Israeli Business Delegation to the
CII KnowledgExpo 2014

20-22 November 2014 | New Delhi, India

Registration Form

Applicant Contact Information
Company Name
Last name of applicant / First name of applicant
Position/Title / Email
Telephone (Office) / Telephone (Mobile)
Passport Number / Date of Birth
Passport Issue Date / Passport Expiry Date
Photo of Applicant / (Please paste jpg profile photo of applicant) / Company Logo / (Please paste jpg or png of company logo)
Do you have a visa valid for travel to India for at least November 18-24, 2014?
Yes, Visa #: ______Valid till: ______ / No, I will need to apply for a Visa
Company Profile
1.  General Profile
Full Name of Company / Registration #
Prior name of Company
Type of Company / HT / R&D / Research Institute / University / Other
Stage / Seed / R&D / Initial Revenues / Revenue Growth
Ownership / Public / Private / Governmental / Other
Year Established / No. Employees
No. R&D Personnel
2.  Company Contact Info
Street Address
City / P.O. Box
Country / Zip Code
Telephone / Fax
Website / E-mail
3.  Company Contact Person
First Name / Last Name
Title/Position / E-mail
Phone / Mobile Phone
4.  Organization Background
General Business Description & Area of Expertise
Technology Description (Main Products/Services)
Targeted Customers
5.  Technology Sector & Subsector of Company (Select 1 sector and 1 subsector)
Agrobiotech / Energy / Environment / Materials
Water Technologies
Broadband Access / Broadcast / Enterprise Networking / Home Networking
Mobile Applications / NGN & Convergence / Optical Networking / Telecom Applications
VoIP & IP Telephony / Wireless Applications / Wireless Infrastructure
Content Delivery / Content Management / e-Commerce / E-Learning
Internet Applications / Internet Infrastructure / Online Advertising / Online Entertainment
Search Engines / Social Networks
IT & Enterprise Software
Business Analytics / Security / Enterprise Applications / Enterprise Infrastructure
Miscellaneous Software / Design and Development Tools
Life Sciences
Agrobiotech / Bioinformatics / Biologicals / Diagnostics
Healthcare IT / Industrial / Medical Devices / Telemedicine
Miscellaneous Technologies
Defense / Hardware / Industrial Technologies / Miscellaneous
Fabrication and Testing / Manufacturing Equipment & EDA / Memory & Storage / Miscellaneous Semiconductors
Network Processors / Processors & RFID / Security Semiconductors / Video, Image & Audio
6.  Company Settings
Would you like your company profile to appear in the public, online MATIMOP Company Database?
Would you like your company profile to appear in the online listing of “Israeli companies Seeking Indian R&D Partners”?
Would you like to receive emails from MATIMOP on news & events?
Partnership Interests (B2B Requests)
What types of partnerships are you seeking? What are the main characteristics, technological expertise, and R&D contributions you are seeking in a potential partner?
Other Comments or Questions:
Company Poster Details*
*The information below will be used to design and produce a poster of your company to be displayed at the Israeli Innovation Pavilion at the Conference Exhibition. Text should be marketing oriented.
Company Slogan (Short Phrase or Sentence)
4-5 Bullet points about the company

*Please provide 1-2 images in high resolution to be included in your company profile. Company logos are also required. Photos should be in at least one of the required formats: jpg, eps, psd, tiff, AI. Eps)