Name: Kazuhito HASHIMOTO


Affiliation: (1)Deaprtment Applied Chemistry, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan

Tel: +81-3-5841-7245, Fax: +81-3-5841-8751

(2)Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo

4-6-1, KOmaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo153-8904, Japan

Tel: +81-35452-5080, Fax: +81-3-5452-5084


Academic background:

1978 B. Science, Chemistry, University of Tokyo

1980 M. Science, Chemistry, University of Tokyo

1985 Doc. Science, Chemistry, University of Tokyo

Professional career:

1980-1984: Technical Associate, Institute for Molecular Science

1984-1989: Research Associate, Institute for Molecular Science

1989-1991: Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry, University of Tokyo

1991-1997: Associate Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry, University of Tokyo

1997-present: Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo

2003-present: Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry, University of Tokyo

2004-2007: Director Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo

2005-2008: Visiting Professor, Hokkaido University

Research Project

1994-1999: Project Director, Photochemical Conversion Project,

Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology

2007-present: Project Director, Photocatalysis for Sustainable Society Project

New Energy and Technology Development Organization (NEDO)

2007-present: Project Director, ERATO “Hashimoto Light Energy Conversion Project”

Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST)


1)  1997: IBM Science Award (IBM Science Foundation)

2)  1997: Award of Japan Lightings Society

3)  1998: Invention Award (Science and Technology Agency of Japan)

4)  1998: Innovations in Real Material Award (Innovation in Materials Conference)

5)  1998: Award of Photochemical Society of Japan

6)  1999: Best Presentation Award (Asian Conference on Electrochemistry)

7)  2004: The Prime Minister Award (Government of Japan)

8)  2004: Environmental Technology Award (Nihon Keizai Shinbub Inc.) Co. lt.)

9)  2006: The Imperial Award/ Japan Invention Award (Japan Institute of Invention and


10)  2006: The Yamazaki Teiichi Prize (Foundation for Promotion of Material Science and

Technology of Japan)

Books (in English):

1)  TiO2 Photocatalysis: Fundamentals and Applications, BKC (1998).

2)  Magneto-Optics, Springer (1999).

Current Research Interests:

1)  TiO2 Photocatalysis

2)  Polymer Photovoltaic Cell

3)  Microbial Fuel Cell and Microbial Solar Cell

Kazuhito Hashimoto is currently a professor of chemistry at the University of Tokyo. After he received his BS and MS degrees from the University of Tokyo, he obtained a research position at the Institute for Molecular Science (Okazaki, Japan) in 1980. In 1989, he was invited as a lecturer to the laboratory of Professor Akira Fujishima in the Department Applied Chemistry at the University of Tokyo, where he was promoted to an associate professor in 1991. When he became a full professor in 1997, he opened his own laboratory at the Research Center of Advanced Science & Technology. In addition, he succeeded Prof. Fujishima as the chair of the department in 2003 and opened his own laboratory at this department, too. His current research interests involve photo-related materials such as photocatalysts, polymer photovoltaic cells and microbial solar cells.