Settore Servizi agli Studenti
Ufficio Laureati
GIVEN the D.P.R. July 11, 1980, No 382 on university reform and, in particular, Chapter II relating to PhD;
GIVENthe Law of 13 August 1984, No 476: "Rules regarding scholarship and doctoral research in Universities”;
GIVENthe Law of 30 November 1989, No 398: "Regulations on university scholarships;
GIVENthe Ministerial Decree 11.09.1998 establishing the amounts of PhD scholarships;
GIVENthe Statute of the University of Cassino, delivered by DR No 835 of 30.11.2004 and published on the Official Gazette No 289, 10.12.2004;
GIVENthe Law of July 3, 1998, No 210: "Rules for the recruitment of researchers and university professors”, and in particular the art. 4 on to doctoral research;
GIVENthe Ministerial Decree 30.04.1999, No 224: "Rules on doctoral research” published in theOfficial Gazette No 162, 13.07.1999;
GIVENthe D.R. No 234 of 18.04.2007 by which the Regulation on PhD Research at the University of Cassino was issued;
GIVENthe D.R. No 736 of 11.09.2008 by which the Regulation on PhD Research of the University of Cassino was amended;
GIVENproposals for the establishment and the renewal of doctoral courses for the XXVI cycle advanced by Doctoral Schools;
GIVENthe opinion of the Evaluation Unit of the University in its meeting of 22.06.2010;
GIVENthe deliberations of the Senate and the Administration Council, respectively of 20.07.2010 and 26.07.2010, by which a positive opinion was given for the establishment and the renewal of the courses for the XXVI doctoral cycle.
Art. 1
A public selection based on exams is held at the University of Cassino for the admission to the PhD coursesactivated for the Academic Year 2010/2011 – XXVI cycle – by the School of Doctorate in Engineering (see Annex “A” of the present notice).
Art. 2
Eligibility criteria
Applicants, without any limitation of age and citizenship,are required to meet at least one of the following criteria at the deadline of the present notice:
- to possess a degree according with the regulation valid before the D.M. 509/99;
- to possess a Master degree certificate;
- to possess a foreign (non-Italian) academic qualification acknowledged by academic Italian institutions as equivalent to the Degree/Master Diploma also within cooperation and mobility agreements.
Foreign academic certificates, limitedlyfor the admission to the competition, can be declared equivalent by the Council of the School of Doctorate. In this case the candidate must provide, together with his/her admission form, documents proving this equivalence. All these documents must be translated and authorised by Italian diplomatic representatives or Consulate in the candidate’s country of origin, according with the regulation for the admission of foreign students to the degree courses of Italian universities.
Non EU Citizens can be admitted tothe Doctorate Courses, based on examination of their Curriculum Vitae presented together with the admission form, without fellowship and in a number not exceeding half of total available positions (if necessary with rounding upwards). This participation is allowed only under the commitment of the candidate to respect the regulation of the Doctorate Course concerning the attendance and the controls required by the Teaching Council.
The participation to the exams for the admission at the School of Doctorate is also allowed to those who will obtain the diploma of degree according with the regulation valid before the D.M. 509/99 or those who will obtain the Degree/Master Diploma within the deadline of the present notice. In this case the admission will be granted with reservation and will be subjected to the condition that the candidate submits the certificate of degree before the deadline of the present notice. In case the certificate is not available, a substitutive declaration can be presented signed by the candidate according with the art. 46 of the DPR 28-12-2000, n. 445.
Art. 3
Application form
The following documents must be submitted via e_mail at the following address within the 5 p.m. (Italian time) of November 2nd 2010:
-A participation form, written in Italian language using the form attachedto the present notice(All. “B”) which can be downloaded at the address ;
-A research project written in Italian or English following the from attached to the present notice and available on the website of the University of Cassino;
-all certifications providing helpful information to evaluate the Curriculum Vitae of the candidate; a certificatemust be compulsorily presentedreportingthe list of the examinations together with correspondent marks of the academic career, the final vote of the undergraduate and master courses or the final vote of the degree obtained with the old regulation or the final vote the equivalent titles for foreign candidates.
Within the date of November 2nd2010thesame documentation in paper format must arrive via certified mail or bydirect submission to the UfficioLaureatiof the Universityof Cassino,located in via Marconi, 10- 03043 Cassino.
The meeting of the deadline will be ensured:
- in case of mail delivery: by the date of the post mark;
- in case of direct submission: by the mark of the Receiving Office of the University of Cassino.
In his application form the candidate must express his/her option to only one of the courses of the School of Doctorate.
Receipt of payment of a contribution must be sent with the application form. The payment of € 36,15 must be accomplished at the Banca Popolare del Cassinate by using a form downloaded from the following websiteor by a bank transfer to the Banca Popolare del Cassinate, Piazza Armando Diaz, 14 - 03043 Cassino.
Bank account number 000010409621
IBAN CODE: IT75 B053 7274 3700 00010409621.
Authentication of the sign at the end of the application form is not necessary, but attachment of a photocopy of a valid personal identification document to the application form is compulsory.
An additional declaration downloadable from the website and equivalent to the certification reported by the following art.10 (Annex D) must be attached to the application form.
The Academic Administration cannot be considered responsible for the loss of communicationsdependent on inaccurate indication or on delayed communication of changes of the address by the candidate,neither for problems caused by the post service and not dependent on the Administration.
The application forms sent or delivered directly to the Administration after the deadline or not arrived will be automatically excluded by the selection.
The candidates with disabilities,according with the law n. 104 of February 5th1992, must explicitly request, in relation to their disability, assistance or additional time to accomplish the tests prescribed for the competition. Confidential data of the candidates will be saved and treated according with the Decree n.196/03.
Admission of all candidates to the competition is conditioned to the verification of all the requirements of the present notice.
Art. 4
Admission exam
The procedures for the admission are specified in the Annex “A”.
Art. 5
Date of tests
The tests will be held in the day, the time and the place reported in the Annex “A”.
Admission of candidates to the test is conditioned to the submission of a valid identification document.
Art. 6
Examining commission
The examining commission of the competition for the admission to a School or Course of Doctorate is appointed by the Rector and proposed by the Council of the School offering the course. It will include three members chosen among operating professors and academic researchers, even pertaining to foreign universities, expert on disciplines relevant for the course.
A maximum of two experts, even not Italian, pertaining to Universities or public and private research institutions, can be added to the commission.
Art. 7
Admission to courses
A unique list will be produced at the end of the selection. The candidates will be admitted to the School or to the Course of Doctorate by a Decree of the Rector, upon verification of the regularity of the selection procedure, following their position in the list until the number of available position for each School or course is covered. In case of give up by ten days from the beginning of the course or missed registrationwithin the prescribed terms of a selected candidate, other candidates will take their position following their order in the list.
In case of eligibleposition in more than one selection procedure of different Schools, the candidate must opt for only one course of doctorate.
Beneficiaries of research contracts suitable to the competitions are admitted as extra number provided that the doctorate is in the same disciplinary field of their research contract.
Non EU Citizens eligible to the selection procedure are admitted to the Doctorate Courses without scholarship and in a number not exceeding half of total available positions (if necessary rounded to the extra unit).
The list of eligible candidates will be published on the web page of the University:
Art. 8
Registration at the courses
Within ten day from the publication on the University website, candidates admitted to a School or Course of Doctorate must submit or send to the Academic Administration theirregistration form using the layout attached to the present notice (Annex “C”) downloadable from the address together with a receipt evidencing the payment of the contribution according with art. 9.
Art. 9
Contribution for the registration
The candidateswho are in the position to obtain the scholarship are exempted from paying the contribution for attendingthe courses.
The candidates not obtaining the scholarship must pay a contribution of €516,46 for each year of attendance. This sum must be paid with precompiled forms available on the website of the doctorate in two instalments of equal amount (or, if preferred, in a single solution) with the following schedule: the first instalment at the registration, the second one within February 28th 2011.
Art. 10
Research grants
The number of scholarships can be increased with funding provided by public or private institutions after the publication of the present noticebut before the conclusion of the selection procedure.
The scholarships provided by external subjects will be supplied only after the conclusion of all the procedures to establish the relative agreement and after the transfer of funds to the University.
The external scholarships not related to specific research themes will be assigned to the first candidates in the score of the selection.
The assignment of scholarships is subjected to the condition that the income of the candidates in the same year of the scholarship does not exceed € 7.746,86.
Candidates asking to obtain the scholarships must provide, together with their participation form,a declaration (Annex “D”) available at the web page: substituting of the certification that the previous limit is not exceeded.
The scholarships are assigned based on the general score of the competition. In case of equal position in the list, the selection will be based on the economic condition according with the D.P.C.M. of April 9th2001.
The total gross amount provided for each fellowship is € 16.067,48, including the charge for the Administration, and will be allocated with monthly instalments of equal amount.
The scholarship will cover the whole time length of the course.
The amount of the scholarship is increasedby 50% during the stay of the students in foreign institutions.
The scholarships cannot be cumulated with other research fellowships, except for those provided by national and foreign institutions aimed to give the possibility to the fellow to carry out activities in foreign institutions.
Art 11
Rights and duties of the doctorate fellows
Fellows of the School of Doctorate are committed to attend seminars, follow training activities and lessons and to continuously carry out their research and study. At the end of each year fellows must present a report on their educational activity to the teaching board of the course of doctorate.
With motivated decision of the teaching board of the course, fellows can be excluded from the School of Doctorate and cease to receive scholarship in case of:
a)negative decision of the course teaching board relatively to the admission of the fellow at the following year;
b)permanent or temporary employment of the fellow without prior authorisation of the teaching board;
c)prolonged truancy.
It is in the rights of the candidate to obtain a suspension for motherhood or for serious and documented reasons of health.
Absence caused by reasons other than those listed in the preceding paragraph of this article must be expressly authorized by the teaching board.
After the cause of the absence is ceased, the teaching board will decide whether to readmit the student during the year, or to readmit to the next year. The student readmitted during the year will receive a scholarship reduced by the amount already paid in the year when the absence occurred.
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In case of suspension longer than thirty days, or in case of exclusion from the course, the scholarship cannot be paid.Registration to PhD courses is not compatible with the simultaneous entry to degree or specialization courses,to other schools or doctoral and master courses of first and second level.
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- sostantivo
- due
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Dizionario - Visualizza dizionario dettagliato
Art 12
The title of Doctor of Philosophy is conferred by the Rector upon passing a final examination, which may be repeated only once.
Art 13
Board for the final exam
The jury for the degree shall be appointed by the Rector on the proposal of the School Council to which the PhD course pertains.
Art 14
Privacy policy
In accordance with the Legislative Decree No 196/2003 together with its subsequent modifications and integrations, the University undertakes to use personal information provided by applicants only for institutional purposes and for the accomplishment of the competition procedures.
Participation in the competition implies, within the principles of the aforesaid law, the expression of silent agreementthat the personal data of candidates and those concerning the results of the competition are published on the website of the University of Cassino.
Art. 15
Reference Standards
Extents not provided by this notice are subject to the laws and regulations relating to Doctorate of Philosophy.
This decree is entered in the official internal collection of the University and is sent to the Official Bulletin of the Italian Republic which shall arrange for the publication.
Cassino, august 5th2010