V. School busses. There will be at least one chaperone for every ten students.

  • Approved the Athletic Communication Guide.
  • Approved the following resolution:

~ The Tri-Valley Board of Education prohibits the use of skateboards on school

property and/or equipment at all times.

The board received an up-date on ‘Race to the Top’.

Committee Reports were given by:






Adjournment @ ______P.M.

There will be a special board meeting on Thursday, April 28th, 7:00 P.M.