SugarHousePark Authority October 11, 2012 Meeting Minutes
ApprovedMeeting Minutes
from the
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Meeting at theSugarHouseGardenCenter
Advertised Agenda
I.Call to Order
II.Approval of Special Event and Athletic Field Use
(*) Marcia Jacobsen, Highland High Boys LacrosseMar 22(PDF file page 1)
Steve Bingham, Huntsman Cancer FoundationApr 20(no info)
(*) Ann Weaver, Carden Memorial SchoolApr 25(PDF file page 5)
Jennifer Atkin, Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America Apr 27(PDF file page 9)
Miriah Griffith, Family Support Center Apr 27(PDF file page 13)
Alison Tuft, Arthritis FoundationMay 18(PDF file page 17)
Brad Manuel, Operation61 May 18(PDF file page 21)
Marek Shon, Crit Series Racing May 25(PDF file page 25)
(*) Ann Weaver, Carden Memorial SchoolMay 31(PDF file page 29)
(*) Heidi Moreton, Girls on the Run Salt LakeJun 1(PDF file page 37)
James Zwick, Sports-Am Jun 22(PDF file page 43)
Lisa Teran, Millie’s Princess FoundationJun 29(PDF file page 47)
(*) Amy Barry, Sugar House Farmers MarketJul 5 – Oct 11(PDF file page 51)
(*) Deedra Hansen Lambert, Intermountain Donor Services Aug 3(PDF file page 55)
Gary Rowles, Highland High School Cross CountryAug 23(PDF file page 59)
Andrea Davis / Kelly Carpenter, Children’s Tumor Fnd. Aug 24(PDF file page 63)
(*) Renee Chase, University of Utah Dept. of OB/GYNSep 7(PDF file page 69)
Blayne Baker Jr., Bright Outlooks, LLCSep 7 PM(PDF file page 73)
Wynne Smith, Alzheimer’s Association of Utah Chapter Sep 14(PDF file page 77)
Traci Siriprathane, WestminsterCollegeSep 14(PDF file page 83)
Taryn Aiken, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Sep 14
Dede Fluette, Rocky Mtn. Care FoundationSep 14
Ann Weaver, CardenMemorialSchool Sep 20(PDF file page 87)
Lauri Buzianis / Dyonne Diamond, American Heart Assn. Sep 21(PDF file page 91)
Kelli Very, CureSearch for Children’s Cancer Sep 21(PDF file page 95)
Scott Kerr, Utah Marathon, LLC Sep 28(PDF file page 99)
Zach Reed-Fier, Food Allergy Research & EducationOct 5(PDF file page 103)
Amy Amann / Kelly Kesler, U. of U. Bariatric SurgeryOct 12(PDF file page 107)
Kristen Ricks / Susan Henson, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Soc. Oct 12 (PDA file page 111)
Zachary Opie, Halloween Hustle, LLCOct 26(PDF file page 119)
Jeramy Evans / Ben Knudson, Trybe Rugby / Utah Youth Rugby Mar -- May
(*) – These groups do not need to appear before the board in order to be approved.
III.Approval of Minutes from the November 8 Meeting
IV.ChadAnderson Interview
V.Budget Report
VI.George Sumner
VII.Financial Matters
VIII.President’s Report
IX.Other Business
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SugarHousePark Authority January 10, 2013 Meeting Minutes
Call to Order
Mark Morris calls the Sugar House Park Authority Board meeting to order at 6:06 pm.
Board members present are: Mark Morris, Wayne Johnson, Elizabeth MacGregor, George Sumner, Alden Breinholt, Mark Danenhauer, Mark Kittrell and Lauren Shurman.
Board member not present wasJoedy Lister.
County staff member present wasCraig Cheney.
Mark M. explains how the park is unique because it is managed and governed by a board of volunteers. Due to the park’s popularity, it is the board’s job to manage use of the park.
Approval of Special Event and Athletic Field Use Requests
Steve Bingham, Huntsman Cancer Foundation
(no show)
Jennifer Atkin, Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America
Jennifer explains that they held their event last year in Draper. They would like to change their date request to the evening of Friday, April 26, so that it will be a similar event to the Leukemia & Lymphoma’s “Light the Night” walk. They will have a start/finish blow-up arch, and a tent in the parking lot.
Wayne makes a motion to approve this event request for April 26 from 4 pm to 10 pm.
George seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 4 in favor, none opposed.
[Alden arrives.]
[Mark D. arrives.]
Brad Holdoway (for Brad Manuel), Operation 61
Operation 61 raises funds to raise awareness for human trafficking. This is the second year they will hold their event at the park. It will be the same as last year’s.
Can they get the park gate opened by 6:30 am? (If not, just go in the exit and go around the park road in the opposite direction.)
Wayne makes a motion to approve this event request for May 18.
Elizabeth seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed.
Lisa Teran, Millie’s Princess Foundation
Lisa said their event last year was very successful and they raised $10,000. This is the same type of event, but larger, and they would like to use the Fabian Lakeside Pavilion in addition to the Big Field Pavilion. The want to put up inflatables, but they will stay off of the soccer field. The board asks that no stakes be used to anchor the inflatables.
Mark D. makes a motion to approve this event request for600 people using both the Big Field and Fabian Lakeside Pavilions.
Elizabeth seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed.
[Mark K. arrives.]
Gary Rowles, Highland High School Cross Country
Gary asks if the east most gate could be opened to alleviate congestion. The board notes that last year’s event coincided with a home football game event last year and caused a lot of parking issues.
The course route, potential impact on the Farmer’s Market and minimizing traffic congestion were discussed. Gary is requesting use of the Big Field Pavilion and the Farmers Market is moving to the Fabian Lakeside Pavilion.
Could Gary’s event be moved up so that it was done before the football game begins? The board recommends that no other pavilion reservations be taken on that day (except for the Farmer’s Market.)
George makes a motion to approve this meeton August 23 from 3:30 pm to 6:00 pm subject to:
No other pavilion reservations be taken on that day and that the east gate is open in order to alleviate traffic congestion.
Mark D. seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 7 in favor, none opposed.
Andrea Davis / Kelly Carpenter, Children’s Tumor Foundation
Kelly says they had a successful event last year with about 250 people. This will be their second annual event at the Sugar Beet Pavilion and it will be the same as last year’s.
Wayne makes a motion to approve this event on August 24.
Mark D. seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 7 in favor, none opposed.
Blayne Baker Jr., Bright Outlooks, LLC
Blayne wants to hold an 80’s theme non-competitive “neon” 5k event in the evening with a DJ. A portion of the fees will be donated to Feed the Children Foundation. Registrants will wear wristbands, but the public can’t be stopped from showing up and listening to the DJ.
If the stage is placed on the grass then a damage deposit will be needed. Blanye will probably put it up in the parking lot.
Mark K. makes a motion to approve this event at the Big Field Pavilion for the afternoon/evening of September 7.
George seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 7 in favor, none opposed.
Wynne Smith, Alzhieimer’s Assocation of Utah Chapter
(no show)
Taryn Aiken / Shalon, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
The board looks at the other requests for September 14, but none of them are here.
Shalon is requesting to hold their annual End of Darkness Walk event on September 14 at the Big Field Pavilion. Last time they had about 1,200 people and it was a big success.They will have music afterward and bring in a stage. Shalon says it will be set up on the concrete pad adjacent tothe pavilion.
Wayne makes a motion to approve this event at the Big Field Pavilion on September 14.
Mark K. seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 7 in favor, none opposed.
Dede Fluette, Rocky Mtn. Care Foundation
(no show)
Ann Weaver, Carden MemorialSchool
Ann is requesting their three school events which are the same as in year’s past. Last year, there was a conflict with their event on the Friday before the American Heart Association event, because AHA was setting up for their event. The heavy use of the access road to the Big Field Pavilion had to be coordinated between the two events.
Ann decides to move her fall school event to the Friday after the American Heart Association’s event (from September 20 to the 27th.)
Mark D. makes a motion to approve the three CardenMemorialSchool events provided the fall event is moved to September 27.
Elizabeth seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 7 in favor, none opposed.
Lauri Buzianis / Dyonne Diamond, American Heart Association
Dyonne say this will be the same event as in years past. The board says the park crew had to clean up after last year’s event. Dyonne said that the crew they contracted with to clean up never showed up. She also said that the garbage cans at the park weren’t empty.
Mark D. makes a motion to approve the American Heart Association for September 21 with set up on the day before subject to:
payment of applicable fees and a $1,000 refundable deposit and payment for additional trash cans.
George seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 7 in favor, none opposed.
[Lauren arrives.]
Scheduling note: The CureSearch for Children’s Cancer group had also requested September 21, but the American Heart Association has priority on that date. CureSearch agreed to move to October 5 and the Food Allergy Research & Education group agreed to move to the afternoon, which is when they held their event last year.
Kelli Very / Misty, CureSearch for Children’s Cancer
Misty says they had a conflict with Ute Conference football (who were supposed to play on the east end of the soccer/lacrosse field.) Given the size of this year’s event, 3500 people, the group should reserve the soccer/lacrosse field to ensure there won’t be a conflict.
Should they close the park road for their event? The board doesn’t think it’s necessary, especially if we ensure that no other events are allowed.
Mark D. makes a motion to approve the CureSearch for Children’s Cancer on October 5 subject to: additionally reserving the soccer/lacrosse field.
Elizabeth seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 8 in favor, none opposed.
Zach Feed-Fier / Michelle Fogg, Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE)
Michelle is requesting to hold their event again at the park and has agreed to stay with an afternoon event. They would also like to reserve the soccer field. Will the CureSearch group be out by the time they want to set up?
Wayne makes a motion to approve the FARE event for the afternoon of October 5 subject to: additionally reserving the soccer/lacrosse field.
Mark K. seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 8 in favor, none opposed.
Scott Kerr, UtahMarathon, LLC
This is the second annual event but the first time the Utah Marathon course will be running through the park. Scott is expecting 7,500 participants. Donations will be made to Ken Garff Charities.
The park will be at the 4.5 mile mark in the course. The runners should be out of the park by 10 am. They will have an aid station in the park and a sag wagon. They will make sure everything is cleaned-up. Scott is working on getting the City’s
Wayne makes a motion to approve the UtahMarathon event on September 28 subject to:
payment of fees.
Mark D. seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 8 in favor, none opposed.
Amy Amann / Kelly Kesler, U. of U. Bariatric Surgery
Kelly is requesting to hold their 5K walk event on October 12. Donations will be made to the American Society for Metabilic & Bariatric Surgery. They would like the Big Field Pavilion but that might conflict with the setup for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society event. Kelly will move tothe Fabian Lakeside Pavilion.
Mark K. makes a motion to approve their event on October 12 at the Fabian Lakeside Pavilion.
Elizabeth seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 8 in favor, none opposed.
Zachary Opie, Halloween Hustle, LLC
Zach is requesting to hold their second annual costume-themed event on October 26 at the Big Field Pavilion. The board asks about his charity. Zach donates proceeds to the HopeCenter, which is affiliated with an orphanage in Honduras.
Mark K. makes a motion to approve their event on October 26 at the Big Field Pavilion.
Alden seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 8 in favor, none opposed.
Jeramy Evans / Ben Knudson, Trybe Rugby / Utah Youth Rugby
Jeramy had come to board meetings last year in order to get permission to install anchors in the ground for rugby goals. The anchors haven’t yet been installed although they have coordinated with the park crew as to where they can be installed. Ben is here to request 5 Saturdays for game dates. He also explains that in addition to the Trybe team, there are three schools that have rugby teams. Are they allowed to play at the park under this field request?
The board comments about the high use of the field and suggests spreading out the game dates and allowing all-day play. The Trybe team practices at the park
Mark M. and the board look at the current event schedule and decide on the following Saturdays: March 9, March 30, April 6, April 27 and May 11.
Wayne makes a motion to approve the above game dates for all day use.
Mark K. seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 8 in favor, none opposed.
Alison Tuft, Arthritis Foundation
Alison is requesting May 18 for their second annual Arthritis Walk. It will be the same as last year’s.
Mark M. says that because the morning of that date was already approved for another event, Alison agrees to move their event to the afternoon. She would also like to hold the event at the Big Field Pavilion instead of the Fabian Lakeside.
Mark D. makes a motion to approve The Arthritis Foundation event for the afternoon of May 18 at the Big Field Pavilion.
Mark K. seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 8 in favor, none opposed.
Brittney Bannon / Diane, Foundation Fighting Blindness
Diane brings their request form to the meeting. They weren’t on the agenda because their request was misplaced.
They are requesting June 15 for their VisionWalk, which is available. They will have a small inflatable, stage and canopies. Do not put the stage on the grass.
Wayne makes a motion to approve this event onJune 15 at the Big Field Pavilion subject to:
payment of fees.
Mark K. seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 8 in favor, none opposed.
John Houser, Iris Society (impromptu)
John has come to the meeting to ensure there are no conflicts between his Iris Society events at the GardenCenter and events that close the park road, such as the Crit Series bicycle races. John’s Iris shows are on May 11, May 25 and August 3. The Crit Series event is requesting May 25.
The board agrees that John can cordon off sections of the GardenCenter parking lot for his May 25 show (as he did last year.) The board will approve the Crit Series event subject to not using the GardenCenter parking lot.
James Zwick, Sports-Am
James is request to use the park on June 22 for a 5K run/walk on both the pedestrian walkway, first lap, and on the grass, for the second loop. They are not asking for a pavilion, but will instead stage the event on the north end of the park across 2100 So. from where the Dodo Restaurant is (which is a sponsor.) Sports-Am is for-profit andparticipants are encouraged to donate to The Road Home. They will have canopies for registration, a balloon arch and will hand out pre-packaged food. They are expecting from 200 to no more than 499 participants.
Mark D. makes a motion to approve this event on June 22 subject to:
paying the “Other Groups” special event fee rates.
Lauren seconds the motion.
Motion passes by show of hands: 8 in favor, none opposed.
Note: The following event requests are from groups who do not need to appear before the board in order to be approved.
Marcia Jacobson, Highland High Boy’s Lacrosse
Heidi Moreton, Girls on the RunSaltLake
Amy Barry, Sugar House Farmers Market
Deedra Hansen Lambert, Intermountain Donor Services
Renee Chase, University of Utah Dept. of OG/GYN
Traci Siriprathane, WestminsterCollege
Kristen Ricks / Susan Henson, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Mark D. states the Farmers Market must appear before the board in order to get approved. October 12 will be held for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society andthey must come to a meeting about their road closure request.
The WestminsterCollege volleyball tournament request on September 14 conflicts with the two other approved events.