TRES Media Center
President Kathy Broadbent called the meeting to order at7:07 pm. Thebelow members were in attendance:
Kathy Broadbent
China Williams
Jeanette Balciunas
Jennifer Kennedy
Dr. Tresler
Mrs. Moraff
Jessie Clancy
Jing Tian
Dianne Egrie
Jennifer Levy
Evie Callahan
Jianning Zeng
Mandy Campbell
Marcy Leonard (Special Guest)
- President’s Report (Kathy Broadbent)
- Administrative Items
President Kathy Broadbent welcomed Area 1 (serving TRES) Community Superintendent, Marcy Leonard.
The March PTA Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 7th, instead of the regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month (Wednesday, March 14th).
- General Membership Meeting Agenda- ATTACHED
- Approval of General Membership Meeting Minutes
Kathy Broadbent requested a motion to approve the January general membership meeting minutes previously distributed electronically to the Board and available to the General Membership on the TRES PTA webpage. China Williams made a motion to approve these minutes andJeannette Balciunas seconded the motion. The group approved the motion by a voice vote and the January minutes are now permanent record.
- Approval of Bylaws
Jennifer Kennedy requested a motion to approve the TRES PTA bylaws previously distributed electronically to the Board and available to the General Membership on the TRES PTA webpage and Facebook pages. China Williams made a motion to approve the bylaws and Jeanette Balciunas seconded the motion. The general membership voted to approve the bylaws as written.
- Principal’s Report / Administrative Updates (Dr. Tiffany Tresler / Mrs. Heather Moraff)
- Dr. Tresler’s Updates
-Warm welcome to Marcy Leonard and expressed how much she has enjoyed working with her
-Snow Make-Up Days have been approved
- Addressed question re personal days – submit form
-Excited about Faculty Follies for Auction
-Great visit w/ HoCo Executive, Allan Kittleman who expressed positive things about TRES
-Thanked PTA for the great winter dance held on Friday, February 9th
-Chinese New Year activities happening tomorrow w/ teams thanks to parents’ outreach
-Rounding out Kindness Week
- Treasure walked around the building
- Mr. Kittleman signed Kindness Pledge
- Staff will wear kindness-themed shirts tomorrow
- Students who signed up can participate in new, permanent, collective wall art piece
-Fifth Grade Promotion Ceremony – June 13th
- Communication coming out b/c tickets will be necessary for fire and safety reasons
- Brainstormed ways to distribute extra tickets
- Tell people that you don’t need to use all tickets.
- Can’t auction tickets due to ethical reasons KB asked for tickets for auction. Not sure if they can ethically sell tickets to the highest bidder
- Capacity is for 521 people / Only have 516 chairs / Need 108 seats for the students alone. Have been over-capacity for the past two concerts. Have been talking about ways to stay in compliance.
- Committee Reports
- Box Tops Program(Jennifer Kennedy)
- Next submission deadline is March 1, 2018
- Dr. Tresler will award winning class w/ extra recess w/ her
- If school earns $350, Dr. Tresler will perform a dare selected by the students
- Community Outreach (Mandy Campbell)
- Hoping to do something in early March, i.e., support children through Grassroots Intervention Center
- Trying to find greatest need
- Dr. Tresler had invited Mandy Campbell to a staff meeting to coordinate calendar for next year
- Overall decline in donations possibly because of over-asking
- May coordinate w/ FQMS
- Family Socials
- Kathy Broadbent reported that the school dance held on Friday, February 9th was a hit
- Hospitality (Evie Callahan)
- Upcoming Events
-March 28th providing lunch for JA in a Day
-Staff Appreciation in May
-Field Day
- International Night (Jing Tian)
- Created flyer - Will price shop to put in color
- JB asked about using gym for food and cafeteria – reversing locations worked great.
- Performances on stage and food in gym. Mrs. Moraff asked about allergy cards on food.
- Dr. Tresler asked to be vigilant about spills. Let custodians know ahead of time.
- To Do Items:
-PTA will advertise on FB
-Dr. Tresler will Tweet and post on FB page
-Looking for performance acts and volunteers – Will include information on flyer
-Will set up a google doc sign-up
- Room Parent / Volunteer Coordinator (Dianne Egrie)
- Valentine’s Day Celebration was very simple and easy.
- Puppy Playgroup Report (Jennifer Kennedy)
- Flyer distributed in Friday Folders and Retreiver Report
- Members are on email list and included in private Facebook group, if desired
- 23Members so far
- Kindergarten Registration - 1st Week of March
- Aim to have one formal playdate/month and sporadic ones as planned by individual members
- First playdate may be at Hyper Kidz in Columbia in middle of March
- Spring Special Events / Spring Auction (Executive Committee)
- 23 Tickets have been sold so far
- Received 48 business donations towards the Silent Auction
- Collecting items for Class Baskets
-1st Grade is not moving along as well
- Pottery – Going well
- Kathy Broadbent has been sending and will continue to send party / auction reminder slips via the Friday Folders.
- Try to encourage people to attend
- Staff Appreciation (Jianning Zeng)
- Requested support from PTA for Chinese Parents’ Association to provide a lunch
-Kathy Broadbent made a motion to add $200 to the budget to support the hospitality budget to support the Chinese New Year Celebration. Kathy Broadbent striked the motion and made a motion to add $200 to the hospitality budget line to support the Chinese New Year Celebration. China Williams seconded the motion. The group approved the motion by a voice vote.
-Grade Level Presentations – Older kids will be presenting to the younger ones.
-Panda comes to give each student a little package.
- Young Authors (Jaime Luse)
- Reached out to Team 1 Team – No date yet, but Mrs. Larsson is looking to purchase boards for back covers.
- Jeannette Balciunas found volunteers who requested to help out from beginning of school year.
- Will send out another Google Doc to Team 1 to help w/ program
- Young Author’s Tea – May 16th
- New Business
Marcy Leonard, HCPSS Area 1 Community Superintendent, spoke about the following items:
A.Partners with Jason McCoy – Works w/ Area 1 schools (TRES is Area 1)
B.Discussed three areas of coverage and needs for those schools.
C.Enjoyed attending TRES staff meeting
D.Can reach out to contact her at any time
- KB: BYOD Policy – Topic is coming up.
- ML: No discussion of changing policy at county level. Currently has a clear policy. HCPSS acknowledges the problem exists and provides structure and education around that (e.g., cyber bullying, safety of using devices). Mentioned screening of “Screenagers”.
- ML: Ban was unsuccessful.
- ML: Can bring to MS, w/ teacher permission.
- CW: Redistricting Plans?
- ML: Up to Board of Ed.
- ML: At this point, no clear direction that this will be addressed in the near future
- ML: JumpStart has been successful – at Long Reach and Howard. Bussing is provided (via collector stops).
- MC: Curriculum question – How to Help w/ “New Math”
- TT: Parent Night will address this, but Canvas pages have videos. Stanford U – shows articles, resources, etc.
- TT: Will be talking about parent webinars.
- Announcements
- Staff Appreciation Week will be May 7th – May 11th
- Fifth Grade Picnic will be June 8th
President Kathy Broadbent adjourned the meeting at7:58pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Kennedy, Secretary