Science and Technology in New York City

Honors College Seminar 3

Instructor: Sergey Vitkalov, Assistant Professor at Physics Department CCNY.

Tel. 212 650 5460; e-mail: ; office: J324 (Science Bld)

Seminar schedule: Monday 9.30- 10.45 am; Wednesday: 9.30-10.45 a.m.

Room: H 13

In the seminar we will study scientific and technological topics that have had impact on contemporary New York and human civilization in general.

Topics of interest:

a) General aspects of Science: (Physics, Chemistry, Math, Engineering, Biology..), and Technology: ( micro and nanotechnology, gene engineering…). Why do we need it?

b) Scientific and technological discoveries which provided strong impact on human civilization.

c) Science and Technology in NYC: water, air, power, transportation, health system, homeland security, education, communications, entertainment … .


a)Each student should prepare and present one topic related to a) or/and b) or another theme related to science and technology.

b)Each student should do research and presentation of a topic related to Science and Technology in NYC. [topic c)]. The final presentation has to be done at Graduate Center.


a)Homework 15%

b)Class participation: questions, comments, suggestions etc --- 15%

c)Study and presentation of a topic related to general aspects of science and technology

(topics a) or/and b) –30%

d)Research and presentation of the topic related to science and technology

in NYC [topic c)]40%

Examples of topics a) and b):

1)How do we measure length? What is accuracy of the length measurement?

2)Atom. How does it work?

3)What is time? Why do we measure it? Is time the same for everybody?

4)Clocks (atomic, electric, mechanical….)

5)What is laser? How does it work? Where do we use it?

6)Molecules, crystals and chemical reactions.

7)What is temperature? How do we measure it? Why?

8)Gravitation. Mass and weight. Is it the same or is it different?

9)Genetic codes. Structure of DNA. How the structure was discovered?

10)How a battery produces electricity.

11) Transistor

12)What is petroleum? History, application…

13) Soap, water softening, bleaches

14) Radio and TV

15) Telephone, modem, DSL, optical communication


17)Air conditioner and fridge

18) Internet (history, IP, TCP IP...)

19) Space investigations

20) Electrical power, power distribution. Blackout, why does it happen?

21)Tape recorder (audio, video, hard disks) and optical recording (CD, DVD)

22) Electric power generation

23)Electric Motors

24)Microwave Ovens and electrical grill: what is difference?

25)Light and other electromagnetic waves.

26) Nuclear as an energy source. Power plants

Find something you like and know (not necessary from the list), then tell us.

Good sources to be oriented:

How stuff works:

Nobel e-museum:

L.A. Bloomfield: “How things work: The Physics of Everyday Life ”, John Wiley& Sons

Topics c) are grouped in several general themes. Each theme may contain many topics.

Some of the topics are presented in brackets. You may combine several topics to make your presentation to be more consistent and impressive.

Examples of themes c):

1) Energy (Power plants, energy transportation, energy distribution , NYC blackouts…, alternative sources of energy: development and perspectives. )

2) Transportation (Ground transportation, water transportation, air transportation, NYC is one of the biggest transport center, traffic at NYC, public transportation MTA: history and perspectives, transportation and environment, gas stations at city, transport: NYC vs LA vs Copenhagen- cross-comparison…)

3) Water (water in NYC: history and perspectives, new water supplies, NYC water system, water control, technology to produce fresh water)

4) Information (radio, TV, telephone, Internet: modem, DSL, cable, cell phones….)

5) Homeland security (terrorism and the city, 9/11, terrorism vs energy, transport, water, air: are we ready ???)

6) Businesses and the City (Stock exchange: history and current trends, tourism (hotels, restaurants, entertainment), NYC: banks and finance…)

7) Culture and NYC (science, theaters, museums, education, people as the most valuable resource of the NYC…)

7) Waste and pollution (wastewater, solid wastes environmental issues)

Any other topics you know or want to know related to science and technology impacts on NYC

Sources: NYC Mayor Office:

New York Times:

New York State Office of Science,

Technology and Academic Research
