Department of Education Studies
Noyce Scholarship Application Packet
Step2:Writea concise 200–500wordpersonalstatementdescribingyoureducationalandcareergoals.
Step3:Includeacurrentrésuméthatdetailsyoureducation,workexperience,honorsandawards,extracurricular eventsandcommunityactivities,andemployment.
Step5:Providetwosealedlettersofrecommendationthataddressyouracademicachievementandpotentialfor successasateacher.
Noyce Scholarship Program, UCSD
Education Studies Program (EDS)
Attn: Daniel Carrillo
9500 Gilman Drive
Mail Code:0070
La Jolla, CA 92093-0070
- Enrolledatthe University of California, San Diego.
- Majoring in, or have majored in, a field of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (i.e. STEM majors). One could be majoring in, or have majored in, any major in one of the Engineering Departments, the Mathematics Department, thePhysics Department, the Chemistry-Biochemistry Department, or theBiology Department or be majoring in, or have majored in Earth Sciencesor Environmental Systems.
- SelectedanacademicmajorthatwillserveasateachingspecializationinBiology,Chemistry, Physics, Geoscience, Earth Science, orMathematics. If selected you need tohavecompletedsubject matterrequirements prior to receiving the scholarship (see EDS student advisors for details on subject matter requirements).
- Enrolled in UCSD CalTeach SMI minor: Minor in Mathematics Education or Minor in Science Education
- AminimumGPAof3.0.
- Senior undergraduate student or graduate student standing
- Awardeesmustserveastheirteaching specializationingrades 6through12.
- Teachforaminimumoftwoyearsforeachyearofscholarshipsupportina“high-need”school.Scholarship mustbereturnediftheNoyceScholardoesnotcompletetheteachingrequirement. Visit for list of sample high-needs districts.
- Attendfulltimeandcompleteyourbachelor’sdegreebytheendofoneacademicyear(ifyouareinyoursenioryear).
- Completion of the UCSD Noyce Scholarship agreement.
- BeaU.S.citizenorpermanentresidentalien.
Applicant Name (please print): ______Date:
- I am applying to enter the Noyce Scholarship Program in (specify quarter and year):
- I am applying for support during (circle one): Senior year / Credential year
- If selected for a scholarship, I would like to receive disbursement ______(Quarter and year)
- I have received a previous Noyce scholarship from the UCSD CalTeach program (circle one). Yes / No
- I have also applied to the UCSD Math for America (MfA) program (circle one). Yes / No
REQUIRED DOCUMENTS for First scholarship award:
For second scholarship awards see note below. / Verified By Scholarship Committee
- Fully completed application form (this form) including this cover page
- Statement of Interest, not to exceed two typed pages (200-500 words)
- Current résumé
- Unofficial copies of all college transcripts
- Two letters of recommendation
- Completed and Signed Robert Noyce Scholarship Agreement
- Subject Matter Completion (CSET or SMPP worksheet)
Please note that if you are called for interview you will be required to show proof of U.S. Citizenship or nationality, or of permanent resident alien status. You will also be expected to present a draft plan for completion of the requirements for entry into the UCSD Single Subject Credential program.
For Students seeking SECOND Noyce Scholarship Awards please complete the following requirements:
- Completed Application form
- Updated Statement of Interest
- One Letter of Recommendation from a current Cooperating Teacher
- Updated Resume
Research Study:
Fellowship recipients will be invited to participate in a brief research study based on their experiences in the program. Participation in the study is voluntary and is not a contingent of fellowship funding.
Personal InformationName MaleFemaleUCSDID:
Address City,State Zip
Phone()- MessagePhone() -
Email DateofBirth
Please indicate the following:
OPTIONAL:Pleaseindicatewhichofthefollowingcategoriesyouidentifywith. Youmaycheckmorethanone.
! / AlaskanNative(EskimoorAleut) / BlackorAfricanAmerican / White
! / AmericanIndian / HispanicorLatino / Other
! / Asian / NativePacificIslander / DeclinetoState
CredentialArea: (CIRCLE ONE)
Biology / Chemistry / Geosciences / Mathematics / PhysicsInstitutionsattendedDegreeprogram(e.g.Biology,BS)Degreecompletiondate
Subject MatterSubject Matter preparation met by:
1. CSET Exam in: _____ Mathematics _____Science (check one) completed on or planned for ______(date)
2. Subject Matter Preparation Program (SMPP) in ______(provide SMPP worksheet)
Proposed SchedulePleaseincludeatentative courseschedulefor the indicated academic year ______(enter dates).
Fall / Winter / SpringPersonal Narrative
Pleaseattachyour personal narrativedescribing
2)Yourpersonalandprofessional qualifications,includingexperiencesworkingwithK-12students
TranscriptsIncludeacopyofyourunofficialtranscriptsfromthe previous two years.
RecommendationsRequesttwo(2)confidentiallettersofrecommendation,usingtheNoyceRecommendationforms. Lettersmaybe submittedinasealedenvelopewithyourapplicationormailedtotheaddressbelow. The letters should be from university supervisors, master teachers, or cooperating teachers.
Iacknowledgethattheaboveinformationiscorrecttothebestofmyknowledge. IauthorizetheNoyceSelectionCommitteeto viewmyacademicrecordsinordertoverifyandfullyassessmyqualifications.
Signature: Date:
Inorderforyourscholarshipapplicationtobeconsidered,youare requested tocompletetheattachedrecruitmentsurveyandfillinthedemographicinformationrequested.
Confidential Recommendation Form
Recommendationformsandlettersmustbereceivedby: ______(date)
Student'sName: Evaluator'sName:
TheNoyceCommitteedependsonandappreciatesyourcarefulappraisaloftheabovenamedstudent'spotentialasa teacherina"highneed"school. Pleaseindicateyourassessmentoftheapplicantbyplacingacheckmarkin appropriateboxesbelowANDattachaletterelaboratingonyourassessmentandincludingadditionalinformation abouttheapplicant(e.g.leadershipskills,attitude,determination,financialneed,etc.)thatwouldbeusefulinour selectionprocess. Yourrecommendationshouldbeasspecificaspossible.
Nochanceto observe
Recommendationformsandlettersmustbereceivedby application deadline
University of California San Diego
Education Studies Program (EDS)
Attn: Daniel Carrillo
9500 Gilman Drive
Mail Code:0070
La Jolla, CA 92093-0070
ForadditionalinformationontheUCSD EDSRobertNoyceScholarshipProgramcontactDaniel Carrillo at . For more information, visit:
Confidential Recommendation Form
Recommendationformsandlettersmustbereceivedby: ______(date)
Student'sName: Evaluator'sName:
TheNoyceCommitteedependsonandappreciatesyourcarefulappraisaloftheabovenamedstudent'spotentialasa teacherina"highneed"school. Pleaseindicateyourassessmentoftheapplicantbyplacingacheckmarkin appropriateboxesbelowANDattachaletterelaboratingonyourassessmentandincludingadditionalinformation abouttheapplicant(e.g.leadershipskills,attitude,determination,financialneed,etc.)thatwouldbeusefulinour selectionprocess. Yourrecommendationshouldbeasspecificaspossible.
Nochanceto observe
Recommendationformsandlettersmustbereceivedby application deadline
University of California San Diego
Education Studies Program (EDS)
Attn: Daniel Carrillo
9500 Gilman Drive
Mail Code:0070
La Jolla, CA 92093-0070
ForadditionalinformationontheUCSD EDSRobertNoyceScholarshipProgramcontactDaniel Carrillo at . For more information, visit:
Noyce RecruitingSurvey
Thesurveyresultsarenotusedaspartofthescholarshipacceptancedecision.Thepurposeofthesurveyistohelp futurerecruitingeffortsforthisscholarship. Donotattachthesurveytoyourapplicationanddonotputyourname onthissurvey.
Please rate the questions on the following scale below by circling the appropriate number:
3 = Very Important
2 = Important
1 = Some Importance
0 = Not Applicable and/or NA
1. Iattendedinformationsession(s)aboutbecomingamath/scienceteacherinmyhigh school/communitycollege.2. Myhighschool/communitycollegecounselor(s)encouragedmetobecomea math/scienceteacher.
3. Myhighschool/communitycollegemath/scienceteachersencouragedmeto becomeamath/scienceteacher.
4. MyacademicadvisoratUCSDencouragedmetobecomeamath/science teacher.
5. FacultyinmymajoratUCSDencouragedmetobecomeamath/science teacher.
6. Iampartofacommunityoffuturemath/scienceteacherswhohaveencouraged metobecomeamath/scienceteacher(,clubs,etc.).
7. IhaveattendedsomeUCSDCalTeach and/or SMI minorinformationalmeetings,andthey which haveencouragedmetobecomeateacher.
8. UCSDfaculty/staffprovidedmewithessentialinformationabouthowIcould becomeamath/scienceteacher.
9. Ihadsomeopportunitiestoteachmath/scienceandthatinterestedmein teachingasacareer.
10. Ihadsomeopportunitiestospeakwithcurrentmath/scienceteachersandthey encouragedmetobecomeamath/scienceteacher.
11. Ilearnedaboutmath/scienceteachingcareersfromtheUCSDwebsite.
12. UCSDhasprovidedfinancialassistancetohelpmepursueamath/science teachingcareer.
13. TheNoyceFellowshipassistsmeinpursuingamath/scienceteachingcareer.
14. Otherfactorsthathaveinfluencedyourdecisiontobecomeamath/scienceteacher: / 3210
UCSD Undergraduate Mathematics & Science Education Initiative
Robert Noyce Scholarship Agreement
"The National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Scholarship program responds to the critical need for K-12 teachers of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics by encouraging talented science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) students and STEM professionals to pursue teaching careers in elementary and secondary schools. Scholarship recipients are required to complete two years of teaching in a high need school district for each year of scholarship support. The program seeks to increase the number of K-12 teachers with strong STEM content knowledge." (NSF -07-529)
UC San Diego Scholarship Requirements:
•Recipients of Noyce scholarships must be US citizens, nationals, or permanent resident aliens.
•Recipients must be in process of pursuing, or currently possess a baccalaureate degree in science, mathematics, or engineering.
UC San Diego Service Requirements:
•Recipients must be enrolled in the UCSD Education Studies educational foundations program prerequisite to teacher certification.
•Recipients must commit to serving two years as a mathematics or science teacher in a high need school within 6 years of receiving certification. Unless an exception is made, the first year of this commitment will be during the M.Ed./Intern Credential year in a UCSD partner school. The second year may be in any high need local educational agency that meets one or more of the following NSF criteria:
- It has at least one school in which 50 percent or more of the enrolled students are eligible for participation in the free and reduced price lunch program established by the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act.
- It has at least one school in which:
(i)more than 34 percent of the academic classroom teachers at the secondary level (across all academic subjects) do not have an undergraduate degree with a major or minor in, or a graduate degree in, the academic field in which they teach the largest percentage of their classes; or
(ii)more than 34 percent of the teachers in two of the academic departments do not have an undergraduate degree with a major or minor in, or a graduate degree in the academic field in which they teach the largest percentage of their classes.
c.It has at least one school whose teacher attrition rate has been 15 percent or more over the last three school years.
Financial Payback Provisions:
·Failure to satisfy the academic requirements of the program or to complete the service requirement will result in recipient's forfeiture of the scholarship award with repayments pro-rated accordingly to reflect partial service completed. The formula used to calculate the repayment will be
A = F[(2-s)/2]
where "A" is the amount UCSD is entitled to recover; "F" is the sum of the total amount paid to the recipient; "2" is the number of years of service obligation; and "s" is the number of years or fraction of years of such obligation served.
Except as noted below in "Conditions for Waiver and Cancellation" any amount that UCSD is entitled to recover is due within 30 days of the date on which UCSD is entitled to recover such amount. After such time, interest will accrue on the outstanding obligation.
Conditions of Waiver and Cancellation:
•UCSD may waive the repayment obligation, in whole or in part, if it is determined that fulfillment of the service obligation
(1) would be impossible due to disability of the recipient,
(2) would result in extreme hardship to the recipient, or
(3) is determined to not be in the best interest of the school district.
The recipient must initiate requests for waivers of repayment obligations with a certified letter detailing the reasons why a waiver should be given. Additional documentation may be requested. Decisions on waivers of repayment obligations will require a majority vote by the Principal Investigators of the Noyce grant and the recipient's faculty advisor(s) during the student teaching and/or induction year of teaching. Amanda Datnow, the Principal Investigator of the grant, or a designee, will respond in writing to requests for waivers by certified mail within 14 days of a request for waiver of repayment obligation.
• UCSD will cancel any repayment obligation in the event of the death of the recipient.
Annual Report of Employment-Change of Address and/or Name:
•Recipients will submit to Director of Education Studies:
(1) copies of letters of employment and signed letters by the principal of completion of teaching responsibilities at the end of the academic year.
(2) any changes of name, postal address, or e-mail address during the period of the service obligation
Program Evaluation:
•Recipients will be asked to participate in evaluation activities through the WeTeach online system and/or interviews and focus groups during the period of the scholarship year and during the service period in order to determine the impact of the Noyce program in meeting its goals of increasing the number of highly qualified STEM teachers in high need schools in the nation. Participation in research is entirely voluntary. You may refuse to participate or withdraw or refuse to answer specific questions in an interview or on a questionnaire at any time without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are entitled. There will be no loss of scholarship funding if you refuse to participate in this study.
I understand and agree to the conditions of the Noyce Scholarship award as presented in this document.
Signature:______Date: ______
Printed Name: ______