South Ossett Infant Academy

Pupil Premium Report

Financial Year 2015-16

Full time children;

Funding per child; £1,900 CLA (£1,000 retained by Local Authority)

Amountinto school ; £900

Number of FSM children; 0

Number of CLA; 1

Early Years Pupil Premium Funding

Funding per child; 52p per hour per child additional funding (15 hours per week)

Amountinto school; £ 592.80*

Number of Early Years Pupil Premium Funding children; 2 (September – December)

Number of CLA; 0

* There are three intakes; September, January and March; this is based on the current number eligible for funding (September- December 2015)

Rationale for funding

Pupil Premium spending needs to be clearly identified to meet the needs of the pupils for whom it is allocated. The following outline identifies how this year’s pupil premium money will be spent and its intended outcomes. Progress towards these outcomes will be monitored throughout the year in school, with a summative, evidence based evaluation on the effectiveness of the intervention and progress made towards the intended outcomes at the end of the school year.

During September –October the specific needs of these children are identified so that the pupil premium spend can be targeted accurately and effectively.

At the beginning of the second half term the action planis completed and the additional support and interventions started.

Planning and Evaluation Outline

Use / Amount / New or Continued Activity / Brief Summary / Specific Intended Outcomes / Monitoring
(method/evidence) / Actual Impact
Additional, targeted TA support (2 ½ hours per week) / £890 (over year) / 1.
New / Targeted small group support, 4 half hour sessions weekly (plus one half hour for planning, assessment, liaison with teachers) with a focus in first half term on developing a wider emotional vocabulary and resilience, using specific resources purchased to support this.
Targeted small group support, 4 half hour sessions weekly (plus one half hour for planning, assessment, liaison with teachers) with a focus on The prime areas of learning
Targeted small group support, 4 half hour sessions weekly (plus one half hour for planning, assessment, liaison with teachers) with a focus on The Specific Areas of Reading, Writing and Mathematics / For this child to be able to articulate a wider range of emotions and be able to engage with a small group in an effective and productive way.
For this child to achieve a good level of development in the prime areas of learning- Communication and Language, Physical Development, Personal, Social and Emotional Development
For this child to achieve a good level of development in the specific areas of Reading, Writing and Mathematics by the end of Foundation Stage / Class teacher will monitor weekly and feed back to HTtermly, evidence will be based of observations of child in the areas of learning and provision. Impact reviewed on a termly basis.
As above
As above / The child is able to speak about how he is feeling and can recognise a range of emotions in others.
The child is now able to work as part of a small group and has an extending circle of friends with whom he chooses to work.
The child is now achieving a good level of development in The Prime Areas of Learning. He is now a confident and happy member of the class
This child achieved a Good Level of Development. He was able to demonstrate skills and learning at the expected standard in the Specific Areas of Reading, Writing and Maths, as well as the Prime Areas.
Additional, targeted TA support (1 ½ hours per week) / £590 / 1.
New / Targeted small group support, 3 half hour sessions weekly (plus additional half hours for planning, assessment, liaison with teachers) with a focus in first term on the personal, social and emotional development aspects of the Foundation Stage curriculum.
Targeted small group support, 3 half hour sessions weekly (plus additional half hours for planning, assessment, liaison with teachers) with a focus on The Prime Areas of Learning of The Foundation Stage Curriculum. / That these children achieve age related expectations in personal, social and emotional development aspects of the Foundation Stage curriculum
That these children achieve age related expectations in The Prime Areas of Learning by the end of the Summer Term / Class teacher will monitor weekly and feed back to HT termly, evidence will be based of observations of child in the areas of learning and provision. Impact reviewed on a termly basis.
Class teacher will monitor weekly and feed back to HT termly, evidence will be based of observations of child in the areas of learning and provision. Impact reviewed on a termly basis. / Child 1 is now 52months old and is working well within age related expectations of 40-60 months in Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Child 2 is now 54 months old and is just working within age related expectations of 40-60 months in Personal, Social and Emotional Development
As a result of the intervention both children made good progress towards achieving this but are not yet at age related expectations.

C:\Users\tshute.SOUTHOSSETT\Downloads\Pupil-Premium-Report-15-161 (1).docx