CSC Using the Faculty Center

Created on3/1/2010 8:52:00 AM

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/ Training Guide
CSC Using the Faculty Center

Table of Contents

CSC Using the Faculty Center

CSC Accessing the Faculty and Advisor Center

CSC Accessing the Faculty and Advisor Center

CSC Viewing My Teaching Schedule

CSC Viewing My Teaching Schedule

CSC Viewing a Weekly Teaching Schedule

CSC Managing My Classes

CSC Viewing a Class Roster

CSC Notifying All Students

CSC Notifying Selected Students

CSC Printing a Class Roster

CSC Viewing Courses and Classes

CSC Conducting a Class Search

CSC Browsing the Course Catalog

Page 1
/ Training Guide
CSC Using the Faculty Center

CSC Using the Faculty Center

The Faculty Center is a faculty member’s main webpage for interaction with various kinds of information available to him/her in Self Service. Using the Faculty Center, faculty can view their own class schedules, obtain class rosters, grade students via grade rosters, search for information about other faculty at their institution, search for courses and classes, view advisee information, view advisee information for walk-in students, etc.

CSC Accessing the Faculty and Advisor Center

CSC Accessing the Faculty and Advisor Center


Step / Action
myCSC can be found at (
If you need help with your password, click the Reset your Password link.

Step / Action
Click in the NU ID field.

Enter the desired information into the NU ID field. Enter "12345678".
Enter the desired information into the Password field. Enter "test1234".
Click the Sign In button.

After logging in, you will see three tabs: Faculty, College Life and Calendars.
The Faculty tab contains links related to faculty: academic calendars, campus news, employee links, etc.
This is also the tab that you will use to access the Faculty and Advisor Center.
Click the College Life tab.

The College Life tab contains links to events and happenings on campus.

Step / Action
Click the Calendars tab.

The Calendars tab displays different campus calendars.
You have successfully reviewed the steps for logging into myCSC.
End of Procedure.

CSC Viewing My Teaching Schedule

CSC Viewing My Teaching Schedule


In this topic you will learn how to view your current teaching schedule.

Step / Action
Begin by navigating to the Faculty Center module.
Click the Self Service link.

Step / Action
Click the Faculty Center link.

Click the My Schedule link.

When the Faculty Center opens, the My Schedule section displays information for the current term.
The Change Term button allows you to select a different term to view.
The My Teaching Schedule section displays the following information for each class to which you are assigned:
1) Class Name and Number
2) Class Title
3) The number of students Enrolled
4)Days & Times of the class
5)Room where the class is held
6)Class Dates (First & Last)

Step / Action
You can access more detailed information for any class.
Click the HIST 232-0001 (10881) link.

The Class Details page contains the following sections:
1) Class Details
2) Meeting Information
3) Class Availability
4) Description
Scroll through the page to review all information.

Step / Action
Click theReturn to Faculty Centerlink.

Step / Action
You now want to view your schedule for Spring 2010.
Click theChange Termbutton.

Step / Action
Click the Spring 2011 option.

Click the Continue button.

Your My Teaching Schedulefor Spring 2011 is displayed.
You have completed the steps to review your current teaching schedule.
End of Procedure.

CSC Viewing a Weekly Teaching Schedule


In this topic you will learn how to view your schedule for an entire week.

Step / Action
Begin by navigating to the Faculty Center module.
Click the Self Service link.

Click the Faculty Center link.

Click the My Schedule link.

The Faculty Center page is displayed.
Click the View Weekly Teaching Schedule link.

The schedule for the current week is displayed. You can move through the calendar to display for upcoming or past weeks.
Click the Next Week button.

You may also change the date by selecting a specific date.
Click the calendar button.

Select the month to view. If the month falls within a different year, select the year first.
Click the Month list.

Click the December link.

Select the date within the month for the week you want to view.
Click the 7 link.

Click the Refresh Calendar button.

The dates have been refreshed with the date you selected. The page will automatically scroll to the bottom of the page.
You have the ability to select which days of the week you want to see included in the calendar. In this example, you will turn off Sunday so it will not be reflected in the grid.
Click the Sunday option.

Click the Refresh Calendar button.

Sunday has been removed from the calendar.
You have completed the steps to view your teaching schedule for a specific week.
End of Procedure.

CSC Managing My Classes

The Faculty Center allows you to perform tasks associated with managing classes for your students. This section includes the following topics.

  • Printing a Class Roster
  • Notifying All Students from the Class Roster
  • Notifying Selected Students from the Class Roster

CSC Viewing a Class Roster


In this topic, you will learn how to use the Class Roster provided in the Faculty Center.

Step / Action
Begin by navigating to the Faculty Center module.
Click the Self Service link.

Step / Action
Click the Faculty Center link.

Click the My Schedule link.

Step / Action
The Faculty Center page appears.
Click the Class Roster button.

Step / Action
When the Class Roster page opens, basic information about the class appears.
You can access more detailed information about the class.
Click the HIST 535 - 0001 (11796) link.

Information on the class details,time and location of meeting and class enrollment information is displayed.
Step / Action
More information about the class can be viewed by scrolling to the bottom.
Return to the Class Roster page after you have reviewed the information on the page.
Click the Return to Class Roster link.

The Enrolled Students section displays the student's ID, program and plan, level and status are displayed along with notes recorded about the status.
Step / Action
Click the View FERPA Statement link.

Step / Action
FERPA restrictions are displayed and a link is provided to the Federal guidelines.
To view the guildelines, click theU.S. Department of Education Family Educational Rights and Privacylink.
A new window opens displaying the policy. Close the new window when you are finished.
Click the X button.

Return to the Class Roster page.
Click the Return button.

You have completed the steps to view the Class Roster.
End of Procedure.

CSC Notifying All Students


In this topic you will learn how to send a message to all of the students in a selected class.

Step / Action
Begin by navigating to the Faculty Center module.
Click the Self Service link.

Step / Action
Click the Faculty Center link.

Click the My Schedule link.

Step / Action
Click the Class Roster button.

The Class Roster page is displayed.
Step / Action
Click the Notify All Students button.

Step / Action
The Send Notification page that appears has your e-mail in the From and To fields and lists all the students in the BCC field. Enter the note that you want to send.
Enter the desired information into the Message Text field. Enter "No class on Monday.".
Click the Send Notification button.

Step / Action
A message appears to verify that the message was sent.
Click the Return to Class Roster link.

You have successfully completed a notification to all students on a roster.
End of Procedure.

CSC Notifying Selected Students


This topic explains how to send a notification to selected students on your class roster.

Step / Action
Begin by navigating to the Faculty Center module.
Click the Self Service link.

Step / Action
Click the Faculty Center link.

Click the My Schedule link.

Step / Action
Click the Class Roster button.

The Class Roster page displays.
Step / Action
Choose the students that you wish to send a notification to.
Click the Notify option.

Students that have their name hyperlinked have a valid email address on file.
Click the Notify Selected Students button.

Step / Action
Enter the desired information into the Message Text field. Enter "Your extra credit has been graded.".
Click the Send Notification button.

Step / Action
A message displays to let you know the message has been sent. It will list the recipients of the message.
Click the Return to Class Roster link.

You have successfully completed the steps to notify selected students.
End of Procedure.

CSC Printing a Class Roster


In this topic you will learn how to print a class roster for your use.

Step / Action
Begin by navigating to the Faculty Center module.
Click the Self Service link.

Step / Action
Click the Faculty Center link.

Click the My Schedule link.

Step / Action
The Faculty Center page appears.
Click the Class Roster button.

Step / Action
Click the Printer Friendly Version link.

Step / Action
Click the Print button.

Step / Action
When the roster has printed, exit the Printer-Friendly page.
Click the Return link.

You have successfully printed a class roster.
End of Procedure.

CSC Viewing Courses and Classes

The Faculty Center allows you to search for information on all classes offered at your institution. It includes the ability to search for information on faculty members who are teaching the classes and gives the ability to connect to your institution's learning management system. This lesson includes the following topics:

  • Conducting a Class Search
  • Browsing the Course Catalog

CSC Conducting a Class Search


In this topic you will learn how to search for a class that is not assigned to you.

Step / Action
Begin by navigating to the Search module.
Click the Self Service link.

Step / Action
Click the Search link.

Step / Action
Click the Class Search link.

Step / Action
You can use the Term drop-down menu to select a different term.
In this example, you will search for a class in the Spring 2010 term.
Click the Institution list.

Step / Action
Click the Chadron State College list item.

Step / Action
Click the Term list.

Step / Action
Click the Fall 2010 list item.

Step / Action
Click the Course Subject list.

Click the Biology object.

If desired, there are additional fields you can use to narrow the results that are returned from the search.
Click the Additional Search Criteria button.

The Additional Search Criteria section provides additional search criteria options.
The page will automatically scroll to the bottom of the page.
Enter any additional search criteria necessary.
Click the Search button.

The View All Sections lists all the sessions for the subject.
Step / Action
Use the Section hyperlink to find additional information about the course such as if lectures, discussions, or labs are required for this course.
Click the 0001-LEC(11605) link.

Step / Action
Additional details for this section are displayed. After reviewing the details, return to the search results page.
Click the View Search Results button.

You have completed the steps to search for information onclasses.
End of Procedure.

CSC Browsing the Course Catalog


In this topic you will learn how to browse through the catalog of courses for the selected term.

Step / Action
Begin by navigating to the Faculty Center module.
Click the Self Service link.

Click the Search link.

Click the Browse Course Catalog link.

Step / Action
Click the Select Institution list.

Step / Action
Click the Chadron State College list item.

Step / Action
Click the Change button.

The Browse Course Catalog page displays the courses categorized by subject code.
Step / Action
You can expand a subject code section to see the related courses.
Click the Expand/Collapse button.

Once you have reviewed the information, you can hide the displayed information.
Click the Expand/Collapse button.

You can expand all topics to see all courses.
Click the Expand All button.

You can collapse all sections at one time.
Click the Collapse All button.

To avoid scrolling through all topics, you can select a subject code by designating the first letter.
In this example, you will look at information for Mathematics courses.
Click the M link.

Click the Expand/Collapse button.

Once you have located the course, you can view more details.
Click the Introduction to Algebra link.

The Course Detail page displays information on the course.
You can also view class section information from this page.
Click the View Class Sections button.

You can select the term for which you want to see the sections.
Click the Terms Offered list.

Click the Fall 2010 list item.