College Needs Survey

This survey is being conducted by Rickes Associates in the context of the Master Plan update process now underway at Three Rivers Community College. Your reply will help establish current and projected space requirements for your department/unit and for the College as a whole, so clear and accurate responses are important.

Please respond to the questions, being as specific as possible. You may add comments or attach supporting documents, as necessary. Return completed surveys to Dean Goetchius as soon as possible, but no later than Monday, March 18th. (Note: the survey can be filled out electronically and returned via email to )

If you have survey-specific questions, please contact Dr. Persis Rickes or Ms. Monica Meyerhoff at Rickes Associates at 617.364.4444 or via e-mail . If you have campus planning questions, please direct those to Dean Anderson or President Jones.

Thank you for your assistance!

Department/Unit: ______

Name (optional):______




Date Survey Completed: ______

- 1 of 2 -Three Rivers Community College

College Needs SurveyMaster Plan Update


  1. Given our mission and vision, what do you feel are the most important goals in planning and building our new college?
  1. What is currently the most pressing space issue confronting your academic department/ administrative unit? What will happen if this issue is not addressed in the near-term? In the long-term?
  1. Identify an area on campus where you see the most pressing space need for the college as a whole.
  1. Please identify one or two areas where you feel a physical adjacency to your own area would be beneficial to the overall operation of the college.
  1. If you could make just one space-related change on campus, what would that change be?
  1. Are there any other comments you would like to add?

- 1 of 2 -Three Rivers Community College