Press Document
Video Eldorado
Immediate publication

Video Eldorado, a traveling humanitarian project on their way to meet the people of the Americas

The international team of Video Eldorado, made up entirely of volunteers, invites you to follow the first edition of its traveling humanitarian project. From April to June 6 young people will set off from Quebec and cross North America to Panama. The team will embark upon its journey on board a classic school bus converted into a mobile, environmentally- friendly studio.

Video Eldorado is missioned to utilise multimedia tools as an ally to facilitate dialog and social interaction. The objective being, to enable cultural dialog, and a better understanding of the people of the Americas that we encounter. The project will be catalogued and hosted on the Internet. The Video Eldorado team undertakes this trip without the intention for personal gain.

The beginnings of Video Eldorado:

Established in October 2008, Video Eldorado, a non-profit organisation, is made up of a team of 6 young people hailing from Québec, UK, and France. On each step of the journey we will give different photo/video workshops as well as making documentary episodes. This ambitious project has been developed encompassing 4 main themes.

l  Education

l  Social

l  Ecological

l  Multimedia

-The educational component of the project will take the form of visits to underpriviligied or marginalised, native communities in order to hold cinema, photography and art workshops on the theme of 'identity' to the young people living within them.

-Equally the project wishes to document the already existing good work of many non-profit or charitable organisations along our route. A close working relationship with these organisations as well as efforts to integrate into the communities, will provide an introduction to the realities and problems that they face. Team Video Eldorado will put their skills in all things audiovisual to good use, as well as their creativity and naturally inquiring minds in order to achieve a more complete view of this diverse part of the world. In this way Video Eldorado has developed contacts with many different organisations such as UNICEF, Pointscoeur, EspoirChiapas etc.

-An environmentally-friendly bus is the centre-piece of the green side of the project: a form of communal transport wise to recycling. A school bus that is converted to run on recycled waste vegetable oil gathered from restaurants, and converted into a mobile studio home with all manner of materials.

-Video Eldorado will host different video capsules filmed throughout the trip on its website. Originally dreamed up as a multimedia travel diary of sorts, the website will also feature photo galleries, blogs and general interaction between Video Eldorado and the users. Documentary Post-production of the entire trip will commence upon our return.

Video Eldorado aims to encourage the development of a responsible and conscientious younger generation, by facilitating the expression of their creativity, promoting learning about the cultures and lives of others, aswell as helping them to aquire audiovisual and photography skills.

The Team

Video Team

Benjamin Gadoury, Quebec 26

Helgi Piccinin Quebec, 27

Lucie Zappa, France, 26

Michael Taylor USA, 23

Celine Jaegler, France, 21

Erik Ayotte Quebec, 28

Francois Guinaudeau, France 24

Communication team

Nicola Bannatyne, UK, 23

Morgane Stein, France, 22


Frank Trudel, Quebec, 33


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