Southwest TUC Pensioners Committee Meeting
2nd September 2016 UNISON House Taunton
Wales & South West Region National Committee Members
Roger Balsdon
Chairs Welcome: The Chair opened the meeting welcoming everyone and thanked everyone for being on time, and reminded the Committee he was still waiting for copy of the Committee Constitution. He remind those on the Standing Orders Committee will meet on the 22nd September prior to the Conference, where the SO Committee will see if there are any issues with the Motions that have been received. Up to now only four had been received which was very disappointing but it is to be hope as there is still time for a few more to come in, the Chair express his disappointment also the delegates numbers to Conference are at this moment down on previously on previous years.
Apologies: seven were recorded.
Minutes of National Committee Meeting 16th June 2016: Were agreed and duly signed as a true recorded.
Matters Arising: None, a short discussion took place on people still being move out of shelter accommodation, and about getting young people to think about pensions and get involved.
Treasures Report: (a) On the Regional Office report of Conference questions were asked about the cost of Conference and Buffet and this went into a lengthy discussions which covered labelling of food and Standard of buffet, It was agreed that the Secretary and Treasure meet TUC Regional Office and Caters as all funds going in and out our accounts are handle by TUC Regional Office who are now in control of the Accounts Cheques Books. (b) It was agreed that tickets will be hand out to make sure only Delegates who have paid their registration fees get their food ticket, so there would be no repeat of last year where a lot of people who had not paid their registrations fee lead to the shortage of food for every one.
Chairs Report: There was great concern being express by All Unions of the effects the Trade Union Bill as the Government is starting to go about how they going to use it, and their 50% requirement for any action that is more than most MPs have in being elected for Parliament. There are many Rallies take place around the Country which shows they have not alter there stance even with a new PM, and people of all walks of life are feeling the effects of the uncertainty with our coming out of the Common Market and the effects of Low Bank Rate on Saving, Investment in Manufacturing and Pension Funds.
Secretary’s Report: TUC Regional Office has sent out programs and leaflets for the 20th October 2016 Conference on the new venue and reminding people there is still to send in Motion and Delegates papers, and he is in the process of arranging a meeting with them about the leaflets to be sent out to all Committee Members on Disable Access.
Southwest TUC Regional Council and Executive Committee: No report has been received.
Conference 2016: As agreed the request of Nigel Costly TUC Regional Office for Conference to be move to 6th October 2016 if available and discussion took place on Speaker as the Committee had been ask for suggestions of topic for Speakers these were Call Centres, NHS Hospital Closures and Privatising parking, Funding of Social Care, Welfare Rights & Benefits, The New State Pension Arrangements and Transport ie: Student Buses. (2) Stalls, Funding for Independent Living, Police, Fire Brigade, Cold Calling, and Preventing Fraud were all top of those suggested.
BPTUAA Report: All Committee members had received a written report, and questions were asked about Funding Cuts, which was reported at the Pensioners Parliament in Blackpool last year and had effects it had on this year attendance as it was well down on last year.
AOB: None