10:00 A.M.
May23, 2012
I.Call to Order:Phyllis Adkins
Those Present:
Cabell: ______
Lincoln: ______
Logan: ______
Mason: ______
Mingo: ______
Wayne: ______
Members at Large: ______
*State Department: ______
*State BOE: ______
*MarshallUniversity: ______
*RESA 2: ______
*Guests: ______
II. Approval of Minutes:
To approve the minutes of the April26, 2012 regular meeting of the
RESA 2Regional Council. Attachment II.
RESA 2Regional Council
Agenda 5-23-12
Page two.
- Delegations/Presentations:
1.Logan County WelcomeWilma Zigmond
2.Placement Level 2/Level 3 StudentsDr. Bookwalter, Dean
& Kristi James, Placement Coordinator, MU
3.Supplemental Retirement PlanWV Retirement Plus State
Treasurer’s Office
4.Update on Certification ProjectsKelly Watts
- Old Business:
- New Business:
- Social Networking Policy – Review for June Approval.
Action Items:
The Executive Director recommends approval of the following consent items. Discussion and/or separate action item(s) may be requested bymembers of
the RegionalCouncil and/or the Executive Director.
1.SupplementsDee Cockrille
To approve the following Supplements and any other Supplements submitted after Agenda distribution. Attachment V-1.
- Tech Prep $ 10,000.00
- General RESA $ 28,985.04
- TransfersDee Cockrille
To approve any Transfers submitted after Agenda distribution.
- Council Meeting DateDee Cockrille
To approve the date change of the June Regional Council Meeting to June 19th at 3:00 p.m. via phone conference. This change is necessary due to the State Superintendent’s Conference.
RESA 2 Regional Council
Agenda 5-23-12
Page three.
Action Items:(continued)
- BudgetJody Lucas
To approve the RESA 2 budget for 2012-2013. Attachment V-4.
- ResignationDee Cockrille
To approve the resignation of Kelly Watts as Assistant Executive Director/Program Development effective July 1, 2012. Attachment V-5.
- Budget AuthorizationJody Lucas
To grant permission for Dr. Cockrille to authorize budget amendments for submission to the State Department with Council confirmation during the next council meeting.
- Computer Repair Costs
To approve the raise of computer repair costs per student to $2.50.
VI.Informational Items:
Members of the RESA 2Regional Council and/or the Executive Director
may request discussion of any Informational Item.
1. RESA 2 FinancialReportJody Lucas
Attachment VI-1.
2.RESA 2 Staff ReportsDee Cockrille
Attachment VI-2.
1.State Department ReportRobert Hull
2.W.V.A.S.A. ReportRandy Keathley
RESA 2 Regional Council
Agenda 5-23-12
Page four.
3.W.V.S.B.A. ReportJackie Branch
4.Marshall University ReportRudy Pauley
- Superintendent’s Advisory CouncilBill Smith
- Announcements:
- May 23-25, ARC Meeting, Washington, DC.
- May 24, Substitute Testing/In-person Meeting, RESA 2 Office.
- May 24, National Board Meeting, Charleston.
- May 28, Memorial Day, RESA 2 Office Closed.
- May 30, Substance Abuse Data Planning Meeting, RESA 5.
- June 1, Cabell County IEP Training, RESA 2 Office.
- June 4, Cabell County IEP Training, RESA 2 Office.
- June 5, SLP Summit, Charleston.
- June 6, RESA Special Education Director’s Meeting, Dunbar.
- June 6, Apple Workshop/Technology Cadre Meeting, RESA 2 Office.
- June 7-8, Wayne Technology Collaborative Team Meeting, Spring Valley HS.
- June 8, County Special Education Director’s Meeting, RESA 2 Office.
- June 11-15, Project TEIR Summer Institute (Week 1), RESA 2 Office.
- June 12, RESA Technology Directors Meeting, RESA 7.
- June 14, Substitute Testing/In-person Meeting, RESA 2 Office.
- June 14, OSP Director’s Meeting, Charleston.
- June 15, RESA Executive Director’s Meeting, RESA 3 Office.
- June 18-19, Cabell County/RESA 2 Social Studies Project, RESA 2 Office.
- June 19, Cabell County IEP Training, RESA 2 Office.
RESA 2 Regional Council
Agenda 5-23-12
Page five.
- June 20, West Virginia Day, RESA 2 Office closed.
- June 21-22, Cabell County IEP Training, RESA 2 Office.
- June 21, Policy 4373 Task Force Meeting, RESA 2 Office.
- June 22, National Board Cohort, RESA 2 Office.
- June 24-July 1, Teaching American History Field Trip: Antietam, Plymouth, Lowell, and Boston, MA.
- June 25-27, Superintendent’s Conference, Charleston.
- June 25, Cabell County IEP Training, RESA 2 Office.
- June 28-29, T1 Meeting, RESA 3 Office, Dunbar.
- June 28-29, WVASA Meeting, Charleston.
- General Discussion
- Council Member Discussion
- Executive Director Discussion
- 2011-2012 Status Report on Technical Assistance Projects
- Hiring of Program Development Director
X.Next Meeting
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the RESA 2Regional Council will be heldon June19, 2012via phone conference, beginningat 3:00 p.m.
- Adjournment