Red Brush Rifle Range Inc.

A Safe Place to Shoot


Club Meeting February 6th 7:00 PM

Meeting will be at Evansville National Guard

Armory 3000 East Division St., Evansville

Doors Open 5:00 PM for Auction Items Setup


See Auction Night information below:

Firearms provided by Gary Evans: Guns Unlimited, 2916 E. Covert Ave., Evansville 812-473-3199

EVENTS: / Date / Start Time / Chairman / Phone / Rifle Range Closed
IDPA / Feb. 1 / Setup 7:00 AM
New Shooters 9:30 AM
Match 10:00 AM / Brad Eadens / 270-854-4090 / NO
Tactical Rifle / Feb. 23 / 7:30 A.M. Registration
8:00 A.M. Set Up
1:30 P.M. Complete / Tom Ancona / 483-9692 / YES From 7:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.
Appleseed -Postponed until April 19th / Feb. No Event / NONE / Frank Findley / 897-4818 / No

Winter Range Maintenance:

During the winter I needeveryone's help to keep our range clean. Please pick up any loose trash and return the target stands back to the shelters. Also, please do not burn the trash barrels on the weekends. The only other thing I would ask is that everyone keep the bathroom doors closed so our pipes will not freeze and we don't get any critters taking upresidence. There will be extra cardboard in the members room and please email me if this needs to be restocked.

Thanks again, Jeff Webber

Work Day Credit:

Any member who is not 65 years old on January 1 and in good health is required to perform a work day or pay an assessment at renewal.

General note: If the workday gets rained out, the next weekend will be the makeup date. Workdays start at 8AM, so generally all work can be completed in a timely manner to open up the range to shooters. All workdays performed must be approved by the Grounds Chairman then printed in the newsletter in order to receive credit.

Club Contacts 2013
President / Mike Maurer / 812-490-0949 /
Vice President / Joe Lutz / 812-425-1977 /
Secretary / John Fickas / 812-477-6852 /
Treasurer / Bob Lawrence / 812-490-1065 /
Range Officer / Gary Moranz / 812-306-4145 /
Grounds Chairman / Jeff Webber / 812-897-3545 /
Webmaster / Chris Hornbeck
Darrell Schauss /
Newsletter / Tom Barnett / 812-853-5563 /
Club Phone at Range / No Phone Available / Disconnected

Membership Renewal:

The Membership Renewal period is over:

2014 membership cards have been mailed via U.S. Postal First Class and you should have received yours several weeks ago. If you did not receive your card and you have evidence that you paid your dues, please contact Vice-President Joe Lutz.

Lost and Found:

Have you lost/left anything at the range lately? Have you found anything at the range that belongs to another member? If the answer is YES to either question, please call Mike Maurer at 490-0949 to report a lost item or a found item.

Red Brush Rifle Range Annual Auction Night
Thursday, February 6, 2014, 6:30 PM

Located at the Evansville National Guard Armory

3000 East Division St., Evansville

The doors will open at 5:00 PM for unloading your merchandise.

The Annual Auction Night is the best and most fun meeting of the year. It is a social event.

Members bring unwanted shooting sport related items to sell. Guns, gun parts, ammo, reloading supplies,
dies, gun cabinets, knives, scopes, gun books, gun stocks, magazines, holsters, pouches and military items, are
some of the articles that typically show up. Please put your name on your items and a brief description of exactly what it is. Help the auctioneers to sell it by giving them the description. We could also use an extra auctioneer or two to help out.

Partial boxes of bullets and cans of gun powder are popular. Cheap stuff sells quickly and sometimes
for more than it is worth. Somebody needs your scope cover, your clips and those extra springs and gun screws.

Expensive, high dollar items are slow to sell, but could. A "reserve price" can be set for these items.

Members will find some real deals so bring some $$ cash $$. There is no commission. All we do is find a
buyer for the seller. The doors will open at 5:00 PM for unloading your merchandise.

FREE Food, Beer and Soft Drinks Starting between 5:30 and 6:00 PM

FREE door prize tickets.

Your chance to win some great prizes just for showing up.

Half- Pot Drawing ....

'Enter the Half-pot for $5.00 per ticket or three tickets for $10.00. Last year's winner won $1125.00
You may buy as many tickets as you want.

Gun Raffle .

Thanks to Gary Evans, again Red brush is offering an unprecedented number of guns and choices to the

Give Gary a shot at your business. Guns Unlimited is located at 2916 East Covert, Evansville. He is
very competitive and can order almost anything you need if it is not in stock.

UNBELIEVEABLE !!! Seven guns this year and the ticket pack is still only $35.00

Buy a ticket pack for $35.00 and you will get a ticket for each gun. Yes, you have a chance to win all
seven guns. Six tickets are for choice of six guns as the winners are drawn. The Seventh ticket is for the
bonus gun and is in a separate drawing. A bonus gun, ticket cannot be purchased separately; it comes in the
$35.00 packet. Single tickets for the other six guns are available for $15.00 each.

2014 Auction Night Gun Raffle

1. Kahr CW Series - Choice of: 9 mm or .45 acp caliber.

2. Ruger SR Series - Choice of: 9mm or .45 acp caliber.

3. Springfield XD Series - Choice of: 9mm or .45 acp caliber.

4. Ruger MKIII Series - Choice of: .22/45 Lite or 512 Bull barrel w/flash


5. FNH FNS 9 mm or GSG Stg. 44 in .22 LR in unique wooden crate.

6. Henry Golden Boy .22 LR or Colt 1911/22 Gold Cup Trophy

Springfield 1911 "Range Officer"

DPMS "Oracle" AR-15 5.56/.223


Mossberg 715T Talo 22 LR

You may purchase as many ticket packets as you wish


Note: Due to contract negotiations, the Alcoa Clubhouse will not be available for our monthly meetings in April, May, and June. We are actively seeking alternative meeting places and have a few possibilities. Watch the newsletter for notification of the location of the monthly meeting for that month.