English Planning for class: London Bridge Year: 3 Teacher: A. Gray Week 1 Date: 22/02/10 Term: 4

TEXT/GENRE: Shakespeare – King Lear
(key points for success) / Word/Sentence / Vocabulary and Resources / Teaching Input and Activity
(indicate adult support for SEN/EAL/G+T) / Plenary
(key questions)
Below Average / Average / Above Average
To write comparative sentences / RML sound: a - e
Spelling patterns: irregular words. Collect and share words that are hard to spell and share tips.
Comparative sentences within main section / Comparative
Books / Warm up: Relaxation – following different parts of the body.
Main: Good sister/bad sister. When signalled, pupils must get into pairs with the nearest person without talking – one as the good sister, the other as bad sister. Children create a freeze frame as the three sisters, making difference between them explicit. What does compare mean? Model saying a comparative sentence. Cordelia is kind BUT her sisters are selfish and greedy. Model writing comparative sentences about the characters. / Read some sentences and write on the board. Can we up-level or improve them?
Pupils write 3/5 sentences. Lower and target groups write mostly BUT sentences.
AG to support and model correct writing of sentences.
Kyrell to work with lower group but to construct sentence verbally before writing it down using his sounds. / Pupils write 3/5 sentences. Lower and target groups write mostly BUT sentences, with support for ALTHOUGH if secure. AG to support and model correct writing of sentences. / HA to be extended to write complex sentences starting with ALTHOUGH or WHEN (When Cordelia hears about her father’s retirement, she is sad, but her sisters are excited.) Some to attempt using HOWEVER if secure. LW to facilitate and model.
S / To empathise with a character
LW to transfer targets for parent’s evening. / Speaking and Listening – using the voice to portray an emotion. / King Lear
Foul / Freeze Frames based on weather
Reminder of the story – recreation of the lines of King Lear and Cordelia.
Tell continuation of the story. How do you think King Lear feels now? Children practise showing his plight using bodies and facial expressions.
Sit down to read through lines, thinking about their meaning.
In groups, children go and prepare their line for the whole class scene.
Come back together, explain soundscaping and that each group will say their line one by one and then repeat all at the same time to create atmosphere. Use music to enhance dramatic ambience. TL to help weak readers and encourage empathy. / Regroup and discuss how they used their bodies to create a feeling. What worked well? What didn’t? What should we include in our final piece? Explain that we will be working on a script tomorrow.
To recognise the features of a playscript / RML sound: a - e
Spelling patterns: irregular words. Collect and share words that are hard to spell and share tips.
Look at list of vocabulary relating to playscripts and come up with class definitions to display for next two weeks. (Plenary) / Flipchart
Coloured key for HA
Cast List
Stage Directions
Characters / Look at a simplified scene of King Lear playscript on the interactive whiteboard. Have a go reading the script with different characters from the class. What do we say? What don’t we say? What makes it different to a story? Quick partner talk. Children come up to whiteboard and circle features that they notice.
In ability groups, pupils look at a selection of playscripts on their tables. They read them before completing a differentiated task. / Create a shared success criteria for our own playscripts. Print and put in books, ready for Friday.
Group discussion with AG about features. Answer verbal questions – who is speaking here? Why are there brackets?
At the end, write a shared list on books for what a playscript needs.
Kyrell to join in as practical. / Children have a key with colours. They must highlight scripts according to the key – i.e. stage directions in red, colons in blue, character speaking in yellow etc.
Supported by LW – Can they recognise the features and name them? / Children have a key with colours. They must highlight scripts according to the key – i.e. stage directions in red, colons in blue, character speaking in yellow etc.
To create the content of a scene through drama / HANDWRITING (LW) / Flipchart
Pictures of characters
Scene / Explain that we will be writing playscripts tomorrow. We want to create a scene. Think about King Lear and his daughter, Cordelia. If they were to meet, what would they say to each other? Collect ideas. Where are they? How does he feel? Do they regret their decisions? / Perform and evaluate. What was good? Write up any good lines on the flipchart to use tomorrow.
In mixed ability pairs, children act out a meeting between Lear and Cordelia. They refine their speech and think about actions.
AG and LW to assist Ahdam, Carla, Nouman, Ayoub with speaking.
CM to work with Kyrell and partner to have short scene. Kyrell to say at least 3 full sentences (I.E.P. target)
If time, pairs to jot down in note form some of their script.
To write a playscript / Adverbs
Play adverb game – in the manner of the word.
Look at a few lines from King Lear and change the way we say them using adverbs.
LW to sit with and support Kyrell, Ahdam, Carla, Nouman and Ayoub. / Flipchart
Scaffolded sheet for LE
Success Criteria in books
Cast List
Stage Directions
Characters / Quick reminder of the functions of punctuation in playscript.
Model writing a script of what we did yesterday, articulating thought processes.
Show success criteria and remind of features. / Swap playscripts with another member of the class and assess using the success criteria.
Add Two Stars and a Wish!
Write a short playscript, using scaffolded sheet to help.
Must try to use at least three features correctly.
BG to support LE.
CM to support Kyrell. Can he use the character/colon feature and write a few short lines of a script? Act out with a friend. / Write a short playscript in books.
Must try to use at least five features correctly.
VAS to work with target group. Are they secure in the main features? Can they make it better? / Write a short playscript in books
Must try to use all features correctly.
LW to extend higher – have they used adverbs, do they have a cast list?
AG to work one on one with Noah and Afriya to help them take their time and check work.
Extended writing:
Playscript / Handwriting: LW on a Thursday / Homework:
Write a playscript of their choice. / Evaluation/ next steps: Shakespeare/Poetry