The Dolphin Masters Newsletter


ph: (021) 685 3388 / 082 904 8037

MAY / JUNE 2003

Dear Dolphin Swimmers

Yes its time for another scintillating newsletter from the Dolphin Masters team, and there is a lot to share since last you heard from us.

Thursday 26th JUNE
at Long Street Pool
6 pm for 6.30pm.
(only 50m, 100m and 200m events)

Nationals came and went and were a great success, both in the pool and out. We had a team of 11 swimmers plus a mascot who came to boogie, and we earned ourselves 16 gold, 13 silvers and 14 bronze medals. AND we won the Spirit Bowl, which is awarded to the Club or Province that “promotes the Spirit of Masters Swimming”. So you must know that there was plenty of spirit (and not the liquid variety) on the stands where we gathered each day. We always sit next to Cape Town Masters as they are both our friends and rivals in swimming, and as a Province we enjoy each other’s company. We had 2 new swimmers this year – Anneke Boshoff and Theresa Bridgman and once their nerves had settled a little they realized that the idea is to swim your heart out (keeping all the rules of technique in mind of course), and then relax and enjoy the ride.

Our team really knows how to put in the extra bit when it comes to dressing up for the dinner dance / Award Ceremony and this year our funky hats were a hit. So well done to all the team.

Our first gala of the new season is coming up shortly. Don’t be intimidated by the idea – everyone is a little rusty and a little round and rather pale but our personalities remain sparkling and we have to keep motivated otherwise everything falls apart. We’ve just got to keep moving along as they say down in Nashville Tennessee.

It is time to renew your subscriptions for Dolphins. If you were not at the AGM putting your hand up to offer to do the Newsletter or any other task, you will not know that the subs have gone up to R250. Liz Webb was at the AGM and she has offered (although she did incur a broken arm in the process) to be the Membership Secretary. I will be sending out Subscription Forms shortly and all you need do is fill this in and follow the instructions. Please try to do it early in the season so that it does not become a job that drags on for a whole year. We did sell her the position on the strength that it would be a little work for a month or two. So support me guys on this one. You also need to know that the SSA cut-off date for re-registrations is 31st October. So get it behind you. Remember that Liz is your lady when it comes to subs.

If you want to sign up any new members please remember that they must fill in SSA forms and submit a copy of their ID.

Why not pay your subs at the Long Street Gala

Your Committee for the year is:

Chair: Mairi Brimble Ph / Fax: (021) 685 3388 / 082 904 8037

Vice-Chair: Nadine Foster (021) 689 4620

Membership Secretary:Liz Webb (021) 674 2715 / 082 885 0344

Kit Co-ordinator:Nadine Foster

Nationals Co-ordinator:Britt Stott (021) 434 4007 (h) /082 337 2885

Gala Rep: Tiffany de Jager (021) 438 3190 (h) / 082 407 4766

Newsletter:Mairi Brimble

Fundraising and Socials:Debs Lane 082 689 2363, Gillian D’Arcy 082 808 2853, Theresa Bridgman 082 658 0112

(I think we should introduce a quota system for males, so that we can slowly introduce that species into positions that are not above their capabilities, and will at the same time allow their voices to be heard in a supportive and nurturing environment.)

Before I finish on the subject of our

AGM – if you were not there, then

where were you? We had 13 at the

Dolphins AGM and 5 apologies out of

a membership of 39, so half of you

missed the Dolphins AGM and 88%

of you missed the WP AGM, which is

actually a sorry state of affairs.

There are swimmers serving on

these committees doing an enormous amount of voluntary work on your behalf. There would be no galas, no results, no newsletters, no Clubs, nobody working out times for Colours or records, nobody designing gear, keeping the books, etc etc, without their hours of input. These people make swimming happen for you and you owe it to them to make an appearance once a year and acknowledge their work on your behalf.

If you feel that you don’t know enough people in your Club then these are golden opportunities to get to know other swimmers.

We already have a new member for the year – our first paid up member ...... Kenneth Kingma. Welcome to Dolphins Kenneth – you won’t regret joining our Club. You don’t have to take the previous passage too seriously – it is just a little AGM - Rage that I have every year in May, but most people just read, yawn and delete. The gala schedule for the season should be out shortly and we hope to see you at Long Street Baths for the winter galas.

  • Pauline Braun finally gave birth to a lovely little girl whom they have named Natasha.

I think Pauline sometimes thought that she was carrying a whale (hopefully it is a dolphin!) but she turned out to be a 3.3kg bundle – very average.

Happy nights Pauline!

  • Theresa Bridgman got engaged and will be marrying in December.

Happy Days Theresa!

  • Brian is back from a very relaxing holiday in Sedgefield, and will be at the Point and the SSI as usual.

Welcome back!

  • Breast-stroke Britt is starting up her own travel business called Africa Time Tours. Good luck Britt, as long as you get us to East London in time we will be happy.
  • Michael Stevenson has opened his new state of the art gallery - Michael Stevenson Contemporary. Go visit it – it is destined to be one of the top galleries nationwide.
  • John “six golds” D. completed another Vista Nova Robben Island swim on Sat 31st May, in the company of Natalie du Toit. Temperatures were very low but this does not seem to deter our man.
  • James Gubb was seen at Big Bay watching the Vista Nova swim – whetting his appetite?
  • What has happened to Father David? We haven’t had our morning blessing from him in ages. Have you moved on to greener pastures Father? Send us word..
  • Cheryl Young is now living in Fourways outside Jhb, but is still swimming for Dolphins. She pops down to visit her kids every now and then and sends you all her best wishes.
  • Rob Knutzen achieved a 2nd place at WP Champs, upsetting the apple cart with his new wife in the process. Watch Didi in the pool now!
  • Tiffany is in charge of gala marshalls. In my Chairman’s report, I asked that every swimmer does at least one time-keeping duty a season. This is not a lot to ask, as without timekeepers, these galas simply would not happen. So Tiffany will be on the phone to you asking for your help. Please help make her job a pleasant one. Thanks guys.

Hi all Masters Swimmers.

I must be getting older as time just seems to fly by!!

The AGM has come and gone. A big thank you to all of those who took the time to attend and support us. It is always a bit disappointing that in a region of 140+ swimmers, only 30 can find the time to attend.

WP Committee for 2003/2004:

President Judy Brewis

Vice- President Kay Bales

Secretary Liz Webb

Treasurer Mark Hodges

Gala Coordinator Clara Aurik

Additional member Iemraan Kara

Well done to all of who received awards, especially:

Victix LudorumTricia Rix

Victor LudorumDoug Howieson

Ralph Cohen TrophyKay Bales(This is for the person who epitomizes the spirit of Masters swimming

Presidents AwardMairi Brimble(This is for the one who has done the most for Masters swimming)

WP Colours Clara Aurik, Cecilia Stanford, Diane Coetzee, Gail McCarney, Jean Degenaar, Viv Williams, Sanderina Kruger,Perry Cadiz, Aletta Wilson, Tricia Rix, Karleen Scott, Tim Shead, Gary Freeling, John Dickerson, Francois du Toit & Andre Roothman

Qualifying for WP colours, but still to do 3 WP Champs are – Doug Howieson, Liz Webb,

Britt Stott, Sandra Stones, Marcelle Strauss, Darryl Smith, Mia Russell & Amanda Pickard. Can you believe it, another season of Masters Swimming is about to start. I am sure you are feeling well rested after Nationals and are back into a new season of training – working towards new goals – whatever they maybe. I hope this season sees you reach those goals and have a lot of fun along the way.

Yours in swimming


That’s all folks


*** Gala entry form will be sent out separately