Getting in the boat – the Gig is tippy compared to practice boats so be careful.

·  Choose who is going in which position before getting aboard to avoid unnecessary moving about in the boat.

·  Get into the boat, one at a time and sit down in your position directly.

·  Avoid stepping onto the thwarts (seats) whenever possible.

·  The bottom of the boat is slippery when wet so take care and think about where you are putting your feet.

·  Make sure the thole pins/rollocks are in the right places. The thole pins are made of hardwood and softwood – put a hardwood pin (darker coloured) in the forward hole and a softwood one (lighter) in the aft hole.

·  Find your oar and have it ready to use before setting off. Numbers are Bow no.1 going toward stroke no.4.

·  Set your footrest so that your legs are only just bent when leaning forward and straight when leaning back.

·  All rowers and the cox must be familiar with all commands and whether their oar is on the bow (port) or stroke (starboard) side.

Leaving the Jetty or Pontoon

·  The gig is not very manoeuvrable!

·  Steering is best done by the oars rather than the rudder, so be alert to the cox’s orders at all times.

·  Think about which direction the tide is running and how hard the wind is blowing and from what direction.

·  Usually the tide will have a greater effect than the wind and you can use it to help turn the boat round.

·  If it is windy the wind will have more effect than the tide.

·  You may find it easier to go away backwards in certain conditions.

·  Rowers who can’t put their oar in the water while the gig is alongside may have their oar vertically in the air until they can, unless it is windy – take windage into consideration.

·  If there is someone left on the jetty use them to help get the boat away if necessary.

·  DO NOT leave the gig alongside the end of the pontoon as it can easily get damaged by the metal ends. If using the end of the pontoon to get in be careful to fend the boat off all the time, but don’t put your hands on the gunwales (top rail of boat).


The gigs demand good technique but are very rewarding to row. Basics first –

·  Sit on the opposite side of the boat to where your oar rests between the thole pins.

·  Rowers need to be staggered, off centre, and not in a line behind one another.

·  Don’t be put off by the oar slopping around between the thole pins/rollocks, you won’t notice it.

·  Make sure that the oar is working on the leather while rowing – don’t push it so far out or in so that it is working on the bare wood.

·  Keep and eye on your oar blade and ensure it is vertical when entering the water and during the stroke.

·  Perch on the aft edge of the thwart rather than sit in the middle of it.

·  Concentrate on keeping in time, and if you are stroke oar, concentrate (don’t chat unless you can do two things at once!) on setting a consistent pace for the others to follow. Ask the other rowers for feedback from time to time to check that you aren’t too fast or slow.

·  The thole pins prevent the oars from being swung along the side of the boat, so if you catch a crab, or need to get your oar out of the way fast to avoid an obstruction, lift the handle straight up with the blade still in the water – the oar will trail alongside safely. Practice this before you need to!

Aim for a LONG steady stroke –

·  At the start of the stroke lean right forward with your arms outstretched as far as you can reach with a fairly straight back. Your nose will be almost above your feet.

·  After dipping your oar in the water, don’t let the blade go very far under the surface as you pull back on it.

·  Pull back steadily, speeding up towards the end of the stroke; save a little extra pull for the end of your stroke which you can help pull yourself back upright with.

·  Keep pulling the oar handle towards you until your hands touch your stomach before taking the oar out of the water.

·  Lean back as far as you possibly can! Your legs should end up straight. With practice you will find yourself being able to lean further and further back which increases the length of time the oar is in the water driving the boat forward.

·  As the thwarts are quite closely spaced in the gig, it is crucial for all rowers to lean as much as possible. If one person takes shorter strokes it is impossible for the other rowers to take longer ones.

While Out and About

The gig is fast enough not to take much notice of the tide in calm weather, but as soon as there is a bit of wind:

·  Avoid the middle of the river if the wind and the tide are against you – as well as more tide it will be roughest there. Be aware if the tide is rising or falling.

·  If it is windy, get under the lee of the river bank for smoother water and less arduous rowing. It is good practice anyway to use the windward shore rather than the lee as if you get into difficulties you won’t get struck aground.

·  The easiest route may not be a straight line between two places!

·  In big waves try not to steer a course with them straight on the side.

Changing positions in the boat (best done alongside the pontoon, not in the middle of river).

·  Only one person standing up at a time.

·  Take care with your footing especially if you have wet feet as the inside of the gig can be very slippery.

·  The rest of the (seated) crew should help balance the boat and protect the boat from hitting the pontoon while someone is moving around.

Enjoy being out in the boat and being sociable, but don’t forget to be alert for unexpected orders from the cox at all times!

Meeting Other Boats While Out Rowing

·  We should obey the ‘Regulations of avoiding collisions at sea’ (the ‘rules of the road’ for boats). If you are not familiar with them, look them up or ask if you are not sure.

·  Rowing boats count as a (man) powered vessel and thus we give way to sailing boats.

·  Other boats may not have come across a large rowing gig before and many wrongly estimate the speed we can row at, or appreciate our relative lack of manoeuvrability.

·  Anticipate other boats likely movements.

·  Make the gig’s intentions clear to other boats – if you need to make a course alteration to avoid them make it large and clear and obvious so they can see what you are doing.

Returning Alongside

·  Consider the tide and the wind before deciding how to come alongside the pontoon – they may have changed since you left.

·  Listen to the cox’s orders and take no notice of bystanders’ advice. The cox will be more aware of how the gig is handling than they will be.

·  The cox should ask the bow oar (No 1) to ship their oar in plenty of time for them to be ready with a bow line and fend off.

·  Put the fenders over on the appropriate side before you make the approach to where you want to end up. Allow enough time for rowers to change fenders from one side to the other if required.

·  As the thole pins prevent the oars from being turned along the length of the gig, lift them vertically in the air (the order is ‘up oars’) when coming alongside. This may be difficult in windy weather – think about holding the blade so it doesn’t catch the wind when you do this.

·  Once the oars are finished with, take out the thole pins and their leathers.

·  There is a lot of boat in front of the bow oar – don’t forget to allow for it!

·  Make sure both mooring lines are clear and ready to hand. The longer one may be more useful as you can pass it along the boat to the shore to pull the boat’s bow/stern in.

·  Get out of the boat the same way you got in – one at a time. Try to avoid standing on the thwarts if possible.

·  Check that the boat is safely moored before leaving her for any length of time. Think about whether the tide is coming in or going out and whether she is in danger of getting damaged on anything.

At the End of a Rowing Session

After the GIG has been carefully hauled out onto the pontoon:

·  Return oars to the Gig HQ carrying an oar on one shoulder with the handle pointing downwards.

·  Tidy up, removing all water bottles and any other rubbish.

·  Return thole pins and leathers to the compartment in the bow.

·  Wipe down and wash the inside of the boat – and the outside if it is muddy. If the hose is used the bung can be removed to empty excess water but remember to put it back in place.

·  Replace cover, starting at the stern and fastening all ties.

Practice Boats

·  Leave in the best position considering the mud build up.

·  Make sure fenders are out. Fit “spring” rope.

·  Lift bottom boards up onto thwarts to allow for easier baling for the next group.

Racing Tips

Racing Start : 1. two hard, medium length strokes

2. three short, fast strokes

3. 5 strokes, concentrating on leaning forward

(going forward more each time)

4. 5 strokes, concentrating on leaning back

(until at maximum)

The stroke: 1. Lean forward as far as you can – arms straight – nose above knees.

2. Blade in water, at right angles to the water.

3. Pull – with legs braced and arms straight going back as far as you can.

4. Try to dip shoulder nearest to oar.

5. Slight pause as hands reach chest – then hands lead away straightening arms again.

6. Return over knees is recuperating and breathing


7. Keep blade of oar in water as long as possible, in time with the stroke rower.

8. Longer in the water = more power and speed.

9. Return blade, ready for next stroke, as close to the surface of the water as possible.

10. Movement should represent a long narrow rectangular shape.