The Governing body and staff of Ridge View are committed to the safe recruitment and employment of all staff working with children attending Ridge View

This policy has been written with regard to the KCSB guidance on Safe Recruitment and Employment and the DfES “Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education”

1.0  This policy addresses the safe recruitment and selection of staff and the processes within this policy will be followed in the recruitment of all staff.

2.0  The document Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education is used to guide practise.

2.1  The policy also addresses other staff who may be working in the school.

2.2  The process which will be followed is defined in this policy in four stages.


3.1  The timetable for recruitment will be set out allowing time for all of the stages of the process to be adhered to.

3.2  The skills, qualities, qualifications and experience required for the post will be clearly defined.

3.3  The statement ”Ridge View School and all it’s personnel are committed to safeguarding children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment” will be included in all publicity materials, recruitment websites, adverts, candidate information packs, person specifications, job descriptions, competency frameworks and induction training.

3.4  Applicant packs will contain up to date information on the following:

·  Application form

·  Copy of the schools Child Protection Policy Statement.

·  Terms and conditions of the post

·  Job description and person specification.

·  Safe recruiting policy

3.5  The application form will require the following:

·  Full identifying details of the applicant

·  Statement of any academic/vocational qualifications, the awarding body and date of award.

·  A full history from post secondary education, full/part- time/voluntary work with start and end dates and explanations of periods not in employment and reasons for leaving employment.

·  A declaration of family or close relationship to existing employees or employers.

·  Details of a minimum of two referees including the most recent employer where an applicant is working with children. If the applicant is not currently working with children but has done so in the past a reference will be required from that employer.

For teaching posts the application form will require:

·  The applicants DFES number

·  Whether the applicant has Qualified Teacher Status

·  Whether the applicant is registered with the General Teaching Council

2.6 The application will state that:

·  References will not be acceptable from relatives or those solely in the capacity of a friend.

·  The successful applicant will be required to provide a Disclosure from the CRB at the appropriate level for the post.

·  References from current and previous employers will be requested for short listed candidates before the interview.

·  If the applicant is working in a paid or voluntary capacity with children the current employer will be asked about any disciplinary offences relating to children including any for which the penalty has “time expired”. The same will be asked of any employers where the applicant is not currently working with children.

·  Providing false information may be an offence and could result in the rejection of the application or summary dismissal if the applicant has been selected and possible referral to the police.

3.6  The Job Description will clearly state:

·  The main duties and responsibilities of the post

·  The individuals responsibility for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and young people he/she is responsible for or will be in contact with.

3.7  The Person Specification will:

·  Include the qualifications, experience and other requirements needed to perform the role in regard to working with children and young people.

·  Explain that these requirements will be tested and assessed during the selection process

“The interview will explore a candidates attitudes towards children including their motivation to work with them, their ability to form and maintain professional relationships with children and their emotional resilience to work with challenging behaviours.”

·  Explain that if the applicant is short listed and there are any discrepancies in the information provided or any relevant issues arising from the references that these will be taken up in interview.

3.8  The Scrutinising and Short Listing procedure will:

·  Check that all applications are fully and properly completed.

·  Check that information is consistent and with no gaps.

·  Ensure that all candidates are assessed equally against the criteria contained in the person specification without exception or variation.

3.9  The school will ensure that any organisation/contractor providing services to the school where its personnel will have contact with children that the organisation/contractor adopts safe recruitment practices.

3.10  Where the school uses volunteers and is considering candidates about whom they have little or no previous knowledge the same recruitment measures will be used as for paid staff.

4.0  Stage 2 – INTERVIEW

4.1  References

·  Will always be sought and obtained directly from the referee.

·  Will be checked against the application.

·  The merits of the candidate will be checked at interview against the references.

·  Will be taken up before interview for shortlisted candidates

4.2  Invitation to interview

·  The school will reiterate that the interview will explore the suitability of the candidate to work with children.

·  Stress that the identity of the successful candidate will be thoroughly checked.

4.3  The interview panel will:

·  Never be less than two people.

·  Will involve people who have the authority to undertake the role.

·  Be appropriately trained and have completed the Safer recruitment accredited training

·  Will meet before the interview to:

Consider the areas to be explored and questions for each candidate.

Agree the assessment criteria in accordance with the person specification.

Reach a consensus about the required standard of the job they are appointing to.

4.4  The interview will:

·  Assess and evaluate the applicant’s suitability for the post.

·  Explore the candidate’s attitude towards children and young people.

·  Explore any gaps in the candidate’s employment history.

·  Follow up any concerns or discrepancies arising from the information provided by the candidate or the referee.

·  Ask the candidate if there is anything they wish to declare in light of the requirement for a CRB check.


5.1  The offer of employment will be conditional on:

·  At least two satisfactory references

·  Verification of identity

·  Satisfactory list 99 check and CRB disclosure

·  Medical fitness via an OH medical

·  Verification of qualifications

·  Verification of professional history

·  Verification of successful completion of statutory induction period for teachers

·  Satisfactory completion of a 6 month probationary period for non teaching posts.


6.1  There is an induction period for all new staff and volunteers that includes information about school policies and procedures including:

·  Child Protection policy

·  Anti-bullying policy

·  Physical intervention

·  Internet safety

·  Intimate care policy

·  Safe practice and the standards of conduct expected of staff and pupils

·  How and with whom any concerns relating to those issues should be raised

·  Disciplinary, capability and whistle blowing policies

6.2  There will be a monitoring process of recruitment and induction arrangements that will provide information that will better inform future recruitment processes. This will:

·  Monitor staff turnover and reasons for leaving.

·  Conduct exit interviews.

·  Monitor attendance of new recruits at child protection training.

R:\HOME\MAINOFFICE\Personnel\Teaching Assistants\TA Recruitment June 11\Documentation for Applicants\Saferecruitingpolicy.doc