University Rank, Salary, Tenure CommissionMeeting Agenda

Date:Monday, February 20, 2017

Time: 4:00 P.M.

Location:Computer Conference Room Markee Pioneer Student Center

Officers: Susan Hansen (Convener), Kory Wein (Vice Chair), Beth Frieders (Secretary)


Quorum - Minimum number of 5 voting members needed to call a meeting to order

Elected Members

☐Susan Hansen (2017)
☐Beth Frieders (2018) At-large / ☐Michael Momot (2017)
☐Phil Sealy(2019) / ☐Laura Anderson (2017)
☐Joan Riedle (2018)
☐Jeff Huebschman (2017) CCC Rep / ☐Soma Chattopadhyay (2017) CCC Rep / ☐Kory Wein (2017) CCC Rep

Non-Voting Members

☐Chanaka Mendis (Provost Rep, ex officio) / ☐Lisa Merkes-Kress (Rec. Secretary)
I / Opening of the Meeting
Call the Meeting to Order
Approval of the Minutes of Monday, February 06, 2017
II / Reports and Announcements / Presenter
Followup on request for more time, Dean’s review of RTRB files
Dean, Provost, Chancellor reviews / Susan
Document chair evals deadlines on calendar / Susan
III / Unfinished Business
CCC question: independent determination or review DSPC actions
School of Ag (continue review)
Take action on post tenure reviews for: CSSE, Psych, Math, CJ
IV / New Business:
School of Ed (RST plan)
Social Sciences (post tenure review)
Engineering Physics (post tenure review)
Chemistry (post tenure review)
CEE (post tenure review)
History (post tenure review)
General Education (post tenure review)
Geography (post tenure review)
School of Business (post tenure review)
Humanities (post tenure review)
HHP (post tenure review)
Performing and Visual Arts (post tenure review)
Tracking system for salary files
Tracking system for Form 7
V / Close Meeting
Next Meeting Monday, March 06, 2017

TheUniversity Rank, Salary, Tenure Commission meets on the first and third Mondayof the month at 4:00 p.m. for location, please see the University Rank, Salary, Tenure Commissionwebsite. The agenda is composed of items from many sources and come from many resources, if you wish to have an item placed on the agenda, please submit it to a Senate officer no later than eight days prior to the Senate meeting. The meetings are open to the public academic staff are invited to attend.