RPCEA/Admin Agenda

Thursday, Feb. 15th, 2018

District Office, 1:00-2:00pm

In attendance: RPCEA, Jen Bodlovich (President) and CRPUSD, Julie Synyard (Asst. Superintendent)

  1. 2018-2019 PD Days - RPCEA Input (10 min) 1:06pm
  2. Will there be a PD committee? Not a formal committee
  3. Brainstorm timeline, logistics

Potential site PD needs brainstorm at Ed Summit and respective. Sites will do a site needs assessment where common threads will be reviewed and prioritized for PD. SIS (Some potential major PD needs:

JR/WR: Code to the Future, SIS, Math

MV: PS, Math, DataWise, SIS

UELF/RC: PBL, SIS training, Math

EV/MH: DII, SIS Training, Math, Restorative Practices

TPA: SIS, Math, Site Needs

LJMS: SIS, Math Curriculum Training, Site & Dept needs

TMS: Code to the Future, SIS, Math

RCHS/THS: SIS, Site & Dept Needs

As soon as the budget will be defined and needs assessments complete is when PD trainings can be scheduled. Conversations will continue on this topic.

  1. Special Ed District Meetings Update (10 min) 1:25pm

A meeting with RCHS and TMS Ed Specialist is being scheduled with Dr. Synyard. Programs specialists have been working more closely with specific sites in serving site with high needs, based upon special ed and student needs (UELF/EV, MV, MH).

  1. ASC - Principal’s View - Are principals advocating for meetings with Site Reps to keep communication fluid? (5 min) 1:32pm

To keep communication 2-way, it’s recommended that meetings are scheduled regularly. Principals can advocate for the scheduling of these meetings too. If there is nothing to address, the meeting can be forgone.

  1. District website pictures - Can teachers opt-out? (5 min) 1:38pm

There is not an opt-out form for staff. If there is a picture that is posted on the website and a member has an issue with the picture he/she can contact Julie Synyard. She can try and have it removed. There may be issues if the picture is from someone’s Twitter feed. If there a site twitter feed, and a member doesn’t want on the twitter postings, they would let their Admin know.

  1. District plan for elementary counselors for 2018-19? (5 min) 1:43pm

Counselors have created district curriculum and paved their way, and staffing decisions are still being considered.

  1. UELF - Aggressive/defiant behaviors in GenEd classroom (7 min) 1:46pm
  2. The principal is supporting the staff how she can. Is there a more supportive, time-efficient process for students who are habitually defiant or yell/hit the teacher to be in their Least Restrictive Environment?

These are general education students. In conjunction with the principal, strategies to deal with these types of behaviors need to be discussed, practiced and implemented with supports. Appropriate discipline may be levied if warranted by student actions (i.e. suspension/detention, restorative actions). There needs to be a plan to support appropriate behaviors. The plan may include a positive behavior support plan that depends on the student’s needs. This plan may be created with a team (i.e. teacher/principal/program specialist/school psych). The team will work to determine the best course of action to help the student be successful and try and find interventions that support learning. Data will be collected to determine if the plan is functioning.

  1. LJMS - Weingarten Rights Review (7 min) 1:53pm
  2. A member was asked to see the principal during their prep. Their Site Rep was not available, and the teacher needed the time to prep for a class. The principal stated preps cannot supercede these meetings.

Preparation time is time contractually protected for teacher planning. According to Weingarten Rights all members have the right to have a Site Rep present when requested to meet with the principal for an investigatory meeting. CRPUSD teachers have a statement from Dr. Haley from April 2014 stating members can choose their representation and a reasonable time to contact their Rep and make necessary arrangements (see below). Emergency discipline from Admin to a member can be anytime. Other meetings with administrators can be scheduled at mutually agreed times.

Original Message


From: Robert Haley

Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 8:18 AM

To: Amie Carter; Susan Lopez; Sarah Fountain; Gaylene Rosaschi; Teresa Ruffoni; Elizabeth Kaufman; Amy Goodwin; Laurie Mason; Robert Steffen

Cc: Karen Tedesco; Richard Neffson

Subject: Association Representation


If you are scheduling a meeting with a RPCEA unit member, you are not to prearrange representation. You are to inform the unit member about the nature of the meeting and let them know that they can be represented. The unit member makes the decision as to whether or not he or she wants to be represented and if so, by whom. They can ask for a reasonable amount of time to contact a representative and make the necessary arrangements. I am including the Association President, Richard Neffson, on this email as we have discussed this numerous times.

Robert Haley


Meeting End 2:02pm