Michael Dornan

Place of birth: Glasgow, Scotland

Date of birth: November 26, 1954

Nationality: British

Marital Status: Single

Address: Rua João Infante,

Lote 3, R/C A,

2750-384 Cascais


Mobile (Port).: +351 96 456 9188

Fax No.: +43 1 581 1500-15

Mobile (Austria) +43 699 10369625


HYPERLINK "mailto: "

Bank details :

Marquês de Pombal

Praça Marquês de Pombal



Account nº : 023 37171 000 5

IBAN PT50 0007 0023 0037 1710 0059 6


Academic Qualifications

- "A" levels : English, Russian, French obtained at Holyrood Secondary School, Glasgow. Portuguese obtained at British Council, Lisbon.

- Attended Red Lion Square Polytechnic, London. French and Russian Courses 1972 - 1974.

- Private German language course since 1989.

- German Course for foreigners organised by the "Wiener Internationale Hochschulkurse" University of Vienna, August 1994. Final mark 16/20.

- 1995 1st Year of the Open University BA Course in European Humanities

- 1996 2nd Year of the Open University BA Course in European Humanities


A English (mother tongue)

B Portuguese

C French and Spanish

German and Russian (have some knowledge of both languages)


- Civil Servant, England 1972 - 1974.

- Office Manager, Whimpey's Construction Co., Dijon, France 1974.

- Resident in Portugal since 1975.

- English Teacher, Secretarial Higher Education College and Translation and Interpretation Higher Education College, "Instituto Superior de Línguas e Administraçäo", Lisbon, until 1985. Inlingua Language School, Lisbon 1985 - 1989.

- Conference Interpreter since 1989. Member of the Portuguese Conference Interpreters Association (APIC) since 1991.

- Member of the Jury of the Interpretation Training Course with B.A.& N. in cooperation with the Portuguese Institute for Employment and Vocational Training 1992.

- Monitor of the Interpretation Training Course "Sensibilizaçäo à Interpretaçäo Simultânea" organised by the Portuguese Institute for Employment and Vocational Training from January to April 1993.

- Monitor of the Interpretation Training Course "Curso de Interpretaçäo" organised by the Portuguese Institute for Employment and Vocational Training in May and June 1994.

- Monitor in the post-graduate course on interpretation at Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa sponsored by the European Commission (SCIC) since 1998


- The British Rail Experience, May 1989, Lisbon.

- Qualidade em Serviços, May 1989, Lisbon.

- Congresso dos Agricultores de Portugal, May 1989, Lisbon.

- Just In Time, June 1989, Lisbon.

- Serviço Nacional de Protecçäo Civil, June 1989, Sines.

- Segundas Jornadas de Segurança Rodoviária, June 1989, Lisbon.

- Recuperaçäo do Património, September 1989, Sintra

- Biomass International Congress, October 1989, Lisbon.

- European Monetary Union, October 1989, Lisbon.

- Congresso Nacional de Enfermagem, November 1989, Lisbon.

- 2º Congresso Nacional de Farmácias, November, 1989, Lisbon.

- 1º Forum Internacional da Cortiça, November 1989, Tróia.

- Seminário sobre as Ultimas Novidades em Nutriçäo Animal, December 1989, Lisbon.

- Conferência Constitutiva da UNACA, February 1990, Luanda, Angola.

- 3rd Meeting of the Governors of the Central Banks of the Portuguese Speaking African Countries, March 1990, Guinea-Bissau.

- Conference on Corn Gluten Feed, March 1990, Lisbon

- 2nd Wilson Center Conference on Portugal (Portugal, the U.S. and European Integration), March 1990, Lisbon.

- III Jornadas Monétarias, April 1990, Lisbon.

- Symposium on Serotonin and Behavioural Disturbances, April 1990, Lisbon.

- Mímica no Acarte, April 1990, Lisbon.

- IV Fim de Semana de Anestesiologia Pediátrica, May 1990, Coimbra.

- Congresso Nacional de Pecuária, May 1990, Lisbon.

- Protecçäo do Meio Ambiente, June 1990, Funchal.

- Workshop on Energy Planning, June 1990, Lisbon.

- Bilateral Cooperation Portugal/United Kingdom, July 1990, Lisbon.

- Seminar on Europe, Challenges and Strategies, September 1990, Espinho.

- Reuniäo 5º Ciclo Chibret, September 1990, Vimeiro.

- 1º Saläo Internacional das Telecomunicaçöes Electrónica e Serviços, September 1990, Lisbon.

- 1st. International Congress on the Discoveries and Health, September 1990, Lisbon.

- 2nd. Congress of the Portuguese Society for Cardio-Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, October 1990, Lisbon.

- Science and Technology Parks and Business and Innovation Centres, December 1990, Lisbon.

- 1as Jornadas de Comercializaçäo de Produtos Agricolas do Algarve, December 1990, Albufeira.

- Good Manufacturing Practices, February 1991, Lisbon.

- Human Resources in the 90s, An American Perspective, March 1991, Lisbon.

- Business International's roundtable with the Government of Portugal, March 1991, Lisbon.

- 1st. Annual Seminar on Environmental Impact Assessment, April 1991, Albufeira.

- Angola Peace Talks, April 1991, Bicesse.

- II Congresso de Saúde dos Açores, April 1991, Azores.

- Portugal, Golf and Tourism, May 1991, Estoril.

- Política Energética em Debate, May 1991, Lisbon.

- VI Jornadas Pneumológicas de Lisboa, May 1991, Lisbon.

- Business Development between Ireland and Portugal in the European Community, June 1991, Lisbon.

- Swisscom Symposium Portugal, June 1991, Lisbon.

- Apoios Internacionais à Cooperaçäo Empresarial, July 1991, Lisbon.

- First Electrolux European Convention, September 1991, Lisbon.

- 50th. Meeting of the Nato Nuclear Planning Group, October 1991, Sicily.

- Técnicas de Produçäo e Distribuiçäo, October 1991, Estoril.

- Logística na Teoria e na Prática, October 1991, Lisbon.

- 3rd. (FEE) Public Sector Committee Conference, October 1991, Lisbon.

- Safety and Health in the Workplace in the Single European Market, November 1991, Estoril.

- Encontro sobre Directivas Europeias de Protecçäo do Consumidor e do Ambiente. "Tintas e Ecologia", November 1991, Lisbon

- Educaçäo pela Arte, Acarte, December 1991, Lisbon.

- 2nd. International Congress on Drug Addiction, April 1992, Lisbon.

- Transportes Eficientes em Cidades de Média Dimensäo, May 1992, Coimbra.

- International Congress "Fátima and Peace", May 1992, Fátima, Portugal.

- V Weekend of Paediatric Anaesthesia, May 1992, Coimbra, Portugal.

- Human Resources in Objective 1 Regions, June 1992, Säo Miguel, Azores.

- Portugal, Golf, Tourism and Regional Development, June 1992, Estoril.

- Harmonizaçäo da Formaçäo e o Reconhecimento de Diplomas nas Profissöes de Desporto e Associados, June 1992, Oeiras, Portugal.

- 16th. Congress of "Greffiers de Justice", September 1992, Espinho, Portugal.

- Total Productive Maintenance, November 1992, Lisbon.

- 4º Congresso Internacional. Os revisores e o mercado único, December 1992, Lisbon.

- V Encontro Internacional de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular, December 1992, Lisbon.

- Bolsa de Turismo de Lisboa, January 1993, Lisbon.

- Seminário Internacional sobre Protecçäo do Consumidor - Diferentes Modelos Europeus, January 1993, Lisbon.

- Colóquio Internacional "A Inspecçäo do Trabalho e a Prevençäo dos Riscos Profisssionais nas FME", February 1993, Albufeira.

- United Nations HONLEA Meeting, February 1993, Vienna, Austria.

- Perspectivas Mercado Imobiliário, March 1993, Lisbon.

- The Mentally Handicapped and the Family, March 1993, Lisbon.

- SCRIPTCRAFT, Portugal. Workshop II, March 1993, Lisbon.

- Seminar on the Assessment and Management of Environmental Risks, March 1993, Lisbon.

- 3rd. International Conference. Computers in the History Classroom, April 1993, Lisbon.

- International Conference. International Day of Haemophilia, April 1993, Lisbon.

- Jornadas Técnicas - 1993. "O Polietileno nas águas", April 1993, Lisbon.

- 4º Encontro Produtores/Distribuidores, April 1993, Lisbon.

- Congresso Nacional sobre SIDA/93 - Simpósio Internacional sobre Infecçäo VIH2, April 1993, Lisbon.

- Colóquio Internacional - A Nova Dança nos Anos Noventa (Acarte), April 1993, Lisbon.

- 1º Congresso Português de Urosexopatia Neurogénia, May 1993, Lisbon.

- International Meeting of the European Rural University, May 1993, Évora.

- 14ème Réunion du Comité Exécutif d'Eryica, May 1993, Lisbon.

- Ist International Conference on Cocaine Trafficking and Organised Crime, June 1993, Lisbon.

- 2nd. International Symposium on Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and C.F.C.'s., June 1993, Lisbon.

- International Academy of Law and Mental Health. XIXth. International Congress, June 1993, Lisbon.

- 8th. World Congress of Sport Psychology, June 1993, Lisbon.

- Seminário - Detecçäo Remota. Sistemas de Informaçäo Geográfica, June 1993, Lisbon.

- Seminar organised by the Portuguese Quality Association on "How to set up a Quality Process in Record Time", July 1993, Lisbon.

- XIVth International Conference of Rorscach and other Projective Methods, July 1993, Lisbon.

- V Jornadas de Timor. "Timor Leste e a Indonésia", July 1993, Lisbon.

- Symposium Européen sur Chaussées Souples, September 1993, Lisbon.

- 3º Encontro da Rede Europeia de Economia Alternativa e Solidária, September 1993, Vimeiro.

- AFETT/CES Seminar I (Association pour la formation des travailleurs aux technologies): L'industrie du cuir et de la Chaussure, October 1993, Northhampton.

- Simpósio Internacional de Hidráulica Monástica Medieval e Moderna, November 1993, Arrábida.

- AFETT/CES Seminar II (Association pour la formation des travailleurs aux technologies): L'industrie du cuir et de la Chaussure, November 1993, Rome.

- OECD Policy Management Committee. Meeting of Senior Officials of Centres of Government, November 1993, Lisbon.

- Oportunidades e Desafios para Portugal. O Sistema Europeu de Patentes, November 1993, Lisbon.

- VI Encontro Internacional de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular, December 1993, Lisbon.

- Workshop sobre Cogeraçäo na Indústria e Serviços (DGXVII) December 1993, Lisbon.

- Crédit Lyonnais - Réunion de Zone Europe, December 1993, Lisbon.

- Inter-institutional Partnership and Regional Development, January 1994, Seixal.

- Colóquio Internacional sobre as Transiçöes Económicas a Políticas em Africa, January 1994, Lisbon.

- Culturas em Diálogo 1994 - Colóquio "Cultura e Desenvolvimento", February 1994, Lisbon.

- First Portuguese Congress on Diabetes, February 1994, Oporto.

- The Niki Prix Conference on "Parity in Prime-Time", March 1994, Lisbon.

- Conferência de Mulheres da Banca dos Países do Sul da Europa, March 1994, Lisbon.

- 2nd International Congress on Nutrition in Pediatrics, March 1994, Lisbon.

- 6th International Conference on Legislation Concerning Veterans and Victims of War, March 1994, Lisbon.

- Round Table on Nordic Literature organised by ACARTE, Gulbenkian Foundation, March 1994, Lisbon

- Reuniäo de Fornecedores de Componentes para a Indústria Automóvel, March 1994, Lisbon.

- Meeting of Coordinators of the NEGCOL Project within the scope of the FORCE Programme, March 1994, Almada.

- Curso básico combinado teórico-prático de Implantes Osteointegrados, March 1994, Lisbon.

- Seminario organizado por SEDES : 3º Milénio - Portugal, o Ambiente e o Desenvolvimento", March 1994, Lisbon.

- MED-CAMPUS Programme Meeting, April 1994, Córdoba.

- 4º Seminário Anual sobre Avaliaçäo do Impacte Ambiental, April 1994, Lagos.

- 14th Meeting of CEN/TC 192/WG 3 "Fire fighting and rescue service vehicles", April 1994 Lisbon.

- SEDES - Encontros Internacionais, A Nova Fronteira da Europa, May 1994, Sintra.

- Moçambique - Oportunidades Atractivas de Investimento, May 1994, Lisbon.

- Conferência dos Dirigentes das Escolas de Policia, May 1994, Lisbon.

- VI Weekend of Paediatric Anaesthesia, May 1994, Coimbra.

- Seminar on Quality - "Customer as a Corporate Asset: Customer value, customer satisfaction, customer retention", June 1994, Lisbon.

- A UNESCO for the 21st Century, July 1994, Lisbon.

- 5th European Conference for Government Document Experts, September 1994, Lisbon.

- Seminário de Avaliaçäo do Projecto MINERVA, September 1994, Lisbon.

- Lisbon Meeting of the International Parliament of Writers, September 1994, Lisbon.

- Seminar on Offshore Structures, September 1994, Algarve.

- A Criança Consumidora - O Direito a Produtos Seguros, October 1994, Sintra.

- Conseil de l'Union Européenne de l'Hospitalisation Privée / Comité Européen de L'Hospitalisation Privée, October 1994, Lisbon.

- IMO Atlantic Ocean Conference on Maritime Search and Rescue and the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System, October 1994, Lisbon.

- Simpósio sobre Tratamento Quimico de Aguas e Papel, October 1994, Lisbon

- 3º Congresso Nacional de Areas Protegidas, October 1994, Lisbon.

- Reuniäo do Comité de Coordenaçäo da Rede Europeia de Cidades de Média Dimensäo, October 1994, Lisbon.

- Directorate General XIII, Legal Advisory Board Special Meeting - Legal Aspects of Multimedia and Geographic Information Systems, October 1994, Lisbon.

- Association of the European National Olympic Committees 23rd General Assembly, November 1994, Lisbon.

- The Growing Importance of Maintenance, November 1994, Almada.

- Encontro Internacional de Orgäo, November 1994, Mafra.

- Congresso Internacional ; "O Rosto Feminino da Expansäo Portuguesa", November 1994, Lisbon.

- "Silk Road" sponsored by the Council of Europe, November 1994, Castelo Branco.

- Congresso sobre Tecnologias Avançadas de Vidro, December 1994, Lisbon.

- VII Encontro Internacional de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular, December 1994, Lisbon.

- II Seminário Nacional "ENS" (European Nervous System), January 1995, Lisbon.

- North South Centre's International Workshop on Environmental Education, February 1995, Lisbon.

- XXème Assemblée Plénière de la Commission Arc Atlantique de la C.R.P.M., March 1995, Coimbra.

- Conferência "Promoçäo de Tecnologias Energéticas nas Ilhas Isoladas da Uniäo Europeia", March 1995, Funchal.

- Seminário Europeu sobre Inserçäo Profissional de Pessoas com Deficiência "Conhecer para Integrar", March 1995, Estoril.

- XI Congresso da Organizaçäo Mundial de Poetas, March 1995, Sintra.

- I Seminário "Documentaçäo Clínica", March 1995, Lisbon.

- DGXVII/CEEETA Workshop on "Cogeneration Technologies using Natural Gas", March 1995, Lisbon.

- Seminário sobre A Protecçäo dos Interesses Financeiros da Comunidade e o Branqueamento de Capitais, April 1995, Lisbon.

- The Gaming Regulators European Forum, April 1995, Lisbon.

- Meeting of International Parliament of Writers, May 1995, Sintra.

- Symposium - ISO 9000 Forum, May 1995, Lisbon.

- 22nd General Assembly of the Geneva Association, May 1995, Lisbon.

- "Os Media e a Defesa", June 1995, Lisbon.

- 67ème Session de L'Institut de Droit International, August-September 1995, Lisbon.

- Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, September 1995, Lisbon.

- Education International/Europe Early Childhood Education Seminar, September 1995, Oporto.

- Seminar on Data Warehousing, October 1995, Lisbon.

- The Bacchae and the Birth of Tragedy, Acarte, October 1995, Lisbon.

- Conference on the Book "Transforming the Organization", October 1995, Lisbon.

- IX Simpósio Internacional de Urologia, October 1995, Oporto

- III Congresso Europeu do Caucionamento Mútuo, October 1995, Lisbon.

- An ISTLI (International Society for Technology, Law and Insurance) Symposium on "Risk and Economic Evaluation on Failure and Malfunction of Systems", October 1995, Lisbon.

- Presentation of Expo '98, November 1995, Lisbon.

- Conference on "Energias Renováveis - Promoçäo de Tecnologias Europeias em Cabo Verde", organised by CEEETA, November 1995, Praia, Cape Verde.

- Seminar organised by the Observatoire Européen LEADER on Methods and Tools of Permanent Analysis of the Area, November 1995, Sertä.