10:00 A.M.

May23, 2012


I.Call to Order:Phyllis Adkins

Those Present:

Cabell: ______

Lincoln: ______

Logan: ______

Mason: ______

Mingo: ______

Wayne: ______

Members at Large: ______

*State Department: ______

*State BOE: ______

*MarshallUniversity: ______

*RESA 2: ______

*Guests: ______


II. Approval of Minutes:

To approve the minutes of the April26, 2012 regular meeting of the

RESA 2Regional Council. Attachment II.



RESA 2Regional Council

Agenda 5-23-12

Page two.

  1. Delegations/Presentations:

1.Logan County WelcomeWilma Zigmond

2.Placement Level 2/Level 3 StudentsDr. Bookwalter, Dean

& Kristi James, Placement Coordinator, MU

3.Supplemental Retirement PlanWV Retirement Plus State

Treasurer’s Office

4.Update on Certification ProjectsKelly Watts

  1. Old Business:
  1. New Business:
  1. Social Networking Policy – Review for June Approval.

Action Items:

The Executive Director recommends approval of the following consent items. Discussion and/or separate action item(s) may be requested bymembers of

the RegionalCouncil and/or the Executive Director.



1.SupplementsDee Cockrille

To approve the following Supplements and any other Supplements submitted after Agenda distribution. Attachment V-1.

  1. Tech Prep $ 10,000.00
  2. General RESA $ 28,985.04
  1. TransfersDee Cockrille

To approve any Transfers submitted after Agenda distribution.

  1. Council Meeting DateDee Cockrille

To approve the date change of the June Regional Council Meeting to June 19th at 3:00 p.m. via phone conference. This change is necessary due to the State Superintendent’s Conference.

RESA 2 Regional Council

Agenda 5-23-12

Page three.

Action Items:(continued)

  1. BudgetJody Lucas

To approve the RESA 2 budget for 2012-2013. Attachment V-4.

  1. ResignationDee Cockrille

To approve the resignation of Kelly Watts as Assistant Executive Director/Program Development effective July 1, 2012. Attachment V-5.

  1. Budget AuthorizationJody Lucas

To grant permission for Dr. Cockrille to authorize budget amendments for submission to the State Department with Council confirmation during the next council meeting.

  1. Computer Repair Costs

To approve the raise of computer repair costs per student to $2.50.

VI.Informational Items:

Members of the RESA 2Regional Council and/or the Executive Director

may request discussion of any Informational Item.

1. RESA 2 FinancialReportJody Lucas

Attachment VI-1.

2.RESA 2 Staff ReportsDee Cockrille

Attachment VI-2.


1.State Department ReportRobert Hull

2.W.V.A.S.A. ReportRandy Keathley

RESA 2 Regional Council

Agenda 5-23-12

Page four.


3.W.V.S.B.A. ReportJackie Branch

4.Marshall University ReportRudy Pauley

  1. Superintendent’s Advisory CouncilBill Smith
  1. Announcements:
  1. May 23-25, ARC Meeting, Washington, DC.
  2. May 24, Substitute Testing/In-person Meeting, RESA 2 Office.
  3. May 24, National Board Meeting, Charleston.
  4. May 28, Memorial Day, RESA 2 Office Closed.
  5. May 30, Substance Abuse Data Planning Meeting, RESA 5.
  6. June 1, Cabell County IEP Training, RESA 2 Office.
  7. June 4, Cabell County IEP Training, RESA 2 Office.
  8. June 5, SLP Summit, Charleston.
  9. June 6, RESA Special Education Director’s Meeting, Dunbar.
  10. June 6, Apple Workshop/Technology Cadre Meeting, RESA 2 Office.
  11. June 7-8, Wayne Technology Collaborative Team Meeting, Spring Valley HS.
  12. June 8, County Special Education Director’s Meeting, RESA 2 Office.
  13. June 11-15, Project TEIR Summer Institute (Week 1), RESA 2 Office.
  14. June 12, RESA Technology Directors Meeting, RESA 7.
  15. June 14, Substitute Testing/In-person Meeting, RESA 2 Office.
  16. June 14, OSP Director’s Meeting, Charleston.
  17. June 15, RESA Executive Director’s Meeting, RESA 3 Office.
  18. June 18-19, Cabell County/RESA 2 Social Studies Project, RESA 2 Office.
  19. June 19, Cabell County IEP Training, RESA 2 Office.

RESA 2 Regional Council

Agenda 5-23-12

Page five.


  1. June 20, West Virginia Day, RESA 2 Office closed.
  2. June 21-22, Cabell County IEP Training, RESA 2 Office.
  3. June 21, Policy 4373 Task Force Meeting, RESA 2 Office.
  4. June 22, National Board Cohort, RESA 2 Office.
  5. June 24-July 1, Teaching American History Field Trip: Antietam, Plymouth, Lowell, and Boston, MA.
  6. June 25-27, Superintendent’s Conference, Charleston.
  7. June 25, Cabell County IEP Training, RESA 2 Office.
  8. June 28-29, T1 Meeting, RESA 3 Office, Dunbar.
  9. June 28-29, WVASA Meeting, Charleston.
  1. General Discussion
  1. Council Member Discussion


  1. Executive Director Discussion
  1. 2011-2012 Status Report on Technical Assistance Projects
  2. Hiring of Program Development Director

X.Next Meeting

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the RESA 2Regional Council will be heldon June19, 2012via phone conference, beginningat 3:00 p.m.

  1. Adjournment

