Teaching Excellence – Early Years

Katherine Penner – J.R. Walkof Elementary School, Garden Valley School Division

Penner’s leadership in introducing technology into early years classrooms at her school and throughout the province has been widely recognized. She adopted Shutterfly, a social-networking and photo-sharing site where student quotes, work samples, photos and classroom highlights are shared every day. Her technology-rich classroom features portable media players, camcorders, a SMART board and an electronic portfolio system to promote collaboration, expand individual learning and encourage students to achieve their best.

Teaching Excellence – Middle Years

Ralph Backé – Sargent Park School, Winnipeg School Division

Through his engaging manner, Backé continues to inspire students and staff toward excellence in mathematics. A respected mentor and team teacher, he encourages all of Sargent Park’s teachers to effectively plan and strengthen their math programs. He has also twice received Basketball Manitoba’s Junior Coach of the Year award and has led the school’s senior boys’ team to five provincial championships.

Teaching Excellence – Senior Years

Gregory Shedden – Sisler High School, Winnipeg School Division

Shedden’s creative approach to teaching English and history have proven highly effective. He uses acting skills and hands-on learning in the classroom to bring lessons to life. Immigrant and refugee students in his English as an additional language classes are encouraged to share their own stories while learning a new language and adapting to a new culture. Through his leadership, students got involved in community-based social justice and environmental projects.

Outstanding New Teacher

Pamela Doerksen – Winnipeg Mennonite Elementary School, Manitoba Federation of Independent Schools

Though new to the profession, Doerksen quickly demonstrated the qualities needed to work effectively with young children. Patient and encouraging, she makes each child feel special, connects well with parents and shows passion for learning. She used her own interest in the visual arts to inspire students to create a variety of multi-sensory projects including the publishing of their own book.


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Team Collaboration

Harold Enns, Susan George and Marcia Nickel – Woodlands School, Interlake School Division

This team initiated the Global Voyagers Project, a three-year project for grades 4 to 7 students. Through a variety of topics, cross-grade activities, field trips and guest speakers arranged by the team, students learned about diversity, social justice, poverty and environmental conservation. The students created a presentation on poverty in Africa. They made and sold tree ornaments to raise money to buy three goats for African villages in need. They also organized food and clothing drives and walkathons, donating to the Ladybug Foundation, Haitian relief and Spread the Net, among others.

Outstanding School Leader

Jerry Sodomlak – Donwood School, River East Transcona School Division

As principal of a kindergarten to Grade 6, dual-track English-German school in a diverse community, Sodomlak is a respected leader and administrator. He has successfully used his collaborative approach to demonstrate his commitment to addressing the needs of the entire school community. Among his successes are a variety of multi-age initiatives that promote respect and positive student behaviour, school improvement projects, sporting activities, support for Aboriginal children and connections with parents and the community.