– / Alamo Area Aquatic Association
Meet Information

Posted: /

MeetName:•2017 ST AAAA Northside George Block Invitational


MeetDate(s):•June 23, 24, and 25, 2017

EntriesOpen:•12:00-noon,Tuesday,June 6th, 2017 for AAAA,

•9:00 AM, Wednesday, June 6th for all other teams.


Deadline:•12:00-noon,Monday,June 12th,2017



Venue:•NISDSwim Center and Natatorium




•Eight(8)-lane indoor,50-metercompetitioncourse



•Both poolshasbeencertifiedinaccordancewithUSASwimmingRule104.2.2(C) and acopyis onfilewith USA Swimming

•Outdoordivingwell laneswillbeavailable for warm-up and cool-downas well as the indoor natatorium.

Any and all two-piece swim suits are prohibited everywhere within the Northside ISD Aquatic Complex

WaterDepth•Both poolsweremeasuredfromthestartendatsixfeetseveninchesandfromtheturnendatsixfeetseveninches,bothmeasuredatoneandfive-metersfromeitherendwallinaccordancewithArticle103.2.3.

MeetFormat:•Championship, i.e., preliminaries and finals

•”A” and “B” finals (except where noted)

•Prelim events will be pre-seeded, slowest to fastest with the last three (3) heats circle seeded, except where noted.

•Fly-over Starts may be used

•Prelim events maybe swumusing chase starts.

•Should theMeet Host elect to use chase starts for prelims the format will be:

•Odd HeatswillfinishattheSouthend(Streetside)

•Even Heatswillfinish attheNorthend(Scoreboardside).

•All 50’s will finish at the South end (Street side)

•ThemeetwillbeseededLCM,SCM, SCY

Events800-meterand longerwillbeDECKSEEDEDby time fastest to slowestregardless of age and requireaPositiveCheck-in30 minutes prior to the start of the session.

•The fastest eight (8) entered swimmers in the 800 and 1500 freestyle who elect NOT to swim in the preliminary session will compete in the finals session, all others will compete in the morning session.

•The 800 and 1500 freestyle (Events 35/135 and 40/140) will be swum as the last events in the Sunday preliminary session alternating between a heat of 800 and 1500.

•The final heat of the 800 freestyle will be swum after event #34 in the Sunday finals session.

•The final heat of the 1500 freestyle will be swum after event #38 in the Sunday finals session.

•Events 400-meter and less willbepre-seeded,slowest to fastest by time regardless of age.

•Enteringswimmersmustenter with a time.No Time (NT’s) will not be accepted.

•Final events will be seeded, slowest to fastest (B final then A final) and youngest to oldest.

•Relays will be swum as timed final events in prelims.

•Relay cards are due to clerk of course by the end of the finals session the day prior to the relay.

•Relay teams for cards not returned to clerk of course will be scratched.

•All final events will be swum in the outdoor Swim Center, weather permitting.

•All final events will finish at the South end (Street side)


•The age groups will be 10 & Under, 11-12, 13-14, 15 & Over

•The Meet Host reserves the right to split the meet.

•The meet will be split once the estimated timelines exceed four hours swum using chase starts.

•The meet will be split with the “13 Over” age events swum in the outdoor Swim Center and “12 Under” events swum in the indoor Natatorium.

•If the meet is split into sessions, the event numbers in the 100’s will be swum in the Natatorium.

•If the meet is not split into sessions, like events will be combined.

•The estimated time lines and meet format will be posted by 6:00 PM, Monday, June 20th.


Times:•There are no qualifying times, i.e., this meet is unclassified

Awards:•Medals 1st to 3rd place

•Ribbons 4th to 8th place

•High Point awards for each age group, girls and boys

Entry Fees:•$10.00 per Individual event / No refunds! (includes the STSI $1.25 Splash Fee)

•$20.00 per Relay team

•Late entries $20.00 per Individual event

•Late entries $40.00 per Relay team

•Checks payable to: NISD Aquatics

•No Personal Checks will be accepted

•Please send payment to:

•NISD Aquatics

c/o Brandon Allenstein

8400 N Loop 1604 W

San Antonio, TX 78249





Restrictions:•ThisMeetisopentoall2017RegisteredUSASwimmingathletes or FINA athletes who are registered members of the following team: AAAA, AESC, COPS, COM, FAST, HSC, KATY, LIAC, NITRO, RACE, TTST

•Additional teams may be added at the discretion of the meet host. Please contact the entries chair, Brandon Allenstein, if you are interested in attending.

•AgeasofJune 23,2017determinesageforthe entiremeet

•Maximumofthree(3) eventsperday

•Allentriesmustincludea seedtime

•Entriesreceivedwithouta seedtime(NT)willnotbeacceptedandno refunds will be made

•Entries will be processed in the order received

•Entries will close, after splitting the meet, when any session exceeds an estimated four (4) hours in length.

•Swimmers must enter with their “non-conforming” time (SCY or SCM).



•Hardcopy(pdf)MUSTaccompany entry file





Entries:•Entries in Commlink Format only, MUST be sent or delivered to:•NISD Entries Chair:

•B. J. Allenstein



•TheCommlinkFilemustberenamedtoclearlyidentifytheenteringteam,the shorterthebetter

•AthletesincludedinimproperlyidentifiedCommlinkFiles(Cfile0X.cl2orzfile00X.zip)willnotbeenteredintothe meetandanyentryfeeswillnotberefunded

•AthletesWILL NOT beentered intoMeetManageruntiltheMeet EntryReport (pdf) and Meet Entry Fees Report (PDF)isreceived asanattachment tothee-mail,orhand-delivered.



Co-Meet Director:•Co-Meet Director:•MeetReferee:•AdminOfficial:

•TerryVetters•Kenny Gonzales•Doug Donofrio•Rick Allenstein



Timers:•Volunteertimerswillbeneeded. Team timers will be assigned prior to the meet.





•For finals qualifiers: The USA Swimming Championship Scratch Rule will prevail and the 30 minute rule will be observed, i.e. after the official announcement and / or posting of the results of any given preliminary event (800/1500 freeexempted) have been made, individual competitors who qualify for finals mush scratch with the Admin official within 30 minutes of that announcement / posting or they must compete in the finals session under penalty of disqualification from further participation in the meet.

•Failures to compete by reason of illness or injury are exempted, as are alternates

•If you are not planning on attending / swimming in finals, please scratch regardless of your place in prelims.

•If a swimmer positively checks-in for apreliminary event and subsequently does not appear for competition, there will be no penalty.

Liability:•Ingrantingasanctionforthismeet,itisunderstoodandagreedthatUSA Swimming,Inc.,SouthTexas Swimming,Inc.(STSI),theAlamoAreaAquaticAssociation(AAAA),the NorthsideIndependent SchoolDistrict,andallmeetofficialsshallbefreefromanyliabilitiesorclaimsfordamagearisingbyreason(s)ofinjuriestoanyoneduringtheconductofthismeet. Damage to the facility, when proved, will cause the offending swimmer, if unattached, or the offending swimmer's club, if attached, to be held accountable for repairs.

Sanction:•Held under the sanction of USA Swimming.This meetissanctionedbySouthTexasSwimmingandthecurrent USASwimmingrulesandanyrelevantsectionsofthecurrentSouthTexasPolicies andProceduresManualwillapply.

•Allswimmersmustberegisteredfor2017withUSASwimmingbythe start date.

•AthleteswhoregisterwithUSASwimmingafterthemeet entry deadlinemaydeckenterthemeetonlyiftheycanpresent their2017USASwimmingregistration card.



•Conduct of the sanctioned event shall conform in every respect to all technical and administrative rules of USA Swimming.


Restrictions:•Thepresenceand/or use of cellphones,smart phones,oranyother devices capableofproducingaudiorecordingsand /orphotographicor videoimagesinlockerrooms,rest rooms,orchangingareasis strictlyand specifically prohibitedatalltimes.


•Violatorsaresubjecttodisqualificationfromthe meet,disbarmentfromthefacilityandarrest


•Violators are subject to disqualification from the meet and disbarment from the facility



•Intheeventsuchpersonnel fromthemediaarepresent,parentsorguardiansofswimmers underthe ageof18whodonotwishtohavephotosor videos of theirathletes made, are required tocontact the MeetDirectorpriortothebeginningofwarm-ups

•Photographersandvideographersmuststay outof the area immediately behindthestarting blocks,and arespecificallyprohibitedfrommakingshotsduringthestartphaseofanyrace


Swimmers:•Anyswimmerenteredinthemeet,unaccompaniedbyaUSASwimmingmembercoach,mustbecertifiedbya USASwimming membercoachasbeingproficient inperformingaracingstartormuststarteachracefromwithin thewater.

•When unaccompanied by a member coach, it is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legal guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement.

Drones:•Per USA Swimming Rule 103.13, the operation of a drone, or any other flying apparatus, is prohibited over the venue (pools, athlete/coach areas, spectator areas and open ceiling locker rooms) any time athletes, coaches, officials and/or spectators are present. Exceptions may be granted with prior written approval by the Vice President of Program Operations and NISD.

USA Swimming

Registration:•All swimmers, coaches, and officials participating in this competition must be currently (2017) registered with USA Swimming

•No swimmer will be permitted to compete unless the swimmer is a member as provided in Article 302

•All should also be prepared to present their USA Swimming ID Card as proof of their registration to the Meet Director or designee at any time

•Swimmers who 1) late enter when possible; 2) need to be late-entered because of clerical errors by the entering team or the Meet Host; or 3) are not entered in this meet and choose to enter time trials, if offered, will be required to present their USA Swimming ID card or proof of membership using the USA Swimming Deck Pass Application

•A coach may also present the club’s official, watermarked roster from the USA Swimming club portal

•Current national and LSC regulations do not allow for exceptions to these policies


Needs:•A disabilityis definedas aPERMANENTphysicalormentalimpairmentthat substantiallylimitsoneormoremajorlifeactivities.


•The Aquatics Staff will make reasonable accommodations for swimmers, coaches, or spectators who wish to enter and use the facility.

•Inanymeetsanctioned orapproved bySouthTexasSwimming, Inc.,whichmayincludeoneormoreswimmers withvisual,hearing,mental,orphysicaldisabilities; thejudgingofsuchcompetitorsshallbeinstrictaccordance withthecurrentUSASwimmingRulesandRegulations,i.e., Article105.

•Coaches and/orathletes mustnotifytheMeetHostandtheMeetReferee beforethecompetition begins,and preferableatthetimeentries aresubmitted,ifanyspecializedequipmentisrequiredand/oriftheyaretobeconsideredforjudgingunderArticle105.




•PleasereporttotheMeetRefereeatleast30minutes priortothescheduledstarttimeofthesessiontoreceiveyourassignments




•DoorsOpen6:30 AM

•Coaches’Meeting (Friday only)6:40 AM

•Prelim warm-ups7:00 AM

•Dive/Sprints/Pace8:00 AM

•Positive Check-ins8:00 AM

•ClearPool8:20 AM

•Prelim sessionbegin8:30 AM

•Final session Warm-ups3:30 PM

•Dive / Sprints / Pace4:30 PM

•Clear Pool4:50 PM

•Final session begin5:00 PM

Warm-ups:•Warm-upswillbeconductedinaccordancewiththecurrentSTSIPoliciesandProceduresonpage six(6)

•Warm-up lanes will not be assigned. All lanes will be general warm-up lanes for the first one (1) hour followed by 20 minutes of dive sprints in lanes two(2), three(3), six(6) and seven(7) and push pace in lanes one(1) and eight(8).


Order of the Events / Distances in Meters

Friday, June 23, 2017
Prelims: 8:30 AM / Finals: 5:00 PM
Girl’s Event # / Age / Event / Boy’s Event #
101** / 12 & Under / 400 Free / 102**
1** / 13 & Over / 400 Free / 2**
103 / 12 & Under / 50 Fly / 104
3 / 13 & Over / 50 Fly / 4
105 / 11-12 / 200 Back / 106
5 / 13 & Over / 200 Back / 6
107 / 12 & Under / 100 Free / 108
7 / 13 & Over / 100 Free / 8
109 / 11-12 / 200 Breast / 110
9 / 13 & Over / 200 Breast / 10
Saturday, June24, 2017
Prelims: 8:30 AM / Finals: 5:00 PM
Girl’s Event # / Age / Event / Boy’s Events #
111*** / 10 & Under / 200 Medley Relay / 112***
113*** / 11-12 / 200 Medley Relay / 114***
11*** / 13-14 / 400 Medley Relay / 12***
13*** / 15 & Over / 400 Medley Relay / 14***
115 / 12 & Under / 100 Fly / 116
15 / 13 & Over / 100 Fly / 16
117 / 12 & Under / 100 Breast / 118
17 / 13 & Over / 100 Breast / 18
119 / 12 & Under / 200 Free / 120
19 / 13 & Over / 200 Free / 20
121 / 12 & Under / 50 Back / 122
21 / 13 & Over / 50 Back / 22
123 / 11-12 / 400 IM / 124
23 / 13 & Over / 400 IM / 24

Sunday, June25, 2017
Prelims: 8:30 AM / Finals: 5:00 PM
Girl’s Event # / Age / Event / Boy’s Event #
125*** / 10 & Under / 200 Free Relay / 126***
127*** / 11-12 / 200 Free Relay / 128***
25*** / 13-14 / 400 Free Relay / 26***
27*** / 15 & Over / 400 Free Relay / 28***
129 / 12 & Under / 50 Breast / 130
29 / 13 & Over / 50 Breast / 30
131 / 11-12 / 200 Fly / 132
31 / 13 & Over / 200 Fly / 32
133 / 12 & Under / 100 Back / 134
33 / 13 & Over / 100 Back / 34
135* / 11-12 / 800 Free / --
35* / 13 & Over / 800 Free / --
137 / 12 & Under / 200 IM / 138
37 / 13 & Over / 200 IM / 38
-- / 11-12 / 1500 Free / 140*
-- / 13 & Over / 1500 Free / 40*
141 / 12 & Under / 50 Free / 142
41 / 13 & Over / 50 Free / 42
*The 800 and 1500 Free require positive check-in 30 minutes prior to the start of the session.
*The 800 and 1500 Free swimmers must provide their own lap counter and timer.
**The 400 Free and 400 IM swimmers must provide their own timer.
***All Relays will be swum as the first event of the prelim session.
The fastest eight (8) entered swimmers in the 800 and 1500 freestyle who elect NOT to swim in the preliminary session will compete in the finals session, all others will compete as the last event in prelims alternating between a heat of 800 and 1500.
If the meet is split into sessions, all 12 & Unders will be inside and 13 & Overs will be outside for the preliminaries.
All final events will be swum outside.


Safety Guidelines and Warm-up Procedures


I. Assigned Warm-up Procedures

a. Warm-up lanes and times will be assigned to competing teams based on number of entrants.

b. All warm-up activities will be coordinated by the coach(es) supervising that lane.

c. Dive sprints may be done only under the direct supervision of the coach.

II. Open Warm-up Procedures


8 Lanes / 1 and 8 / 2 and 7 / 3 through 6
6 Lanes / 1 and 6 / 2 and 5 / 3 and 4

a.The first half of the assigned warm-up time shall be general warm-up for all lanes.

b.Push/Pace lanes will push off one or two lengths from starting end.

c.Sprint lanes are for diving from blocks or for backstroke starts in specified lanes at designated times—one way only.

d.Dive sprints may only be done under the direct supervision of the coach.

e.There will be no diving in the general warm-up lanes—circle swimming only.

f.No kickboards, pull buoys, or hand paddles may be used.

III. Safety Guidelines

a.Coaches are responsible for the following:

1.Instructing swimmers regarding safety guidelines and warm-up procedures as they apply to conduct at meets and practices.

2.Actively supervising their swimmers throughout the warm-up sessions, at meets, and all practices.

3.Maintaining as much contact with their swimmers AS POSSIBLE, both verbal and visual, throughout the warm-up period.

b. The host team will be responsible for the following:

1.A minimum of four marshals who report to and receive instructions from the Meet Referee and/or Director shall be on deck during the entire warm-up session(s).

2.Marshals will have the authority to remove from the deck for the remainder of a warm-up session, any swimmer or coach found to be in violation of these procedures.

3.The host team shall provide signs for each lane at both ends of the pool, indicating their designated use during warm-ups.

4.Warm-up times and lane assignments will be published in the meet information and posted at several locations around the pool area and the following statement will appear in the meet information: “South Texas Swimming Safety Guidelines and Warm-up Procedures will be in effect at this meet.”

5.An announcer will be on duty for the entire warm-up session to announce lane and/or time changes and to assist with the conduct of the warm-up.

6.Hazards in locker rooms, on deck, or in areas used by coaches, swimmers, or officials will be either removed or clearly marked.


I.Backstrokers will ensure that they are not starting at the same time as a swimmer on the blocks. Swimmers shall not step up on the blocks if there is a backstroker waiting to start.

II.Swimmers shall not jump or dive into the pool to stop another swimmer on a recalled start.

III.Swimmers are required to exit the pool on completion of their warm-up to allow other swimmers adequate warm-up time. The pool is not for visiting or playing during the warm-up session.

IV.Warm-up procedures will be enforced for any breaks scheduled during the competition.

V.No hand paddles, fins, or kickboards may be used at any time during general, specific, or between warm-ups unless approved by the Meet Referee.

NOTE: Host Clubs, with the consent of the Meet Referee, may modify the time schedule or recommended lane assignments depending on pool configuration, number of swimmers, or other considerations; so long as safety considerations are not compromised. Any such changes will be announced and/or prominently posted in the pool area.

STSI Safety Guidelines and Warm-up Procedures last Revised 9/30/2013