Kevin M. Mulvey


Hinsdale, MA


December 28th 2013

Dear Chris,

First, I must say, it's been a very long and most strange road we have both been on. I am the uncle of Shawn Mulvey. Shawn told me you were a very nice and kind person. I believe him on his assessment, and that statement.

Sandra Lee told me you know of me, and what I've been attempting for you all along. She's a kind soul and very rare angel.

It's a very long, grueling ,dangerous and tedious story, which I will tell you about one day.I'm also well aware that all mails and communications are read or listened in on, so there is only so much I can write due to prying eyes. With that said, I'mpleased to say, things are looking much brighter and more favorable for some real justice now, more than at any other time.

Recently, myself and long time friend met with our representatives of the MA Senate and House, in regards to this debacle., Myself, as well as others, have also been victimized by this massive unfettered corruption from within, besides yourself, and the terrible wrongs done to you, in regards to setting you up, then arresting and convicting you for the horrific murder of Christa Worthington. I knew you did not do this demonic deed, long before your fixed trial, and tried to derail the corruption that had, and is infecting your wrongful incarceration.

I hope you're doing well, considering the awful situation you find yourself in. Do know, I've had your interest and back all along. It's a very long story, and has all to do with massive public corruption, as a result of our out of control and corrupt Governments, that have had and haveneither oversight,responsibility, accountability,let alone quality people of any high moral compass.

In our most recent meetings with our MA representatives, we have demanded MA Chief Law Enforcer, AG Martha Coakley be put on suspension, and a NON-GAMED Grand Jury be seated to look into all of this corruption. It is now in the State Legislature's ballpark to take action, and within this coming month.

Ultimately, I will be seeking a PARDON from Governor Patrick for you in 2014. Another GAMED trial would be a total waste of us taxpayers time and funds, besides an additional injustice to you. Quite frankly, It will be better spent on the worst criminals in this debacle, Chris.

I had spoken to your former lawyer, Bob George, on several occasions prior to his own entrapment and framing. Sadly, he himself became a victim of his own doing, due to his own involvements and dealings with nefarious characters, which he has since been found guilty of. I do think there is more to that story, but have no knowledge of how that all went down.

I have spoken to your current lawyer, Gary Pelletier, a few times in later 2011 and although I feel he is amply competent, I don't feel anyone would be successful in another appeal in the GAMED MA. State Supreme Court. By all right you should have been given a re-trial on your first appeal, but due to these Justices being appointed by political appointment, they themselves are indebted and compromised, as was formidably demonstrated in your appeal case.

I have thoroughly examined all there is to examine. I watched the entire trial, and have a lot of additional detail information. With that said, the best I feel that I can accomplish this year is for a PARDON for you. A FULL EXONERATION will have to take place after others have been charged and held accountable, and the "TRUTH" out there in full view.

Have faith Chris, GOD works miracles in strange ways, and for only reasons known by he, for some reason he put this on both of our plates, knowing how much we are capable of, and a bigger lesson for all. Some mighty Angels are working behind all of this, I must add. I'll tell you all about that one day when we meet.

Many Prayers are with you.

My very best to you,


PS I've enclosed a few pictures for you. The White Horse got loose from his stable, and came to visit me this year. This coming year is the Chinese Year of The Horse. They're both positive signs of charging ahead.

PPS Surprise, Angels are REAL. :-)