Teacher: Kevin Lake Unit Title: Cardiovascular Fitness
Grade level: 4 Number of classes: 4 Duration of classes: 45 minutes; No. of Students: 25

A. Unit Context & Rationale:

Content Statement(s) / Cardiovascular Health can contribute to a longer healthier life
Big Ideas / Cardio can be fun and has immense benefits
Student abilities/
skill proficiency level / Novice/Beginners
Anticipated difficulties and how they will be addressed / Students may have negative thoughts about exercises.
Provide examples of how fun and easy cardio exercises can be.
References / PE Central, Rowan University

B. Learning Outcomes, CPIs and Assessment Evidence

Unit Goals
Critical NJCCCS CPIs Addressed in this unit: 2.6.4.A.1, 2.6.4.A.2
Domain / Unit Learning Outcomes / Assessment Evidence
Psychomotor / Perform Team and individual games to the best of student’s ability / Self and Teacher checklist
Cognitive / Learn of different exercises that can be performed to improve cardio health / Resources and list provided for students
Affective / Students will have an appreciation for cardio health and see how fun it can be. / Series of thumbs up/down questions
Culminating Performance Task(s):
Students will partake in several vigorous activities to improve their cardiovascular health.

C. Daily Lesson Description

Total Length of unit: 4 lessons*
Lesson # 1 of 4. Title: Intro to Cardio
1. Introductory activities: Explain what cardiovascular health is and why it is important. Dynamic stretch warm up.
2. Instructional core of lesson: Intro to Cardio is the first step for students in learning the importance of cardio. Students will perform several exercises in increasing intensity.
3. Culminating activity: The students will play a game of cardio tag. Students will rotate who is “it.”
4. Closure: ask students what they learned about cardio health. Review its importance have students give feedback.
Lesson # 2 of 4. Title: Cardio Challenge Games
1. Introductory activities: Students will begin class with a group of dynamic stretches to increase flexibility for the day’s games. Students will review the importance of cardio health
2. Instructional core of lesson: Students will learn teamwork and cardio health through a series of team games.
3. Culminating activity: Students will be playing a competitive race game. The game will have students in groups of threes playing against another team of three. Cones will be set up and each group will have to either knock down or pick up the cones.
4. Closure: Students will be reminded of how fun activities can be while also being important in cardiovascular health.
Lesson # 3 of 4. Title: Cardio Kickball
1. Introductory activities: Review previous lesson on Cardio Games
2. Instructional core of lesson: Give examples of how normal games can be modified to improve cardio. Introduce new games that students will be playing. Have students do a cardio warm up.
3. Culminating activity: Cardio-Kickball. (Kickball with more students running and involved)
4. Closure: Have students give examples of how games can be modified to improve cardio.
Lesson # 4 of 4. Title: Cardio Test
1. Introductory activities: Students will be given a brief introductory lesson on different ways to test their cardiovascular health
2. Instructional core of lesson: Students will begin the class by just performing basic exercises and seeing how long they can do them. This will be a preparation for the final examination on their cardiovascular health.
3. Culminating activity: The final activity for this lesson will be a PACER test to gauge the students cardiovascular health. This test will be performed on the class as a whole. Each student can continue on even if they miss a beep.
4. Closure: Students will be asked to compare how they did versus how they thought they did.

D. (Reflection)

Student Outcomes: Describe degree to which students met unit learning outcomes:
Teacher Effectiveness: What went well? What needs work? What unit modifications are necessary?


Appendix 1: Unit Assessments
Appendix 2: Unit Daily Activities

Revised August 2012