6:30 PM Monday, January 23, 2017

Item 1. Open meeting- 6:00 pm

Attendance of SelectmenBruce Bailey, Vance Corliss, Errol Hanson, Patrick

Murray and Edward Nevells

Item 2. Approval of Minutes- January 9, 2017Motion made by Selectmen B. Bailey

2nd by Selectman V. Corliss - all in favor

Item 3. Review of Treasurer’s Warrants -3, 4, 5 and 6

Item 4. Open Session- 8 citizens of the Town attended

S. Smith- asked if the Plow Contractor was going to be charged for having the Town grader go out and cut ice ruts. The plow truck was stuck had no chains on it was down for a few hours, not keeping things plowed and is he using the sanders correctly?

Chair of the Board pointed out that there is language in the contract that can hold the Plow Contractor. As for the sand it seems to be working but its calibration might not

be correct.

Question- is the sand mixed with salt, and when it starts melting why doesn’t he plow off the slush so it doesn’t freeze into ruts

Selectman E. Hanson spoke saying there wasn’t enough salt put in because too much sand was put up in the start. They didn’t leave any room for the extra salt.

Chair spoke- in the past we have asked him to use less product but now we are asking for more to be put out.

Question – what about the Middle Road Bridge- you were going to fix it but you haven’t and its becoming more narrow and the bump is getting bigger

Is something going to be done with the LaGrange why wasn’t it worked on with the other roads

Selectman E. Hanson spoke saying we are looking to borrow money to do the LaGrange Rd. and may be another small piece.

Selectman B. Bailey also stated we have been asking for the last 5 years to do these different projects but they all cost money and no one wants to pay more taxes.

Can we expect better winter maintenance from the Plow Contractor now?

Chairman- I believe so, last Sunday’s storm showed evidence of using more material then in the past and he is aware that he needs to get to the roads quicker. He is more aware of the expectations

Item 5. Committee Reports:

a.Planning Board- sent into R. Hubert to look over the changes to the Mobile Safety Ordinance. Will have the public hearing on it along with the Town Warrant

b.Recreation Committee- they will be meeting at the Community Center the 1st Monday of the month

c.Fire Department-nothing really new have 2 Jr’s starting basic firefighting and in April 1 member to attend Fire Fighting 1&2

d.Road Commissioner-coming onThursday 600 yds. of sand and salt to mix into it

e.Town Manager- Spoke with Fire Chief went through the incident errors were committed all around from protocols on scene (S. Bragdon) to people being too familiar with people. Not following the chain of command, people listening to those who were not in charge. We didn’t follow the right chain of command either for the Board of Selectmen are the Board of Appeals for the Fire Department. Because it was a Selectmen who was questioning the incident should of gone to the Fire Chief 1 on 1 then the T.

Selectman E. Hanson asked the T.M if I was investigating it and a conflict would be her son is on the Department.

T.M was following up on the request the Board asked of her on 1/16/2017 to follow up with the Fire Chief on the incident.

Heard from MMA on the Historical Society Questions- the first one- request for money was okthe second article I will need to meet with the Chairman of the committee to work it out. MMA would like us to have the contract before we ask the question, but just in case it doesn’t pass I wouldn’t like to spend the money on a contract.

Owning a business no the Town cannot own a business that is in competition with the private sector. Quasi- municipal entities are involved in making grants to local businesses or providing other types of economic development assistance such as creating and maintaining a business park or the business “incubator”.

Item 6. New Business

  1. Sign Fair Point Communication pole permits
  1. Articles on the warrant- made a list of articles the Selectmen wanted on the warrant
  1. Town Manager vs Administrative Assistant- Selectmen E. Hanson feels we can save $50,000 another town close by with a larger population is doing it. It would mean less hours.

Item 11: Selectmen:

  1. Future Planning Committee update quick scenario on who they have meet with not as far as they would like to be due to weather and having to cancel meetings with people

Item 6.Old Business- went down through the budget talking in detail on different line

items and some of the thoughts from the last Budget Committee meeting the

week before

Item 8.Correspondence – none

Item 10. Executive Session-none

Item 12. Adjournment- 10:40


Vittoria Stevens, TownManager


