Pharaoh Poster Rubric

20 Point Project

Category / 5 points / 4-3 points / 1-2 points
Content / Poster contains at least five excellent facts from the chapter. Poster also includes name of the chosen pharaoh and the year in which he ruled. / Poster contains less than five facts; or contains facts that are not fully developed. May be missing name of pharaoh or date. / Poster contains less than four facts; or contains short facts that don’t tell much information. Name of pharaoh or date may be missing.
Conventions / All words are spelled correctly. Story is properly punctuated. One or less spelling or punctuation errors. Excellent use of grammar. / 2 -3 spelling or punctuation errors. Good grasp of grammar. / 4 or more spelling or punctuation errors. Sloppy use of grammar.
Neatness/Graphics / Poster is neatly presented and colored. Pharaoh is seated on his throne or standing with a head dress, crook, and flail. / Poster is somewhat neat but may not include color, the head dress, crook, or flail. / Poster is sloppy. Little care is taken with presentation. May not include color, the head dress, crook, or flail.
Teamwork/Rubric / Group worked together as a team. All members contributed both facts and ideas. Rubric is attached to final project. / Group worked somewhat well. Some students may have done more than others. Rubric is attached. / Group argued and did not work well, or Rubric is not attached.

Pharaoh Poster

You will work together as a group to show that you learned important factual information about the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

Step One: Read Chapter 2 independently. Highlight important facts.

Step Two: Meet with your group. Discuss all of the facts you highlighted and which ones you will include. You can include more than five, but you must have AT LEAST five.

Step Three: You will use poster paper to draw a pharaoh. He will be either standing or sitting on his thrown. Use your book for examples or do some research online. He must be colored, and he must be wearing a head dress and carrying his crook and flail. Please write the name of your pharaoh under your drawing and the time during which he ruled.

Step Four: Add your facts. They can be listed in one spot (or sidebar), or they can appear randomly around the drawing in bubbles or shapes.

Poster is due on Wednesday, September 17. Your group will present your work to the class on that date. We will provide ample class time to work on this project. This will be your assessment for Chapter 2, so show me what you know! Specific requirements are listed on the rubric.