Ca$h Con$olidator

For The

Glory PD-61 Bill Dispenser

Vault Buy Station

(With Inventory)

V1.27-VBI User’s Manual

Copyright 2000 - 2006 By Add-On Technologies, Inc.

System Overview 3

Manager Activities & Administration 4

Setting The Admin Password 4

Manager Logon & Logoff 5

Adding, Editing & Deleting Users 5

Setting Date & Time 7

Setting the Vault Timer 7

Automix Setup 8

Till Replenishment 9

Printing Reports And Clearing Totals 10

Teller Activities & Dispensing 11

Teller Log On/Off 11

Mixed Amount Mode 11

Vault Buys 11

Additional Notes On Dispensing 12

Misc. Topics 13

Escaping Unwanted Modes 13

Enabling & Disabling Coin Entry 14

Multiple Cassettes with the Same Denomination 15

Empty Cassettes 15

Error Handling & Messages 15

System Overview

The CC-1000 terminal with the Vault Buy Inventory program provides a convenient way to share a PD-61 cash dispenser among any number of tellers.

Any authorized teller can log on to the CC-1000 and dispense cash in either a Mixed Amount mode which uses a preferred bill mix setup, or they can nominate out the mix using the Vault Buy feature.

When the CC-1000 has completed the dispense for the active teller, it automatically logs that teller off and prompts for the next teller.

At teller logon the CC-1000 defaults to the Vault Buy mode (nominated entry with the Denom key) but the teller can then press the Amount key to dispense a mixed amount instead.

Only tellers can dispense; managers are permitted only to adjust the inventory, set up tellers and print reports, and perform other administrative functions such as mix setup.

Both the tellers and managers log on by using up to 8 digits as a teller or manager number, and up to 8 digits as a security PIN number.

With the exception of the Current Teller Report, reports can be printed only by the manager after logging on with the Menu key. The reports include teller & inventory activity, user list, and a transaction history report, in addition to the ongoing audit trail which prints at dispense time. The history report can save up to 1400 transactions before it has to be printed or cleared.

Managers can only be added by the branch manager or other senior person with access to the administrator’s password. Once the managers have been entered, any manager can add the tellers.

The manager logs on to the CC-1000 by pressing the Menu key. Once a valid manager has signed on, they can loop with the Menu key to access the various reports or administrative options.

Manager Activities & Administration

·  In all cases, the Yes/No prompts (Y/N) get answered “Yes” with the (+) key, and “No” with the (-) key.

Default Procedure

The CC-1000 can have it’s factory defaults restored as follows:

1)  With the CC-1000 power off, hold the C key and turn the power on.

2)  Keep holding the C key until the Add-On Technologies display message erases. The SET DEFAULTS? prompt will then show.

3)  Press the + key to answer yes. You will be prompted ENTER PASSWORD.

4)  You must know the “admin” password to continue. This would typically be used only by the

branch manager. Enter the password and press + to continue. The display flashes the

DEFAULT VALUES INSTALLED message and the printer records a “memory cleared”


After the default, the display shows the MANAGER ADMIN prompt so the first manager can be added. Please refer to the section “Adding & Deleting Users” for the manager setup procedure.

IMPORTANT!!! Defaulting the system removes all teller and manager records. The users will all have to be added again. The default also clears all the totals and the automix quantities. It also resets the date to 01/01/00 with a time setting of 12:00 AM.

This procedure should only be used when the system is first installed, or if the CC-1000 internal battery gets replaced.

Setting The Admin Password

To change the master admin password, you must know the previous password or contact your dealer for a secondary password they use in case the password is forgotten.

1)  With the CC-1000 power off, hold the Menu key and turn the power on.

2)  Keep holding the Menu key until the Add-On Technologies display message erases. The ENTER PASSWORD prompt will show. Enter either the previous password or the dealer password, then press + to accept it. The ASSIGN PASSWORD prompt then shows.

3)  Enter 1 to 8 digits for the new system password, then press + to accept it. The CC-1000 will then move on to the normal startup prompt, ENTER TELLER #. This prompt will be referred to as the "Teller Logon Prompt" from now on.

Manager Logon & Logoff

At any time, a manager may log on to do administrative functions. The manager always logs on by pressing the Menu key, which shows the ENTER MANAGER # and ENTER PIN # prompts to verify that they are a valid manager.

Managers must always access the system when no teller is logged on. If a teller is currently using the system, pressing the Menu key will sign that teller off. The manager would then have to press the Menu key again to bring up the ENTER MANAGER # prompt. After a valid logon the first menu option appears. The manager can then loop through the menu, or can press other mode keys to do automix setup or the current teller report.

***************************** IMPORTANT!! *****************************

Once a manager has logged on, the CC-1000 is operating in an unsecured mode. It is the manager’s responsibility to log off when they have finished using the system!

There are 2 ways for the manager to log off:

1)  They can press C while looping with the Menu key, and a main menu prompt showing (C EXITS) is the active prompt, or

2)  They can press C while the CC-1000 is showing ADMIN MODE – SELECT A KEY.

The CC-1000 will show the Teller Logon Prompt when the manager logs off. At that time, tellers may log on for dispensing.

Adding, Editing & Deleting Users

There are 2 types of users – managers and tellers. To add, edit or remove managers, you must know the admin password. To add, edit or remove tellers, you must be a manager.

To add, edit or remove a user, follow this procedure:

1)  Hold the Vault Buy key at power up, until the Add-On Technologies message finishes.

2)  The display will show (+) SET MANAGERS, (-) SET TELLERS.

3)  If you will be assigning managers, press the plus key, if tellers, press the minus key.

Assigning Managers:

After your (+) response to the SET MANAGERS prompt, the display will show ENTER PASSWORD. You will need to enter the administrator’s password to maintain the managers. Once the password has been verified, the display shows MANAGER ADMIN +/-/C ADD/DEL/->.

Press (+) to add a new manager (or to edit an existing manager’s PIN number), or press (-) to delete a manager. If you press C, the CC-1000 will exit manager setup mode. Use C only when all manager maintenance has been completed.

Assuming you are adding a new manager, press the (+) key. The prompt ENTER MANAGER # will show. Enter a number from 1 to 8 digits, and press (+) to accept it. You will be prompted ENTER PIN #, at which time that manager should enter their confidential PIN #. They will then need to reenter the PIN # at the next prompt, CONFIRM PIN #.

Once the PIN confirmation is complete, the CC-1000 displays MANAGER DATA SAVED, then goes back to the MANAGER ADMIN screen to allow further manager maintenance.

If instead of adding a new manager you just want to change an existing manager’s PIN #, type in their manager # at the ENTER MANAGER # prompt, and press (+) to accept it. Since the manager is already in the system, the CC-1000 will prompt MANAGER EXISTS EDIT PIN # Y/N. Press (+) for yes or (-) for no. A yes response will require the new PIN # entry and confirmation of the entry.

To remove a manager from the system, press (-) at the MANAGER ADMIN option screen, enter the manager number when prompted, and press (+) to accept the number for deletion. The display will show MANAGER DATA DELETED to verify the removal.

When all manager maintenance has been finished, press the C key to continue. If there are valid tellers in the system, the CC-1000 will move on to the Teller Logon Prompt, to let tellers sign on and begin dispensing. If the CC-1000 finds no tellers on file when you exit manager setup, the program will automatically go into the TELLER ADMIN +/-/C ADD/DEL/-> screen. When moving into teller setup from the manager setup mode, you won’t be prompted for your manager # (as would occur if teller setup had been directly chosen), since the initial logon was with the administrator’s password.

Assigning Tellers:

When giving a (-) response to the SET TELLERS prompt, the display will show ENTER MANAGER #. You will need to enter your manager #, followed by your PIN #. Once you have logged on as the acting manager, the display will show TELLER ADMIN +/-/C ADD/DEL/->.

Press (+) to add a new teller (or to edit an existing teller’s PIN number or limits), or press (-) to delete a teller. If you press C, the CC-1000 will exit teller setup mode. Use C only when all teller maintenance has been completed.

Assuming you are adding a new teller, press the (+) key. The prompt ENTER TELLER # will show. Enter a number from 1 to 8 digits, and press (+) to accept it. You will be prompted ENTER PIN #, at which time that teller should enter their confidential PIN #. They will then need to reenter the PIN # at the next prompt, CONFIRM PIN #.

When the PIN # has been confirmed the CC-1000 prompts ENTER TRAN LIMIT and shows a $0 limit at the bottom left of the display. Key in up to 7 digits for a "per transaction" dispense limit for the teller, and press the (+) key. This limit entry is a whole dollar amount only, so an entry of 9999 is $9,999.00, not $99.99.

The prompt then moves on to ENTER DAY LIMIT, with a $0 limit for the day showing at the bottom left of the display. Enter the maximum amount this teller will be allowed to dispense in a day, followed by the (+) key to accept it. This is also a 7 digit entry in whole dollars only.

§  Note that just pressing the (+) key with no limit entry keeps the existing limit as shown on the display. In the case of a new teller, this is "zero" which means there is no limit for that transaction or day category.

Once the day limit entry is complete, the CC-1000 displays TELLER DATA SAVED, then goes back to the TELLER ADMIN screen to allow further teller maintenance.

If instead of adding a new teller you just want to change an existing teller’s PIN #, type in their teller # at the ENTER TELLER # prompt, and press (+) to accept it. Since the teller is already in the system, the CC-1000 will prompt TELLER EXISTS EDIT PIN # Y/N. Press (+) for

yes or (-) for no. A yes response will require the new PIN # entry and confirmation of the entry.

Responding "no" to the EDIT PIN # Y/N prompt or editing and confirming a new PIN then causes the next prompt, EDIT TRAN LIMIT? Y/N to be shown. This lets you change that teller's current transaction limit. The transaction limit prompt is followed by EDIT DAY LIMIT? Y/N which lets you change the day dispense limit for the teller.

§  Setting any limit to zero disables limit testing for that day or transaction category, for that teller.

§  Teller limits can be edited while the teller has totals on file.

To remove a teller from the system, press (-) at the TELLER ADMIN option screen, enter the teller number when prompted, and press (+) to accept the number for deletion. The display will show TELLER DATA DELETED to verify the removal.

When all teller maintenance has been finished, press the C key to continue. The CC-1000 will move on to the Teller Logon Prompt, to allow sign on of the first teller to begin regular dispensing.

§  Tellers cannot be deleted until the teller activity report has been printed, followed by the clearing of teller totals after the report is printed.

Setting Date & Time

To set the date, press the (+) key at the Menu SET DATE? prompt. Key in the proper date, in the MM/DD/YY format. Press (+) to accept it.

The time gets set with a (+) response to the SET TIME? prompt. Enter the time in the HH:MM format, then press (+) to accept it. You will then be prompted to press (+) for PM or (-) for AM.

Setting the Vault Timer

The CC-1000 is equipped with a day-of-the-week/time-of-the-day dispense timer, which can be set by managers to prevent dispensing on off days and off hours.

The vault timer can be enabled with a “yes” response to the USE VAULT TIMER? prompt on the Menu key loop. Once it is enabled, 2 additional prompts will be available on the Menu loop – SET VAULT DAYS? and SET VAULT TIMES?. Use the vault days option to choose the range of days in the week to allow dispensing (one range is permitted). Use the vault times option to set the allowed range of times to dispense within any particular day (each day can have it’s own range of times). One range of times per day is permitted.

The vault timer must initially be told what the current day of the week is. This is NOT automatically done when the date is entered. To set up the current and start/end days, answer “yes” to the Menu prompt SET VAULT DAYS?. You will then be prompted TODAY IS (0 - 6) with the current day showing at the bottom left of the LCD. Enter the real day of the week as a number, followed by the (+) key, according to this chart: