School Improvement Plan
School Name
School Address:
School phone:
MPS site #:
Starting Year:
School Description
LITERACY SECTION: Needs Assessment
What school-wide literacy strategies outlined in the 2008-09 Educational Plan were, in fact, implemented?
What data was collected on the effectiveness of the 08-09 literacy strategies?
How was the data used by the teachers to inform instruction or modify practices?
How was the data used by the learning team?
What worked and why?
What did not work and why?
Did your school integrate writing across the curriculum by connecting 6 traits of writing into reading instruction?
WKCE Reading Proficiency Summary (by Subgroup)
Current Condition:
____% of ALL students are proficient or advanced in reading as measured by the WKCE.
Urgent Fact:
____% of all students are NOT proficient/advanced in reading as measured by the WKCE.
How much of a gap (in percentage points) exists between your school’s data and the MPS strategic plan targets? ____
How much of a gap (in percentage points) exists between your school’s data and the AYP targets? ____
List the percent proficient for each of the following subgroups:
Subgroups / % Proficient
2006-07 / 2007-08 / 2008-09
African American
Students with Disabilities (Swd)
English Language Learners (ELL)
Free/Reduced Lunch (FRL)
What trend/s do you observe across demographic subgroups of students?
WKCE and WAA Reading Proficiency Summary by Grade
Identify within grade levels, trends using the 2006-07 data as your baseline year:
(drop down menu with increasing/decreasing/level as choices)
Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6
Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 10
What trend/s do you observe across grade levels?
WKCE SPI Summary
Record the percent of questions answered correctly for each objective area:
Grade / 2008-09
% Determines Meaning / % Understands Text / % Analyze Text / % Evaluate & Extends Text
WKCE and WAA / continued
Why are certain objective areas lower than others?
What is your STAFF doing that may have contributed to the results in what you are observing in your WKCE literacy data?
What is your STAFF not doing that may have contributed to the results in what you are observing in your WKCE literacy data?
Are any groups outperforming other groups? Y / N
Why might this be?
Are there differences in grade level trends? Y / N
Why might this be?
Why haven’t certain student sub-groups met AYP?
What does this say about the effectiveness of your reading curricula?
What might this say about the instructional practices used in literacy?
How will this data inform your planning for next year?
Fill in your tier score for each year: / 2004-05 / 2005-06 / 2006-07 / 2007-08
What is your school’s trend in growth over time?
How does your school’s growth compare to the district average? (District average is 3)
Choose the correct quadrant for each year: / 2004-05 / 2005-06 / 2006-07 / 2007-08
1 Quadrant values are: HH: High Value Added–High Attainment, HL: High Value Added–Low Attainment, LH: Low Value Added–High Attainment,
LL: Low Value Added–Low Attainment
What pattern do you observe in your quadrant data in Reading?
What is your STAFF doing that may have contributed to the results you are observing in your literacy Value-Added data?
What is your STAFF not doing that may have contributed to the results you are observing in your literacy Value-Added data?
What might you need to do differently to alter your student “growth” rates in reading?
Writing Observation/Analysis
WKCE Writing
Record your average rubric scores by grade for each year:
Grade / Composition (0 – 6) / Conventions (0 – 3)
2006-07 / 2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2006-07 / 2007-08 / 2008-09
Proficiency is based on a score of 4 or more for Composition and 2 or more for Conventions. Analyze scores separately.
Describe your school’s trend in writing based on the average rubric scores in the chart above for composition.
How do your school’s rubric scores compare to the district and the state?
Describe your school’s trend in writing based on the average rubric scores in the chart above for conventions.
How do your school’s rubric scores compare to the district and the state?
MPS School-Based Writing Assessment
List the average score, holistically, for each grade:
___ Grade 3 ___ Grade 5 ___ Grade 7
List the average score in each writing domain for each grade. All scores should be compiled using a 4 point rubric.
Grade / Ideas / Organization / Voice / Word Choice / Sentence Fluency and Variety / Conventions
Which domains appear to be the weakest across the grades within the school on the MPS School-Based Writing Assessment?
Writing Observation/Analysis / Continued
My Access! Writing Assessment
NOTE: Schools using MY Access! should use data found in the MY Access! Reports. All scores should be compiled using a 4 point rubric.
List the average score, holistically, for each grade:
___ Grade 5 ___ Grade 8
List the average score in each writing domain for each grade. All scores should be compiled using a 4 point rubric.
Grade / Focus / Development / Organization / Language Use / Mechanics and Conventions
Which domains appear to be the weakest across the grades within the school on the My Access! Writing Assessment?
Writing Observations:
How does your school incorporate writing throughout the curriculum?
How do you currently monitor student progress in writing?
What best practices in writing are used consistently across your school?
What is your STAFF doing that may have contributed to the results you are observing in your Writing Data?
What is your STAFF not doing that may have contributed to the results you are observing in your Writing Data?
What other best practices in writing will you add to enhance student learning and performance?
What else might you do to gather a variety of writing data?
How might you improve the effectiveness of the implementation of your current writing strategies to determine if there is a need to identify new or additional strategies?
Parent and Family Involvement
What type of assistance/activities did you provide to families related to your school’s literacy program?
Describe the results of any surveys, checklists, interviews, face-to face feedback or other data sources from parents and/or community members about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of your efforts to engage them in the school’s literacy program.
What is your STAFF doing that may have contributed to the results you are observing in your Parent and Family Involvement data?
What is your STAFF not doing that may have contributed to the results you are observing in your Parent and Family Involvement data?
What is staff doing/not doing that may have contributed to the results you are observing in your data sources?
Professional Practice
Professional Development
Record the number of literacy-related professional development sessions attended by staff and total number of hours, as it relates to district and school level professional development.
Professional Development / 2008-09 / 2009-10
# of Sessions / # of Actual Hours / # of Sessions / # of Actual Hours
District Level
School Level
What was the focus of the trainings?
How did staff share and use their new literacy knowledge and skills in the classroom?
How did staff share and use their new knowledge to build knowledge of other staff members at the school?
Did your school provide professional development on how to use formative assessment practices in literacy?
How did the school monitor whether or not the skills learned at the training were, in fact, implemented by teachers at the school?
Instructional Practices Survey (IPS) – Key Area Analysis
Use the drop down menu to choose the area your school was highest and lowest in:
Highest Instructional Practice Key Area ______(drop down with CHPUCs listed)
Lowest Instructional Practice Key Area ______(drop down with CHPUCs listed)
How does your Instructional Practices Survey data relate to your literacy professional development focus?
How has the school helped the development of content knowledge in literacy with staff?
What professional development needs does your staff have as it relates to developing literacy skills in students?
What writing approaches and instructional strategies are currently being addressed in your professional development plan?
Professional Practice / Continued
If you have initial educators on staff, what unique professional development needs do they have with regard to teaching reading and writing as contrasted with veteran educators?
How will you provide these initial educators with site based support around instruction, management, and parent and family involvement?
What should STAFF do differently to promote student success in literacy?
How can you increase the literacy content knowledge required of staff to move students forward academically in literacy?
How do you improve the instructional practices (of staff) required to move students forward academically in literacy?
What types of additional professional development needs to be offered to promote student success in literacy?
What could you do that might improve family literacy services?
What barriers exist that may hinder your efforts?
How will you overcome these barriers?
LITERACY SECTION: Our Current Reality
Urgent Fact: / ____% of all students are NOT proficient/advanced in reading as measured by the WKCE.
LITERACY SECTION: Goal, Measurable Objective and Progress
Supports Strategic Goal #1: / Students meet and exceed Wisconsin academic standards and graduate prepared for higher education, careers and citizenship.Literacy Measurable Objective / Baseline / Long Term Target / Annual Key Targets
2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12
By 2012, 80% of our students will read on grade level as measured by the WKCE. / WKCE / 85% / 67% / 72% / 80%
AYP / 100% / 74% / 80.5% / 87%
Benchmark Progress:
Enter data results that show your ongoing progress toward the goal from district benchmarks and local assessments. / Benchmark Progress2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Report Benchmark Progress:
Performance Monitoring Data Source:
Optional #1 – Writing Composition
(Optional #1) / Baseline / Long Term Target / Annual Key Targets
2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12
By 2012, rubric scores will increase from ____ to ____ in Composition as measured by the WKCE.
Optional #2 – Writing Conventions
Writing Measurable Objective(Optional #2) / Baseline / Long Term Target / Annual Key Targets
2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12
By 2012, rubric scores will increase from ____ to ____ in Conventions as measured by the WKCE.
Benchmark Progress (Optional):
Enter data results that show your ongoing progress toward the goal from district benchmarks and local assessments. / Benchmark Progress2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Grade ___
Grade ___
Grade ___
Grade ___
Grade ___
Grade ___
Performance Monitoring Data Source:
Literacy Improvement Strategies for All Students
- Identify your emphasis in focused literacy improvement.
- Describe specific resources needed to support this strategy.
- Identify school level staff responsible for this strategy.
- Rate your school’s progress from the drop down menu.
Category / Strategies/Activities / Funding Considerations / Responsible Leadership / Implementation of Strategies /Extended Learning Time
(Block) / __90 minutes reading PreK-5
__60 minute reading Grades 6-8
__Extended reading time in Grades 9-12 / __ Not Initiating
__ Initiating
__ Implementing
__ Institutionalizing
Curriculum / __Research-based reading program
__Reading/ELA curriculum aligned to Wisconsin Model Academic Standards
__Early Learning Standards (K3/K4) for Reading/ELA curriculum aligned to Wisconsin Model Academic Standards
__MPS Learning Targets (K-12)
__Lesson planning and tuning protocols / __Not Initiating
__ Initiating
__ Implementing
__ Institutionalizing
High Yield Instructional Strategies / ___Descriptive feedback
___Academic vocabulary (district vocabulary and Marzano’s 6-Step Process)
___Instructional strategies to aid with comprehension (Examples: Marzano’s Instructional Strategies, Project CRISS, Pebble Creek Literacy, FTF)
___Writing for content learning (across the curriculum/in the content areas) / __ Not Initiating
__ Initiating
__ Implementing
__ Institutionalizing
Differentiated Instruction / ___Tiered approach/scaffolding
___Small group instruction using leveled text
___Instructional technology (Examples: RAZ Kids and My Access) / __ Not Initiating
__ Initiating
__ Implementing
__ Institutionalizing
Data Analysis / ___Analyze formative data and CABS to identify needs and next steps
___Analyze benchmark data to identify needs and determine next steps
___Analyze summative data to identify needs and determine next steps / __ Not Initiating
__ Initiating
__ Implementing
__ Institutionalizing
Literacy Interventions for Non-Proficient Students
- Identify intervention strategies targeted for non-proficient students.
- Describe specific resources needed to support this strategy.
- Identify school level staff responsible for this strategy.
- Rate your school’s progress from the drop down menu.
Strategies/Activities / Funding Considerations / Responsible Leadership / Implementation of Strategies /__Explicit instruction connected to identified student needs
__30 minutes of extra small group instruction
__Strategic tutoring
__Reading intervention program (Gr. 6-9) Example: READ 180
__Content-based scaffolding based on students’ Lau levels
__Replacement/alternate comprehensive literacy program for SwD (Gr. 3-12) Example: Language!
__Literacy interventions for SwD as mandated by the IEP / __ Not Initiating
__ Initiating
__ Implementing
__ Institutionalizing
Parent and Family Involvement in Literacy
Schools must help teachers, principals, and other staff work well with parents.
Standard 1: Communicating—Communication between home and school is regular, two-way, and meaningful.