Texas Crime Prevention Association

Executive Board Meeting

July 10, 2011

El Paso, Texas


Scott Rhodes President, welcome all and states that we have some members substituting for other Board members. He also counts Board Members present and states that we have a quorum.

Introductions and members in attendance:

Scott Rhodes

Doug Sisk

Jeffery McGowen

Lennon Evans

Cheryl Garst

Steve Garst

Pete Rivera

Daniel McCool

Rosie Salinas

Paul Gonzales

Randy Gardner

Darrell Halstead

Ray Chavez

Jerry ? (representing Chisholm Trail and Jason Keller)

The Pledge is resided by all.

Scott Rhodes, President calls for Regional President’s Reports:

Chisholm Trail: Jerry is filling in for Jason Keller resident of Chisholm Trail. Doug Sisk announces that the bass tournament in April when will and that they are continuing to work on recruiting new members. Talks are being held to discuss a possible merger between North Texas and East Texas and also a combination training sessions. These areas are talking about hosting conference in the Shreveport area in the near future.

North Texas: North Texas is receptive to merger and are looking to hosting a septet class on August 3

Gulf Coast: Pres. Jeffrey McGowan reports that they are region is looking not hosting the 20 13th summer conference and that they are looking at some fund raising bursting golf tournament on September 23 they are also selling briskets at $45 each members are asked to sell at least a couple each. T they are also looking at ACP one training class and are hoping that Mr. Garza will come down and teach CP three in September October.

Central Texas: Pres. Gerald Halsted reports that in April they hosted a CP one training class 30 individuals attended. However due to not meeting quota of students per class IC JS has pulled the plug on those classes with eight or nine students.

Alamo Area: Pres. Paul Gonzales speaks of a free training class on human trafficking in September La Coste Police Department is hosting.

Paul also mentions Conrad Farnhoff is one of the founders of the Alamo Crime Prevention Association who is battling cancer and has a short life span. Pres. Gonzalez also mentions that Alamo area presented Mr. foreign half with a lifetime achievement award several dignitaries were present. Discussion starts on whether Mr. foreign half is a lifetime member with TCPA and if not it is being suggested that McGowan nominate him at the luncheon for a lifetime achievement award. Pres. Gonzalez also mentions a training opportunity on August 1-5 at UTC and Antonio hundred and $150 per student.

East Texas: not represented not attending conference there has been discussion on boundaries. Board Member Daniel McCool offers to be a liaison for TCPA and visit the law enforcement agencies to help kick start the region. Daniel will report to the Association at a later date.

South Texas: Pres. Peter Rivera announces that they now have a contract with the hosting hotel for the midwinter conference. He also mentions how being a table at the Texas school base calm friends to promote the conference in South Padre Island and found that a lot of folks didn't know who TCP 80 was. He mentions people in the Valley interested in joining the South Texas crime prevention Association but asked that we send out a letter inviting them to join. President Scott Rhodes asked Pres. Rivera for the conference chairs for the midwinter conference and Pres. Rivera replied that Bernie and Chief Bardosa from UT are assisting with getting the Exhibitors. Diane Lopez is also assisting with the conference.

West Texas: Pres. Scott Rhodes states that West Texas has no official board of directors he sent 75 e-mails and was in was able to get 11 members to sign up however three of those members decided to sign up with Central Texas so that brought it down to nine members for West Texas. One troubling response I received was this one person would not work with anyone from West Texas for numerous reasons.

Far West Texas: Pres. Chavez from El Paso is working with other law enforcement agencies to receive the necessary training to become adjunct instructors with IC JS therefore offering training to their police officers. Board members advise Pres. Chavez that at this conference if they teach a two-hour block during CP1 or CPTED and are observed by Adjunct Instructor they will then be able to teach and will be allowed to offer CP1, CP2 and CPTED training classes to their officer. Board members talk about Jimmy Meeks observing the class that's being offered at the conference and then suggest that Pres. Chavez speak to him. Pres. Chavez mentions he has only been president of Far West Texas for the past six months and this is the kind of information that he so desperately needs to be able to schedule some training for their officers.

President’s Scott Rhodes Report: much discussion on the home discrepancies of awards Pres. Rhodes announces that he only received 18 to 19 awards which is down from last year and it was well promoted Pres. Rhodes welcomes all to El Paso and that acknowledges Far West Texas for their progress and all that they have done for this conference..

Pres. Rhodes also talks about the awards nominating form and how this form has gone through some changes which have complicated the nominations. Doug Sisk communications offers to make the form of PDF file and therefore no one can make changes to it. Sgt. at arms Lennon Evans suggests that at the bottom of the document that it states a revised date. Pres. Jeffrey McGowan also observed differences between the forms that were used by Tammy in San Antonio conference in what was on the website. Pres. Rhodes states that the only change made to the form was one they added the Horizon award last year and Claude's information as he was now the award chair. There was also mentions God's the form also included outstanding crime prevention program award which was not awarded to anyone and therefore would be left out of the form this year.

Pres. Paul Gonzalez Alamo Area asked if the nominee needs to be a member of TCP in good standing reason being that he is the only TCPA a member and his agency and therefore would have to nominate himself. Discussion on having the regions submit the nomination therefore it would be from a TCP a member. Doug Sisk states that his chief of police for his agency could nominate him. However it is going to take a motion to allow this to happen. More discussion on what should be on this motion by all board members.

Doug Sisk communications: Motions, to add to the application process for awards in section where it talks about the nominator and the nominee must be members in good standing also include if the nominator is their immediate supervisor, Chief or Sheriff will be accepted. Daniel McCool's second the Motion; all were in favor motion passed.

Continuation of Pres. report, donation to Texas Aqua Search Pres. Jeffrey McGowan speaks of Jim Miller of Aqua Search started this program after his daughter was kidnapped with nothing but donations. Discussion on the amount of the donation at one time was $500 at another time it was $1000. Before we vote, Pres. Rhodes asked Pres. Chavez for conference figures are we in the red or black. Pres. Chavez states that he should know on Monday after registration. Daniel McCool states that TCPA has given other nonprofits donations as a one-time event but Aqua Search is an annual event. Jeffery McGowan stated that in him looking for a guest speaker for the conference they had asked John Walsh publicists whom advise that he charged $40,000 and that Jim did it for free. Pres. Darrell Halstead Central Texas stated that we have officers in the Association who are unable to afford paying to attend a CP one CP two or CEPTED classes due to their agencies not having any training funds available and would like for TCPA to support these officers.

Pres. Jeffrey McGowan, Gulf Coast makes a Motion that TCPA make a donation to Texas Aqua Search in the amount of $1500. Motion is second by Daniel McCool Treas. Pres. Scott Rhodes calls for the vote motion passed with two abstentions Pres. Darrell Halstead and 1st VP Steve Garst.

Steve Garst 1st VP: Steve gives an update of CCPS as proficiency certification from TCLOSE and reads from a letter he received. Rosie asked Steve Garst for copy of letter. Jeffrey McGowan Motions that the TCPA should be a TCLOSE Training Provider, this should be overseen by the new training coordinator. Randy Gardner Second the Motion. Pres. Scott Rhodes adds that we should authorize the $1000 toward that goal. Pres. Darrell Halstead suggests that it be added under the training coordinator's responsibilities before he accepts a nomination for the board position. Pres. Jeffrey McGowan states that ICJS were the ones reporting to the conference trainer and asked “what is that going to do; since they will only report their classes”. Pres. Scott Rhodes acknowledges Past President for Central Texas, Deputy James Kitchens having entered the meeting room and has the floor. Deputy James kitchens states; “for clarification because this will come up in future training” ? Where you have any ICJS training going on who will report that? What training provider will handle that training reporting to TCLOSE.

2nd Vice Pres.: no report.

3rd Vice Pres.: Doug Sisk speaks of changes to the website and about the links that were on their previously. TCPA sponsor's logos will be advertised on the website however third-party sponsors willing carry $25. Board members ask about PayPal to twitter and Face book Doug mentions that we don't have someone to printer and Face book all day. Doug asked that all regional presidents send in letters news articles pictures and training being offered for the newsletter. Doug states that El Paso does a lot with Face book and perhaps Pres. Chavez would be interested in taking some of that responsibility.

Sec. Rosie Salinas: minutes were previously voted an accepted Rosie made changes as requested by Pres. Scott Rhodes has sent them out to the board via e-mail

Treasures report Daniel McCool: provided treasures report to Sec. total available funds 40,660 722 is comprised of compass Bank cash deposit 26,671.08 and compass Bank checking 13,891.62 and PayPal account $104.52. Available cash $44,052.92, TCPA merchandise inventory $10,043.25 total assets and accounts receivable and payable $54,096.17. The Audit Committee validation was done by Pres. Paul González president Ray Chavez and Sgt. at arms Lennon Evans.

Pres. Jeffrey McGowan Motions to accept treasures report and second by Steve Garst. Pres. Scott Rhodes calls for the vote all those in favor motion passed no abstentions.

Daniel McCool treasure talks about TCPA merchandise and also about purchasing the electronic ledger software Peachtree for $220. Doug Sisk asks Daniel McCool if the company would like to be a sponsor we could put a link on our website with their logo. Doug suggested that Daniel speak to Keith about adding a Pay Pal button on the website.

Pres. Scott Rhodes announces that Laura Tobias is not present and calls for Cheryl Garst membership chair for her report. Cheryl submits in writing with the state membership numbers and is available upon request from the secretary. Cheryl states that in 2011 total members recorded were 488; 2010 total members recorded were 569; 2009 total members recorded were 602 and 2008 total members recorded were547. Cheryl states that 588 memberships have expired as of December 31, 2010 of those 589 memberships 48 certified crime prevention specialist certifications have expired. Cheryl asked if any regional president wanted a list of those that lost their CCPS certifications to come by the membership desk and talk to her about it.

Sgt. at Arms, Lennon Evans states that some of their members lost their certifications or memberships due to some of the officers being moved to the Jail and not being allowed to attend any of the training or conferences.

Pres. Scott Rhodes announces that Past President, Tammy Snider is not present.

Pres. Scott Rhodes asked Doug Sisk for an update on the A/V Equipment. Doug was tasked with coming up with standards for purchasing $500 worth of A/V equipment per region. Discussion was on purchasing a projector one year and a screen the following year. This equipment would be used by local regions and conference hosting regions. There is an opportunity to purchase several items at one time and therefore lowering the cost per item at Best Buy. A conference vendor is married to a man that works for Best Buy and could give us a good price per item.

Cheryl Garst membership chair, Motions to allow Doug Sisk to go forth with finalizing A/V equipment for regions. Daniel McCool seconds the Motion. Pres. Jeffrey McGowan adds that TCPA reimburse Doug for the cost of gas used by Doug to travel for the cause. Pres. Scott Rhodes calls for the Vote all those in favor motion passes.

Old business: Pres. Scott Rhodes asked board members for travel reimbursements. Doug Sisk needs reimbursement for five nights; Lennon Evans for three nights and Rosie Salinas 5 nights and airfare Daniel McCool for three nights. Daniel McCool has requested to be reimbursed for half of his fuel as he drove to El Paso with TCPA merchandise. Jeffrey McGowan Motions to reimburse Daniel for half of his fuel cost. Pres. Rhodes calls for a vote all those in favor Motion passes.

Pres. McGowan Gulf Coast asked if we can vote on the 2013 conference at this conference being held in El Paso Texas. Pres. Rhodes states that we could but we need a general idea of the hotel and possibly a room rate. Pres. McGowan states Moody Gardens and asked does it need to be in July. Pres. Rhodes states that it has traditionally been held in July. Pres. McGowan states that the hotel is willing to give us a better rate in August.