Chairman David Curtis Website: www.2shrop.net/westfeltonparishcouncil ~ see Meeting Papers Jan 2015

MEETING 151 Tues 13th JANUARY 2015 MINUTES 151


F.1 West Felton Youth Club Revival Tracy Roberts & Taryn O'Donoghue gave a brief presentation and then answered questions from members. On behalf of WFPC the Chairman offered our full support and the best of luck and he also offered to advertise for more volunteers in his News Report 151 to the Parish Magazine.

1. ATTENDANCE at WFPC Routine Meeting 151 held at 7.30pm in West Felton Methodist Church Hall:

1.1 Present Parish Cllrs: Chair David Curtis, Carole Coles, Roger Hampson, Marian Hesketh,
Dianne Barnes, Andrew Stones. Plus Ian Hutchinson Parish Clerk. Plus the two parishioners. NOTED

1.2 Apologies from Chris Jones, Ed Nicholas, Kay Kynaston, Steve Haworth, Rob Meacham: ACCEPTED

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Meeting 151 held on 13 Jan'15: NONE were received. NOTED

3. PREVIOUS MEETING 14D held on Tue 9 Dec'14 previous minutes and ongoing items as follows:

3.1 Minutes 14D The Chair signed the minutes of the last meeting as a true and accurate record: All AGREED

3.2 Any Ongoing Items for which Councillors seek or offer progress reports or other historical information:

a. Cllr Stones asked about the 12 New Twyford Lane Houses Appeal: no further news at present. NOTED

b. The Chair asked about the manhole covers reported by Dianne Barnes: SC-Roads has this item IN HAND.


4.1 14/05296/CPL 25 School Road rear extension Lawful Development Certificate: for information ONLY.

4.2 No LATE Planning Applications were received at the Parish Office after the distribution of this agenda.


5.1 West Felton Parish Plan 2015 Tracy Roberts is proposing a Youth Club Revival: WFPC offer this project full support and perhaps some modest funding: Clerk to attend their first inaugural meeting. All AGREED

5.2 State of Roads around Grimpo a resident has made a formal complaint to SC Roads: the Clerk was asked to email SC Roads to follow this up and see what progress has been made with this item: ONGOING to 152

5.3 WFPC Roads Priorities and issues with SC Highways Control Dept: Reply to SC Officer Steve Brown:

a. The geometry of the Queens Head-Straight Mile junction may be sufficient for the normal classification of this road but it is insufficient for the many heavy vehicles using this junction so the splay needs widening.

b. WFPC is aware that Shotatton Crossroads is on a trunk road which is not in West Felton Parish but even so WFPC asks SC to actively support our ongoing campaign to seek a new roundabout at this busy crossroads.

c. Please inform us of the name and full contact details of the Chief Officer of the SC Highways Development Control Department because our concerns about some of their recent decisions have not yet been answered.

5.4 Traffic Calming Measures 30mph extension and two new VAS signs: SC says these are both IN HAND.

5.5 Rednal Carting Track reports of excessive noise from motor bikes: Clerk to ask SC for full details of the original planning conditions on this site: times of operation and permitted vehicles etc. ONGOING to 152

5.6 Request for New Streetlight Site Meeting on 22 Dec'14 on School Road by Bishops Close: the nearest resident objects: and WFPC does not feel that a light here would offer best value for public money so on balance WFPC does not SUPPORT this proposal: AGREED: Cllr Hampson's abstention was NOTED.

Note: The Clerk will email this WFPC opinion to SC Lighting Officer Jason Hughes and also to the requestor.

5.7 Burial Ground

a. Memorial Wall Plaques: see Wall Ideas-2 Part A: all of the proposed seven rules were APPROVED so the Clerk will prepare a final sheet of rules and present it to the next meeting for ratification. ONGOING to 152

b. Other ideas: see Wall Ideas-2 Part B: Clerk to seek quotes for a plaque: IN MEMORIAM. All AGREED

c. Other Works: see Wall Ideas-2 Part C: Clerk+Councillors will pursue most of the five items. ONGOING

5.8 Junior Football Pitch Install two new fixed goalposts for another small pitch across far end of the field: Cllr Kay Kynaston was not present so it was decided to defer this item until she is able to attend a meeting.

MINUTES 151 Continues Over CHAIRMAN'S INITIALS: ______

MINUTES 151 Continued Tuesday 13th JANUARY 2015 Page 151 b


6.1 Finance Cashbook-15 line 44 and Bank Statement 246 at 28 Nov'14 = £16,961.79 VERIFIED by members.

6.2a Budget-16 vs2 with Precept-16 of £19,219 and Reserve-16 of £26,215.99 was CONFIRMED unanimously

b. Clerk's Hours+Pay: Budget-16 Part C shows wage bill savings of £2077.92 every year due to Protocol-14 when Hours-15 and Pay-15 are compared to National Pay Scales-16 and SLCC Hours-15: all APPROVED

6.3a Transfer Reserves into Current A/c to simplify our accounts: two signatories signed a letter to NatWest.

The increased risks and loss of about £10 interest each year were both considered and NOTED but since this policy will save clerical time and clarify our accounts it was AGREED: Cllr Stones voted against. NOTED

b. The Clerk will go to the bank tomorrow and arrange to transfer £20,000 from our reserve account into our current account and at the same time ask about updating signatories on our mandate. ONGOING to 152

6.4 Streetlight-12 at the Wheatlands destroyed 13 Oct'14: driver's £992.40 insurance claim: the Clerk will email the driver again asking for full settlement of this account as soon as possible. ONGOING to 152

7. ACCOUNTS Meeting 151 Date: 13 Jan'15 Reserve Account: add £20,000.00 Year-15

The following two accounts were both duly PAID at this meeting: All AGREED

7.1 / 339 / 13.01.14 / 151-7.1 / Nathan Williams path+other burial ground works / Ground-15a / 0 / 1307.53 / 13165.46
7.2 / 340 / 13.01.15 / 151-7.2 / Highline Electrical replace lens+ignitor of Light-8 / LIGHTS-15f / 0 / 104.40 / 13061.06

8. EXTERNAL ITEMS including routine mail and any other general information from outside the parish.

8.1 Points of Interest arising from any routine mail that is NOT on this Agenda: NONE were raised. NOTED

9. EXTRA INFORMATION was discussed at the Chairman's discretion and was NOTED but not resolved.

9.1 Any LATE Correspondence not on this agenda plus any other LATE items of information from the Clerk:

a. The Clerk's four emails explaining his legal status had been superfluous and had all been WITHDRAWN.

9.2 Any Other Parish Reports plus comments and queries from Councillors going in turn around the room:

a. Dianne Barnes asked about progress with Light 21 on The Avenue which is still OUT: Clerk will pursue.

b. Dianne also offered to liaise with the Clerk to seek some quotes for planting up the eight hanging baskets.

c. Andrew Stones kindly offered to follow up on the BIFFA wheelie bin in the North end lay-by: NOTED

d. Carole Coles reported a great deal of mud on Oak Farm Lane: the Clerk will email a report to SC Roads.

e. Roger Hampson asked about the progress of fibre optic broadband: two cabinets are now in the village.

f. Roger also reported that badgers are still undermining the bridge by Haughton Church: ONGOING to 152

g. Roger also asked about the progress of the Mid Wales wind farms and this prompted an interesting debate.

10. NEXT MEETING 152 to be held on Tuesday 10 February 2015 at 7.30pm in the Methodist Church Hall

MEETING 151 CLOSED 9.45 pm Duration: 2¼ hours.


Chairman's Signature Dated: 10 Feb 2015

Ian Hutchinson West Felton Parish Clerk Tel: 01743 850504 1281 words Draft-1 printed: 14 Jan'15

West Felton Parish Council Minute Book Ten Page 151 a