After turning on the system as described , turn on Ar gas before entering class 100.
Preparing and Loading Samples
Place your sample on the proper holder. Break vacuum by vacuum switch and open the chamber. Mount the holder on the rotating upper stage (1). Place your material target to target socket (2). Target must be in the middle of the socket and it must not touch to the side walls of the socket. Switch rotation knob(3) from 0 to 1 to place your target properly relative to your target (place it closer to target, but not on top of it initially). Switch the knob back to 0 after placing. Close the chamber and start vacuum.
Adjusting the software
Learn desired material number from material menu (There are two different code numbers for some of the materials. One of them is for evaporation and the other is for sputtering). In the process menu modify one of the processes by entering your material number. From the utility menu activate the modified process. From program menu, choose operate. You must see ‘source 3-sensor3’ on the top of the screen for sputtering. If you see ‘source1-sensor1’, choose the second code number for the desired material and redo explained software steps.
Running the process
If the normal operation mode led (4)is on, turn on the Ar gas switch (5). Unlock (6) the knob and set the gas level by turning the knob (7). Turn on the power switches (8). Set the power level by simultaneously pushing set point button (9) and turning the power level knob (10). Initially set to power to a lower limit. Turn on the RF power (11) and initiate the plasma. If the plasma is not formed, press trigger button(5-1 button) (13). After forming plasma, increase the power level to desired value by power level knob (10). Place your sample on top of the target by rotation knob (3) and press ZERO THICKNESS. When desired thickness is read on the monitor, turn off the RF power (12). Turn of the power switches (8). Decrease the Ar level to 0 (7), lock the knob (6) and turn off the gas switch (5). Break the vacuum and take your sample and the target out.
Turn off the system as described and turn off Ar .
1) 2)
3) 4)