September / 2017
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Start I-Ready Diagnostic
4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
Labor Day
No School / I-Ready Diagnostic / Finish I-Ready Diagnostic
For those who have completed the Diagnostic they will start on their first I-Ready Lesson / Classroom Introductions
Rules, Policies, Procedures
Get to know you activity
Welcome Goodie Bags, Surveys, and Newsletter sent home / I-Ready Lesson
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
Reading Strategy Introduction
(Understanding how reading looks)
Introduce Book and Start Reading while practicing strategy:
Blue Lesson 51
Level H
Fiction: The Great Big Enormous Turnip
Homework: Shelly, the Shark SH or My Puppy, Flash phonics read and write / Finish Book
Book and Strategy Discussion
Comprehension activity
Complete Book Log
Picture Day / No Class
2 Hour Early Release / Introduce new hunks and chunks phonics dance
Review High Frequency word
Make flashcard
Phonics lesson and Interactive phonics Notebook / I-Ready Lesson
Phonics dance review
Homework Due: Shelly, the Shark SH or My Puppy, Flash phonics read and write
Reading Strategy Refresher
Introduce Book and Start Reading while practicing strategy:
Blue Lesson 52
Level H
Nonfiction: Down by the Pond
Homework: Finish Reading Down by the Pond for tomorrow’s discussion / 19
Homework Due: Return Down by the Pond and be prepared for discussion
Buddy Re-read
Book Discussion
Comprehension activity
Book Log / 20
I-Ready Lesson
Review previously learned phonics dance and introduce new dance
CH / 21
Review Phonics dance SH, CH
CH Worksheet
Interactive phonics Notebook / 22
I-Ready Lesson
Review phonics dance SH, CH
Lockdown Drill at 1:00pm
Re-Read a previous classroom book with partner or pick a Picture Book to read for pleasure alone.
Star*Power*Premiere Board Game Using Reading Strategy
Homework: Chip, the Chipmunk or Pumpkin Patch CH Reading worksheet / 26
Read Aloud looking for High Frequency words and hunks and chunks from the phonics dance
Activity for interactive reading notebook / 27
I-Ready Lesson
Review previously learned phonics dance and introduce new dance
TH / 28
Review Phonics dance SH, CH, TH
Review High Frequency word learn new
Phonics lesson and Interactive phonics Notebook / 29
I-Ready Lesson
Review Phonics dance SH, CH, TH
Homework Due: Chip, the Chipmunk or Pumpkin Patch CH Reading worksheet
  • No School on September 4, 2017
  • Please don’t forget to look for the parent surveylocated in your student’s folder. Please complete and send back with your childASAP.
  • Fall Pictures will be held on September 12, 2017
  • A copy of your student’s I-ready Diagnostic results will be sent home for you to review and keep. Students will take this diagnostic again later this year and then again in the spring. Results from those will also be sent home to help track your student’s progress over the 2017-2018 school year.
  • Homework assignments are due on the 15th, 19th, and 29th.
  • September 13, 2017 will have a 2 hour Early Release.