Team focus

Team focus


Why developing a high-performance team really matters

The success of a professional practice or service department depends on the success of your people, and that means the success of teamwork. Yet teamwork is not something that just happens. It needs to be actively developed. It does not "come with time". Appendix 1 shows why.

Turning your group into a high performance team will lead to improved business performance. We guarantee it!

Why choose Phil Gott to help you?

Some "team-building" exercises are regarded as no more than an enjoyable break from normal routine. They are sometimes even used as a reward for high-performing teams. Phil’s approach is quite different. Whilst we hope our programmes are found to be enjoyable, their primary aim is to improve team effectiveness and get real business results; "tough but rewarding" rather than pure "fun".

Phil specialises in working with professional firms and professional people. He has led professional service teams himself so he understands the potential benefits, as well as the practical challenges, of getting everyone to pull in the same direction.

Because every team is different, every one of our team development programmes is different. Off the shelf approaches will not do - for us or for you. We will tailor-make a programme that meets your needs and fits with the way you like to do things.

We guarantee that our approach works.

What’s involved?

We will design a programme that will bring focus onto issues of most relevance to your team. However, some typical elements of a Team Focus programme are as follows:

·  a confidential questionnaire to each member of the team, to:

·  draw-out their impressions of the objectives, direction and interaction within the team, any areas of concern, and ideas on how improvements could be made

·  explore their views about the proposed teambuilding programme

·  an intensive exercise away from the office involving a range of specially developed exercises. Some of these will be unrelated to business, and could be outdoors, to get the team working effectively in a fresh environment. Other activities will relate specifically to the team. Each will have a practical relevance to ensure that improved team effectiveness is


developed and is transferred back into practice. An important output is a clear sense of purpose and plan for the future

·  follow-up by attending a subsequent team meeting to explore and resolve any remaining issues and to monitor team effectiveness.

At each stage we would outline our plans and ensure your commitment to the process being proposed.


We can either tailor your Team Focus programme to suit a venue chosen by you, or we can locate and recommend venues for you to consider. Our preference is for venues which are comfortable without being too “stuffy”.

Your investment

We will tailor a Team Focus programme to meet your exact needs, including any budget constraints. We will quote a fixed fee and stick to it.

Whatever your investment, you can expect to see a noticeable change in the effectiveness of the team. This should result in returns well in excess of the investment in this exercise.

Furthermore, Peopleism has a real commitment to providing value for money. If clients genuinely feel that they are not receiving value from us, we will provide additional services or adjust our fees accordingly. And you will be the final judge, so you have nothing to lose. That way we can guarantee that your investment will be worthwhile.


Appendix 1: Why teamwork needs to be actively developed

True teamwork means that:

·  the qualities of each team member will be used to the full so that the team as a whole will become more effective

·  the team will be more innovative and will reach better quality decisions

·  areas of conflict will be brought into the open and so will contribute to the effectiveness of the team (because conflict can be a very good thing) rather than being allowed to fester

·  communication will be uninhibited and direct, avoiding damaging misunderstandings

·  team members will align team success with individual success (recognising that the latter will only result from the former) so increasing their motivation and commitment to the team

·  the team will be more focused and more productive.

Teamwork does not just happens. It needs to be actively developed. Here's why:

·  Teamwork requires true allegiance to a common purpose. Relatively few teams have defined their purpose (as distinct from that of the organisation as a whole). Even where there is a defined purpose, it may not be genuinely “owned” by those who need to be committed to it. And woolly wording can mask differences in thinking leading to unconstructive conflict. Exploring a team's true purpose can come as a revelation to many team members.

·  Teamwork requires team members to face up to their strengths and weaknesses and to be open about them with others. Most professional people are guarded about expressing their own soft spots and need to be convinced that doing so is a strength rather than a weakness.

·  A winning team needs a balance of qualities (not only of skills and experience). Yet differences between team members will naturally be viewed negatively, rather than being seen as broadening the strengths of the team. Sometimes teams are constructed of like-minded people, which can be a danger. Such teams need to be shown the dangers and need to operate in a way which counterbalances their natural leanings

·  All members of the team need to recognise the role of a good leader. Often this means taking a low profile and allowing the team to operate without intervention. It takes a strong leader, and mutual understanding from others, to achieve this. Many team leaders attempt to impose their "leadership", or at least do not discourage deference towards their position, which can damage team effectiveness.


Appendix 2: What our clients say

Here are some comments made about team development programmes run by Phil Gott:

"An excellent programme which we will be seeking to

develop further for the organisation."

Managing Director

"The value of the programme to me was in airing

problems and issues within the team which now do not get

in the way as perhaps they did before."

Sales Director

"It came as a surprise to start with, but I can now see

far clearer the role I can play in a team."

Training Manager

"I now understand more fully the need to let people

work with their personal skills within the group and

how effective an interactive group can be."

Marketing Manager

"I am already viewing my team in a different way

and am recognising how by utilising each other's

strengths the team can be more successful."

Regional Sales Manager

"It helped me better understand the interaction between my direct

reports and understand their perception of my management style."

Managing Director

"Very enjoyable - but more importantly very enlightening."

Training Manager

"It was the best management course I have been on and I feel

I will retain the skills I have learned."

Board member

"I feel that we are working better together and hopefully

in a much more honest and direct way."

Sales Director

"Probably the best course I have been on."

Sales Manager

"Whilst I have covered the make up of teams before on courses I have done, I have never really witnessed it so effectively before."

Marketing Manager

© Phil Gott