2016 3SquaresVT/EBT at Farmers Market Project

Request for Proposals for markets not currently accepting EBT

February12, 2016

Dear Farmers Market Coordinator,

Thank you for the interest in the 2016 3SquaresVT/EBT at Farmers Market Project. We are excited to extend this opportunity to you, made possible in part with funding from the Farmers Market SNAP Support Grant (FMSSG) from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Enclosed you will find a 3SquaresVT/EBT at Farmers Market Project (hereafter referred to as “Project”) description and an application for the program: one for participation in the Project and one for participation in The Farmers Market Coalition’s (FMC) Free SNAP EBT Equipment Program.

Please email your completed 2016 VT Farmers Market EBT/Debit Card Project application no later than March 11 to the email/address below.

Mike GoodEmail: ail: NOFA-VT, PO Box 697, Richmond, VT 05477

NOTE: In Vermont, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is called 3SquaresVT; however, federal documents regarding farmers market authorization to accept these benefits will allude to it as SNAP.

Application Timeline

[March 4]Market's project application is due at NOFA-VT.

[March 15]Markets will be notified.

[March 22]Markets accepted into the program must submit their application to the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) to become authorized to accept SNAP; however, we encourage markets to apply ASAP since approval may take up to 45 days.

[April]Attend a mandatory EBT at Farmers Market Training, time/location TBA.

Once markets receive approval from FNS, they will need to fill out another application to receive an

EBT machine from The Farmers Market Coalition’s (FMS) Free SNAP EBT Equipment Program.

Funded Materials

Project funding will be issued over one market season (2016 summer) to support the following infrastructure and resources:

  • EBT (400) and Debit (200) Wooden Tokens
  • Promotional and Training Materials
  • $500 Marketing Mini-Grant to support person-to-person 3SquaresVT outreach in communities (ie. presentations/tabling at the local food shelf, senior center, etc.), developing 3SquaresVT educational and promotional materials and purchasing items (e.g. signs) to promote 3SquaresVT. Note: staff time to conduct outreach can be covered but staff time to manage the EBT machine at the market or do Crop Cash reporting are not covered.

There is a separate stream of funding from FMC to cover*:

  • 1 Wireless EBT/Debit card reader
  • Payment of the market's machine service costs for up to 3 years (2016-2018)

*Approval for the 3SquaresVT/EBT at Farmers Market Project does not guarantee approval and/or funding from the FMC project.

Notices: No transaction fees (EBT, Debit or Credit) are covered under either project, and are the sole responsibility of the farmers market. Currently, fourth year (and beyond) costs are the sole responsibility of the farmers market to cover. Project Partners are working to secure funding to cover service and EBT transactions costs for markets, but there is no guarantee of this funding.

Qualifications (not required but help gauge your markets ability to manage the EBT program well)

  • Accessibility and appeal of market to limited-income customers
  • Availability of a wide variety of market products that can be purchased with SNAP/3SquaresVT benefits (all foods excluding hot, prepared items)
  • Participation in other food access programs (e.g. Farm To Family)
  • Demonstrated organizational stability of the market
  • Availability of critical infrastructure (e.g.,ability to receive a wireless signal, commitment of an EBT coordinator, plans for EBT project outreach)

Staffing Requirements

EBT Project Coordinator:The coordinator can be anyone from the market community (manager, vendor, board member, community volunteer) who commits to overseeing the operations, outreach, promotions, and budgeting of the EBT project.

The EBT Project Coordinator should be available to meet with the Project committee at least once in person (see Page 1 for training dates) and 2-3 other times via phone conference, as needed.

EBT Machine Operator: The market must have a reliable "staff" person continuously attending the table where customers swipe their EBT/debit cards in exchange for tokens to spend at the market. This person may or may not be the EBT Project Coordinator.

If you have any questions about the application or need any assistance, please contact Mike Good by email or phone, 802-434-4122.


Erin Buckwalter & Mike Good


3SquarseVT/EBT at Farmers Market Project - Description


To enable farmers markets to accept EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) cards, thereby making local products more accessible to limited income Vermonters. At the same time, the intent of the program is to increase overall farmers market salesby encouraging consumers to "buy local", allowing local producers to capture some of the over $120 million in federal food assistance program benefits Vermonters receive annually.

Project Partners:

  • Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont (NOFA-VT)
  • Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (VAAFM)
  • Hunger Free Vermont (HFVT)
  • Vermont Department for Children and Families (DCF)

Peripheral Partner:

  • Farmers Market Coalition (FMC)

Summary of Process at Market:

  • All vendors at the market must agree to take part in and support the use of 3SquaresVT benefits and other cash assistance benefits via EBT cards at the market.
  • Each market needs a specific booth staffed continuously by someone who controls the card reader, asks customers the dollar amount of food or other purchases they want deducted from their card, lets them swipe the card, and gives them the requested amount in the form of $5 or $1 wooden tokens redeemable only at that market where they were received.
  • $5 tokens: Purchased with a bank debit card or EBT Cash benefits. Vendors may give cash change for $5 tokens, which are redeemable for any product sold at the market.
  • $1 tokens: Purchased with SNAP/3SquaresVT benefits on an EBT card (EBT FS). The $1 tokens may buy non-alcoholic beverages or food products intended for human consumption, except for hot prepared foods, as well as vegetable/fruitseeds and starts.
  • Vendors accept the tokens in lieu of cash, and submit the tokens to the market for reimbursement at the end of the market day (or other schedule determined by the market).
  • Third party processors reimburse the market for debit and EBT transactions within 48 hours (funds are deposited into bank account attached to your market’s FNS application).

Project Costs and Financial Aid:

Participation in the 3SquaresVT/EBT at Farmers Market Project entitles a market to receive approximately $600 worth of the following equipment and financial resources:

  • First installment of market tokens.

After the first installment, the market is responsible for purchasing additional or replacement tokens.

  • Inclusion in statewide promotion plans.

This includes but may not be limited to: printed materials available statewide through community-based agencies and other venues, updates on the Vermont 211 database and on the website, updates on farmers market websites and directories, press releases, and other media campaigns.

  • EBT and Debit Cards banner.
  • Technical and programmatic assistance.

Project partners will help markets apply to FNS for the federal authorization to accept EBT benefits. Additionally, the Project Partners are available to help troubleshoot problems, including but not limited to technical difficulties with the card reader, vendor/staff/customer training, and customer outreach.

Material Ownership:

During and following a market's participation in the Project, the following materials are supplied and owned by the Project Partners and loaned to the market at no charge, as long as the market continues to accept EBT card transactions:

  • EBT and Debit banner(s)
  • Market tokens

A market that disbands or discontinues accepting EBT transactions must return the equipment to the appropriate Project Partner, as identified in the market's Project agreement.

Material Security:

The market is responsible for the Project materials, and is responsible for replacing materials that are lost, stolen, or damaged beyond repair.

Market Role in Project Promotion and Consumer Education:

Participating markets will benefit from the statewide promotional efforts conducted by the Project Partners. The market will include the Project in its own promotional efforts. This entails including the EBT card logo and/or “we accept EBT and debit cards” on all of the market's promotional materials, such as its website, advertisements, flyers, newsletters, and e-newsletters, as well as displaying the EBT/Debit banner at the market and appropriate signage at all vendors booths that are eligible to accept tokens.

Market Participation:

By enrolling in this project, it is expected that 100% of your market's vendors will agree to accept market tokens. All vendors who sell SNAP-eligible foods will accept both 3SquaresVT ($1) and debit/EBT cash ($5) tokens. All other vendors will accept debit/EBT cash ($5) tokens. The Project coordinator at the market will ensure that all vendors understand the process and display the appropriate signage at their booths.

Vendor Training and SNAP Program Compliance:

By participating in this Project, the market is agreeing to comply with the regulations of SNAP/3SquaresVT. The market’s Project Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that all market vendors are informed of and comply with SNAP regulations. These regulations can be found on-line at: Training materials can be found at: The Project Partners will provide training materials specifically written for Vermont farmers markets and vendors.

Service and Transaction Fees:

The Project will notcover service or transaction fees incurred from the operation of your market’s EBT machine*. Markets that receive a machine through FMC’s Free SNAP EBT Equipment Program will have the service and start-up costs associated with operating an EBT machine (including renting/leasing a machine) covered, but notice that this program will not cover transaction fees from any form of payment (EBT, credit or debit).

Many markets charge customers a service fee on all debit card transactions starting at the time they join the Project. The income generated by this fee will help offset card processing costs when Project participation ends. Typical service fees markets charge range from $1.00-$2.00 per transaction. Service fees may not be charged for EBT transactions.

For more information about the Project, please contact:

Mike Good or Erin Buckwalter, NOFA-Vermont

802-434-4122 or ,

3SquaresVT (SNAP) Eligible Food Items

Households CAN use SNAP benefits to buy:

  • Foods for the household to eat, such as:
  • breads and cereals;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • meats, fish and poultry; and
  • dairy products.
  • Seeds and plants which produce food for the household to eat.

Households CANNOT use SNAP benefits to buy:

  • Beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes or tobacco
  • Any nonfood items, such as:
  • pet foods
  • soaps, paper products
  • household supplies
  • Vitamins and medicines
  • Food that will be eaten in the store
  • Hot foods

This project is funded by the USDA. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Stop 9410, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call toll-free at (866) 632-9992 (English) or (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8642 (English Federal-relay) or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish Federal-relay).

20163SquaresVT/EBT at Farmers Market

Project Application

Name of Market:______

Location of Market:______

Day(s) of Market:______Time: ______

Project Contact Person:______Phone Number:______



Please answer the following questions. Attach a separate paper, if necessary.

Market Information:

1)How long has your market been in operation (not counting 2016)?______Years

2)How many total vendors are at your market on a "typical" market day? ______Vendors

3)How many of those vendors sell products that would qualify for SNAP/3SquaresVT EBT card purchases (see list in Project Description)? ______vendors

4)How many of those vendors sell fresh produce? ______vendors

5)Describe the variety of foods that are available at your market:

6)Is your market financially stable and secure in your community?

7)From what wireless networks can your market transmit and receive wireless signals?

_____ Verizon_____ AT&T_____ T-Mobile

Market Connection to Limited Income Populations:

8)Please describe the factors that make your market a welcoming place for 3SquaresVT recipients to spend their benefits.

9)Does your market conduct or participate in any other low-income food access programs? Please describe:

10) How does you market intend to train vendors on 3SquaresVT and how to accept EBT ($1) and $5 Tokens?

11)How would your market promote the option for customers to use EBT cards there?

EBT Authorization and Management at the Market:

12)Is your market currently authorized by the USDA to accept SNAP/3SquaresVT food benefits? _____Yes _____ No If yes, please list your 7-digit FNS number here:______

13)Who is your market volunteer, staff or board member who is regularly at the market and able to coordinate the EBT program (please see EBT Project Coordinatordescription, above)? What is their current role in the market?

14)Describe your market’s plans for staffing the wireless card reader every market day (see EBT Machine Operatordescription)?

15) How does your market plan to handle reimbursement to vendors for redeemed tokens?