2017 Regional Leadership Development Conference

Region #

Proposal for:


13181 Crossroads Parkway North

Suite 450

City of Industry, CA 91746

Host Chapters:

SHPE Professional Chapter

SHPE Student Chapter

Proposed Dates:

Preferred Date

Alternate Date 1

Alternate Date 2


“Write example of theme here.”

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1.0  Cover Letter

2.0  Letters of Support

2.0 About the SHPE Chapter

2.1 Chapter History

2.2 Chapter Mission

2.3 Chapter Website

3.0 About SHPE Professional Chapter

3.1 Strategic Objectives of the Organization

3.2 Chapter Website

4.0 Goals and Theme

4.1 Conference Theme

5.0 Conference Committee Structure

5.1 RLDC Conference Advisory Board

6.0 Proposed Hotel Options

6.1 Proposed Conference Facility Options

7.0 Proposed Conference Agenda

7.1 Workshop Suggestions

8.0 Proposed Timeline

9.0 Proposed Budget

10.0 Sponsorship Opportunities

10.1 Past Sponsors and Partners

11.0 Contact Information

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1.0 Cover Letter


First Last


Regional Vice President

Dear First Last (RVP):

The following is our proposal for hosting the 2016 SHPE Region # Leadership Development


In one paragraph, describe why your city is the best option to host the RLDC?

In one paragraph, state specific reasons why your chapter will succeed?

Thank the RVP and close it out.

Best regards, First Last

[Position] SHPE Chapter

SHPE Professional Chapter

(555) 555-1212

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2.0 About the SHPE Professional Chapter

2.1 Chapter History

A few paragraphs about chapter history.

2.2 Chapter Mission

Place chapter mission here

2.3 Chapter Website

For more information about the chapter, please go to our website:


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3.0 About SHPE Chapter (EXAMPLE)

Example: Over the last two years, SHPE [City] has gone through a systematic process to build the most dynamic business model for our chapter we can. When we set out our Initial goal was (1) to create an organization that has a strong management foundation, (2) to create a business model that is sustainable and prosperous over the long haul, and (3) to have an organization that meets the needs of its constituents. But as we have gone through this process, we have learned a lot more than we bargained for.

Considering the expanse of activities that SHPE engages in as an organization nationally and the fact we are a newly re-established chapter, we developed a strategy to prioritize our efforts and resources:

We studied our market. We learned: (1) the Hispanic/Latino population in the region will increase from 9.6% in 2010 to 13.1% in 2020, representing a 40.7% increase; (2) there are approximately 17 universities that offer standard engineering or limited/special engineering programs; (3) Massachusetts’ IT industry is home to 10,300 IT firms and over 178,000 workers, and are more than 50,000 workers employed in IT technical occupations in diverse industries outside of the core IT sectors; and (4) the defense industry supported approximately 115,563 jobs in Massachusetts in 2009.

We asked our constituents questions. We asked our board members what their motivations were for being involved in the organization, and what they wanted to accomplish. We also asked our corporate partners and members what they wanted. We

even asked other professional Latino and engineering organizations how they wanted to

work with SHPE City.

We built an organization to address our priority needs. This included developing a

short- and long-term strategy for the organization, building a committee operating structure to achieve our goals, and defining strategies and tactics for each committee.

We create a board culture to succeed. After going through this process, we

understood that being successful required more than just a good strategy and the right organizational structure. We had to create the right context at the board level for the organization to succeed. This required the establishment of a number of policies and procedures to facilitate the management of the organization. This included creating an accountable, transparent and respectful board culture, along with setting goals in the context of our strategy.

The process to build the chapter to its current state has not been smooth. Since the re- establishment of the chapter in 2009, our first president had to be removed from office for ethics violations, and our second president resigned for personal reasons. Although we appointed a third interim president, we have effectively been operating as an executive committee since March 2011. While this is not an optimal situation, it has been effective considering the size of our board and the number of members we serve in this market. Other issues such as the economic downturn have also hindered our ability to attract corporate sponsorship funds or find job opportunities for our talented member base.

We believe at SHPE [City] that we have built a “great” organization that is the foundation for

our chapter to be one of the strongest SHPE chapters in the country. We have done the work.

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We have assembled an excellent team. And we have developed a clear vision for how to move forward.

3.1 Strategic Objectives of the Organization

The strategic focus of the SHPE [City] is to develop “Latino leaders in science and engineering.”

Based on this strategic focus, the Chapter’s strategic objectives are to:

(1) Provide the Chapter’s professional members, and university chapter members in the

region, with:

a. Leadership education workshops and seminars;

b. Opportunities to practice leadership in the community; and

c. Job opportunities to practice and apply leadership skills in their careers.

(2) Develop partnerships with regional primary and secondary schools with large populations of Latino students to:

a. Educate students and foster excitement about science and engineering;

b. Encourage and assist students in pursuing primary education opportunities in science and engineering; and

c. Create a base of SHPE Junior members in the region in conjunction with the

SHPE Foundation program.

(3) Partner with science- and engineering-based companies in the New England area to:

a. Develop, organize and provide leadership training programs for professional and university chapter members in the region;

b. Collaborate and implement an engineering- and science-based educational outreach programs in secondary schools in the Greater City area; and

c. Assist corporate partners in achieving their diversity and inclusion goals by

matching them with quality Latino talent from the Chapter membership base.

3.2 Chapter Website

For more information about the chapter, please go to our website: www.shpecity.org.

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4.0 Goals and Theme

The primary goal of the conference will be to make sure that all the participants in the entire program gain significant value from their participation.

● For corporate partners, …

● For conference attendees, …

● For participating regional SHPE chapters, …

● For the host chapter, and related university chapters in the region, …

In addition, we recommend that we extend invitation to this conference to the [City] area based chapters of SWE and NSBE. Not only will this boost conference attendance, but it will also improve the value that we can provide to local corporate partners who will fund the event and have expressed significant interest in having a local job fair for minority engineers.

4.1 Conference Theme

The conference theme is …

Define and Breakdown theme…

·  Bullet Items

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5.0 Conference Committee Structure

The RLDC will require a coordinated effort among several different conference planning positions.

● Conference Committee Chair. This person is responsible for coordinating the efforts of each of the directors on the conference committee.

● Education Chair - This person is primarily responsible for identifying potential speakers and facilitators that can run leadership and SHPE development workshops during the conference, and managing the budget and logistics associated with booking and transporting the potential speaker to the conference. This person will be responsible for identifying and attracting executive leaders in the Massachusetts Tech Belt to participate in two panels involving Executive Living Room Chat, “Importance of Leadership and Diversity” and Executive Panel, “The Future of Engineering.”

● Corporate Relations Chair - This person will be primarily responsible for acquiring platinum, gold, silver and bronze corporate sponsors for the event. In association with these sponsorship levels, this person will also organize corporate sponsored lunches, dinners and mixers during the conference period, including venues, menus, corporate speakers and advertising materials.

● Logistics - This person will be primarily responsible for working with

the hotels and conference centers to (1) make sure conference participants have adequate transportation between the hotels and conference venues, and (2) working with the hotel and conference facilities people to make each seminar room is set up appropriately, including audio visual equipment, for each workshop or panel.

● Marketing Chair - This person will be responsible for managing the conference website and preparing the event program guide, including the placement of corporate advertisements and pre-conference email communications with registered attendees.

5.1 RLDC Conference Advisory Board

In the event that SHPE Professional Chapter is awarded the Region # RLDC conference in 2017, we would like to establish an advisory board consisting of 4-5 local corporate partners that will assist in oversight of the organizing process behind the conference.

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6.0 Proposed Hotel Options

Please provide the following information for hotels within a 1-2 mile radius to your meeting location. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT HOTELS FOR PRICING INFORMATION AS THIS HAS IMPEDED THE NEGOTIATION PROCESS.

Hotel Name (Preferred Option)




Hotel Name (Option 2)




Hotel Name (Option 3)




6.1 Proposed Conference Facility Options

Proposed facility options

Facility Name


Facility Name


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7.0 Proposed Conference Agenda

Cut and Paste Proposed Agenda Here

7.1 Workshop Suggestions (Example)

● Building Your Personal Image

● Entrepreneurship

● Negotiation Skills

● Conflict Resolution

● Understanding Leadership/Myers-Briggs Personality Test

● Group and Team Development

● Advanced Education (MBA, Law School and Graduate Engineering Degrees)

8.0 Proposed Timeline


9.0 Proposed Budget

Example of Budget Format

10.0 Sponsorship Opportunities

10.1 Current 2016 Sponsors and partners

Past Regional Sponsors

11.0 Contact Information

SHPE Chair

SHPE Co-Chair